Young Readers—Book Summaries

American History     European History     Ancient History     Bible and Saint Stories    Legends and Folklore     Historical Anecdotes    Twins of the World    

Colored stars are provided to indicate texts of special interest or importance.
Red Stars indicate comprehensive histories. Only a few books in the Young Readers collection can be considered comprehensive history.
Gold Stars indicate recommended books of exceptional interest and quality.
All the books in this collection can be read by grammar school students, but the easiest-to-read books for youngest students are indicated by Green Stars.

American History

America First   by Lawton Evans
This delightful collection of stories from America's past recounts one hundred interesting and romantic incidents from America's history, and provides character sketches of dozens of early American heroes and heroines. It makes no attempt to relate or explain complicated government issues and does not provide a chronological or comprehensive account, but instead focuses on interesting stories and reads like a book of fairy tales. 151 credits

Great Americans   by Edward Eggleston
This book is a popular introduction to American history for very young readers. It contains dozens of simply told stories of warriors, statesmen, explorers, scientists, inventors, men and women of letters, and other famous Americans. Featured are Marquette in Iowa, Penn and the Indians, Thomas Smith and the beginning of rice culture in South Carolina, Franklin and the ants, Putnam and the wolf, and dozens of other stories. The collection of sketches features inspirational stories as well as short histories.62 credits

American Life and Adventure   by Edward Eggleston
This book is a companion to Eggleston's well-known Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans. While the former volume focused mainly on statesmen, soldiers, and inventors, this volume contains thirty fascinating stories from America's early years that do not relate to political history. Instead they are drawn to reflect the adventures and unusual incidents of explorers, colonists, sailors, townsfolk, and regular citizens. 84 credits

The Story of Abraham Lincoln   by M. A. Hamilton
This easy-to-read biography of Abraham Lincoln is perfect for grammar and middle school students. It is short but detailed enough to give inspiring insights into Lincoln's character so that his heroism during the terrible years of the Civil War can be fully appreciated. The book covers many important events from his childhood and recounts the long political career that eventually led to the White house. The final chapters deal with his leadership during America's greatest trial, and show how his firm conviction, honesty, and perseverance sustained him during our nation's critical hour. 39 credits

The Story of Columbus   by G. M. Imlach
The Story of Columbus does not end when he discovered the American continents in 1492. In his lifetime he made four voyages to the New World and instead of enjoying honor and rewards, he suffered much due to jealous colleagues and scheming courtiers. The promise of gold brought out the worst in everyone, as this book, which retraces the years both before and after Columbus's great discovery, makes clear. The life of the great explorer provides a fascinating character study in a thoughtful manner appropriate for intermediate readers.35 credits

The Men Who Found America   by F. W. Hutchinson
This book provides an excellent introduction to the exploration of the Americas. It provides adventure packed short biographies of Columbus, Cortez, Pizarro, Hudson, La Salle, Balboa, De Vaca, Raleigh, Champlain, and many others. The author is very even handed in his treatment of explorers and Indians, and makes moral distinctions between the most abusive conquistadors, and the relatively noble missionary explorers.49 credits

Stories of the Pilgrims   by M. B. Pumphrey
Beginning with Queen Anne's visit to Scrooby inn, this book tells stories of the everyday life of the Pilgrims in England and Holland, of their voyage on the Mayflower and of their adventures in the New World. The Brewster children and other Pilgrim boys and girls are the center of interest. A wonderful book to read aloud in the weeks before Thanksgiving. 86 credits

American History Stories - I   by Mara L. Pratt
This first of a four volume series written for older grammar school children covers American History from the landing of Columbus through the French and Indian Wars. The voyages of Francis Drake, the landing of the Pilgrims, the founding of New York and Philadelphia, the Salem witchcraft trials, and King Philips's War are some of the other topics covered. The series is nicely illustrated and organized in short, easily read chapters. 62 credits

American History Stories - II   by Mara L. Pratt
This second volume in Pratt's American History Series covers the Revolutionary War in Detail. It tells a variety of short stories about interesting events associated with the Revolution, including the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's ride, the Capture of Ticonderoga, the winter at Valley Forge. It also introduces many of the heroes of the revolution including Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Israel Putnam, Lafayette, and many others. 62 credits

American History Stories - III   by Mara L. Pratt
The third volume in Pratt's American History Series covers the time from the end of the Revolutionary War to the middle of the 19th century. Topic include the administrations of Washington and Jefferson, the War of 1812 and various Indian Wars, and interesting characters such as Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Zachary Taylor, William Henry Harrison, and John Brown. 62 credits

American History Stories - IV   by Mara L. Pratt
The fourth volume in Pratt's American History Series covers the Civil War from the beginning of Lincoln's first term to his assassination following the Union victory. In addition to military history, such as the battles of New Orleans, Vicksburg and Gettysburg, and Sherman's march to the sea, cultural subjects are discussed. Sketches of the lives of slaves, hymns and folksongs, and civil war era folktales are interspersed with the story of the progress of the war. 76 credits

Stories from Uncle Tom's Cabin   by H. E. Marshall
This short retelling of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin tells the life stories of a number of slaves and slave-owners in the south, and shows the detrimental effects of servitude on both master and slave. It follows the original story faithfully and does an excellent job of depicting complex character development in a brief space. 48 credits

Ruth of Boston   by James Otis
This book follows the story of Ruth, a Puritan girl of ten who travels to the new world and is one of the earliest settlers of the New England colony that formed around Boston. The book emphasizes episodes from the daily life of a Puritan settler, such as preparing food, attending church and school, and doing household chores. Relations with the Indians and historical events are all portrayed from a Puritan's viewpoint. 67 credits

Richard of Jamestown   by James Otis
This book follows the life of Richard, a poor boy from London, who finding himself homeless and alone in the world, sets sail with Captain John Smith for the Jamestown colony in the new world. The book closely follows the historical events recorded by John Smith, but they are relayed from a young boys point of view and emphasis issues related to daily life, such as hunting and building fortifications, as well as historical events. 68 credits

Stephen of Philadelphia   by James Otis
This book follows the life of a young Quaker boy from London whose goes to settle the New World with a group of colonists sent by William Penn. The story covers the earliest days of the settlement that would grow to became Philadelphia and emphasizes both the industry and resourcefulness of the settlers and the complicated religious and political differences between the Quaker and other colonists. 69 credits

Seth of Colorado   by James Otis
This book tells the story of Seth, a young man who travels to Colorado with a family intent on homesteading in the area. After farming for a short time, Seth opens a store in the pioneer town of Auraria, across the river from an outpost at Denver. The families survive fires and flood and eventually see Denver grow into a substantial town.60 credits

Hannah of Kentucky   by James Otis
This book recounts the story of Hannah, whose family is closely associated with that of the great pioneer, Daniel Boone. Her father follows Boone to the wilderness fortress at Boonesborough and shares in many of his adventures. The story emphasizes the daily activities of pioneer life in a remote fortification, but also touches on historical events related to the siege of Boonesborough in 1778. 62 credits

Peter of New Amsterdam   by James Otis
This book tells the story of Peter, an orphaned Puritan living in the Holland who is sent as a worker to New Amsterdam (now New York), in the New World. He comes of age during the Anglo-Dutch war that led to the Dutch colony falling into the hands of the English, and the story of his life introduces students to contemporary customs and historical events. 64 credits

European History

Old Time Tales   by Lawton Evans
This collection of over forty stories and legends from history are related by a master-story teller. They are perfect for reading individually or aloud. Most of the stories are from European history, since the author's other volume, America First, relates American stories. Well know stories such as William Tell, Joan of Arc, and the death of Roland are told, as well as lesser known classics such as "The Mouse Tower," "Dmitri the Pretender," and "Berth of the Big Foot."119 credits

Viking Tales   by Jennie Hall
This book follows the story of Harald Fairhair from the time he is given his own thrall at the cutting of his first tooth, through his exploits as a Viking adventurer, to his crowning as King of Norway. Then population pressures at home and eagerness for adventure and booty from other lands combine to drive some of the bolder Vikings to set forth from their native land. Sailing ever westward across the Atlantic, they hop along the chain of islands that loosely connects Norway with America in search of home and adventure. 58 credits

Stories from English History   by Hilda Skae
This book recounts six stories from early English history, written for grammar school students, beginning with the Celtic hero Caradoc and ending with Sir Francis Drake. Other tales include the story of Augustine of Kent and the conversion of the Saxons to Christianity, William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings, King John and the murder of his rival Prince Arthur, and the story of the Black Prince at Crecy and Poitiers. 41 credits

Stories from French History   by Lena Dalkeith
This beautifully illustrated book tells seven of the most picturesque stories from the history of France. They include the story of Clovis and his Queen Clotilda, Charlemagne, Saint Louis the Crusader, Joan of Arc, the Huguenots and the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, the French Revolution and Marie Antoinette, and Napoleon Bonaparte.37 credits

Stories of the Vikings   by Mary Macgregor
This book gives a brief history of the early kings of Norway, starting with Harald Fairhair (c. 860) , who first brought dozens of separate Viking kingdoms under a single rule, to the conversion of Norway from a Pagan to a Christian kingdom, under Olaf Trygveson (c. 1015). The explorations of Leif Erikson and his family are also covered. 44 credits

The Story of Robert Bruce   by Jeanie Lang
This story of Robert Bruce, hero of Scotland, is an action packed tale of one of the greatest patriotic heroes of Scotland. Deprived of his crown by Edward I. of England, who had completely subjugated Scotland by the time he came of age, he won back Scotland's independence against terrific odds. With lots of hand-to-hand combat, treachery, and larger-than-life action, the story of Robert the Bruce is one of the greatest adventure-dramas in English history. 47 credits

The Story of Joan of Arc   by Andrew Lang
Joan of Arc was a peasant girl with no political connections, and no knowledge of military affairs when she led the armies of France against the English at Orleans, and turned the tide of the 100 years war. The strange story of her rise from obscurity and eventual martyrdom would scarcely be believable if it had not been investigated and recorded in detail while she was still alive, by her mortal enemies, and others who hoped to discredit her. This book tells her story at just the right level of detail for older grammar and middle school students. 36 credits

The Story of Francis Drake   by Mrs. O. Elton
Sir Francis Drake was one of the most colorful characters in Elizabethan England. He was a sworn enemy of the Spanish and spent many years plundering their ships and towns in the new world, both to enrich himself and to strike a blow at England's most threatening enemy. He was only the second European, after Magellan, to pass Cape Horn in South America and sail around the world, but it is his daring feats and audacious exploits against Spain for which he is best known.38 credits

The Story of Raleigh   by M. D. Kelly
Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the most famous courtiers of Queen Elizabeth. He is best known for his efforts to establish an English colonies in the New World, first in Newfoundland, then at Jamestown in Virginia. Raleigh was also a literary figure. He introduced Edmund Spenser (of Faerie Queen Fame), to Elizabeth's court, and wrote several books himself during his long imprisonment under King James I. 38 credits

The Story of Lord Clive   by John Lang
Robert Clive was a controversial, but extremely effective soldier, who is credited with gaining India for the British Empire. Though he started his career as a mere clerk for the East India Company, he was thrust into a series of adventures during which he showed extraordinary daring, and military genius. He made a great name for himself, and through a series of astounding victories, secured a foothold in several of the most important provinces of India.32 credits

The Story of Captain Cook   by John Lang
Captain James Cook is famous for his discoveries of New Zealand and Australia, but his contributions to British naval supremacy were many. He was the most outstanding captain of his age, and the care he took to keep his crews healthy eliminated the threat of scurvy, the great scourge of sailors. His meticulous charts, and attention to detail set a new standard in sea-faring and navigation. 34 credits

The Story of Napoleon   by H. E. Marshall
This book tells the story of Napoleon, one of the most outstanding characters in European history, in a manner appropriate for grammar and middle school students. Napoleon was a young Corsican officer at the time of the French Revolution. He distinguished himself first in the French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1798) and by 1804 had established himself as the undisputed head of France and crowned himself emperor. During the following decade he brought all of Europe under his power before losing everything after his disastrous march on Russia. He remains one of the most controversial characters of history. 35 credits

The Story of Nelson   by Edmund F. Sellar
Nelson was one of the most popular and romantic naval heroes of all history. He went to sea at an early age, but first made a name for himself at the Battle of St. Vincent, in 1797. From that time until his death at Trafalgar in 1805, he led the British navy in several daring and audacious sea-fights, including the Nile and Copenhagen. His victories gave Britain undisputed control of the seas at a time she was at great threat from an invasion by Napoleon.40 credits

Stories of William Tell    by H. E. Marshall
This children's biography of William Tell treats the historical as well as the legendary aspects of the Great Swiss hero. It describes the oppressions of the forest Cantons at the hands of their imperial overlords and how the Swiss fought to gain their independence. The Story of William Tell is told in the context of the great patriot's heroic resistance to Gessler, the brutal governor of Albrecht, Duke of Austria. 33 credits

Stories from Pilgrim's Progress   by Mary Macgregor
This version of Bunyan's Classic Christian allegory is adapted for young children and is very effective as a short but entertaining morality tale. It tells the story of a Christian pilgrim on his journey along the 'straight and narrow' road. Along the route he encounters such characters as 'Obstinate', 'Pliable', 'Hopeful', and 'Goodwill', and passes the 'Slough of Despond' and 'Vanity Fair'. His is briefly imprisoned at 'Doubting Castle', the domicile of 'Giant Despair' before escaping and continuing on his journey to the 'celestial city.' 38 credits

Stories from Gulliver's Travels   by John Lang
This accessible and humorous retelling of Swift's classic Gulliver's Travels recounts the story of two of Gulliver's most famous voyages. In Lilliput, Gulliver is captured by midgets but he eventually wins their trust by helping them fight their enemies from the Island Blefuscu. He then travels to Brobdingnag, the land of the giants where he is kept as a pet by the king. Most of the political allusions from the original are above the heads of young students, but the story itself is highly entertaining. 36 credits

Stories from Robinson Crusoe    by John Lang
The Story of Robinson Crusoe was one of the first widely read novels in the English language, and it follows the adventures of an Englishman stranded on a remote Island in the Caribbean for almost thirty years. The original book is philosophical as well as an adventure story, but the underlying story is of utmost interest, especially to imaginative boys. This rendition is a very well done simplification suitable for grammar school age students. 37 credits

Robinson Crusoe    by James Baldwin
This story of Robinson Crusoe for children was adapted to be easy to read for young children. It Relates how the shipwrecked sailor makes a new life for himself on the island, crafting shelter, food, and clothing for himself from the few tools he rescued from the ship and what he is able to find on the island. Living alone for over twenty years before he is finally rescued, he reinvents almost everything necessary for daily sustenance. Even very young children delight in this inspiring tale.71 credits

Stories of Don Quixote   by James Baldwin
This adapted version of Cervantes' classic Don Quixote was rewritten to make it accessible to grammar school children. The tone and humor of the original is well preserved. Cervantes' original is famous for its portrayal of quirky characters, and Baldwin's book does an excellent job of faithfully representing these fascinating townsfellows.98 credits

Our Little Saxon Cousin   by Julia D. Cowles
This book tells the story of a Saxon boy name Turgar who lived at the during the age of Alfred the Great. He was educated at Crowland abbey and was present during its sacking by the Danes. The story tells the details of his life at the abbey and shows how the monasteries were an important part of mediaeval life. After many adventures, Turgar joins the army of Alfred the Great to help keep Britain safe from the Danish invaders. 34 credits

Our Little Norman Cousin   by Evaleen Stein
A story of Normandy in the time of William the Conqueror, giving a vivid picture of manners and customs through the eyes of two boys of the court. Describes castle life, dress, amusements, training for knighthood, and other aspects of feudal life. Also relates stories of William's early days, as well as tales of his Norsemen forefathers, Duke Robert the Magnificent, Little Duke Richard, and Rolf the Ganger.41 credits

Our Little Crusader Cousin   by Evaleen Stein
The story of Hugh, page to King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England, and Raymond, page to Count William of France, and their adventures in Palestine during the third crusade. Through their eyes we see how, even with all their quarrels and failures, the men of the third crusade left a lasting record of gallant and heroic deeds.48 credits

Our Little Celtic Cousin   by Evaleen Stein
The story of Ferdiad, a boy of Ireland in the time of High King Brian Boru, when the Danes were pillaging the Irish countryside. How his foster-father Angus becomes poet to the High King and how Ferdiad himself recovers a lost treasure. Gives a glimpse into the customs and social life of the Celts, with special emphasis on their artistic achievements, including the Book of Kells and the stories of Cuculain.37 credits

Our Little Viking Cousin   by C. H. Johnston
This book tells the story of a Viking boy named Biarne who travels with Leif Erikson on his voyage to Vinland in North America around the year 1000. He lives the life of a Viking adventurer, building a boat, crossing the ocean and helping to establish a settlement on in the new land. Eventually the small tribe of Vikings is attacked by natives, which they call Skrellings, and have to return to their base settlement at Greenland, but not without many treasures from the new land.49 credits

Stories from Greek History   by Ethelwyn Lemon
In this short, but beautifully told book, only six of the many inspiring stories from Geek History could be told. They include the story of Solon, the law-giver of Athens, Themistocles and the battle of Salamis, Pelopidas and Epaminondas and the Boeotian Wars, Timoloen and the liberation of Sicily, Demosthenes, the orator of Athens, and Alexander the Great.36 credits

Stories from Roman History   by Lena Dalkeith
This children's book was written as a first introduction to Roman history for elementary students. It is too short to introduce Roman history in a comprehensive manner, but instead recounts stories about some of the most famous heroes of Republic Rome. Subjects include Horatius and Coriolanus, heroes of the early Republic; Hannibal, Fabius Cunctator, and Scipio Africanus, military leaders of the Punic Wars; and Pompey and Julius Caesar, protagonists of the Caesarean Civil War, which brought the republic to an end. 40 credits

Stories from the Iliad   by Jeanie Lang
This version of Homer's Iliad is part of the Told to the Children series. It is greatly condensed, beautifully illustrated, and recounted in a suitable manner for younger children. The story of The Iliad, begins with the legend of the goddesses and the golden apple, and ends with the death of Hector, but does not include the fall of Troy. A good first introduction to Homer for young grammar school students. 39 credits

Stories from the Odyssey   by Jeanie Lang
This short version of Homer's Odyssey is part of the Told to the Children series. It is significantly shorted, nicely illustrated, and told in a manner that is suitable for young children. The adventures of Odysseus, a Greek soldier returning from the Trojan war, begin in the land of the Lotus Eater, and continue with his encounters with Cyclopes, Circe, the Sirens, and Calypso before he returns home to Ithaca, where his faithful wife Penelope awaits him.39 credits

Aesop for Children   by Milo Winter
This beautifully illustrated version of Aesop's fables is one of the most popular renditions of Aesop's Fables ever published. It is just as delightful for adults and older children as it is for beginning readers, and like much of the other literature that descends to us from Ancient Greece, reminds us of the sophisticated wisdom of the classical sages. The illustrations are exceptional and make these delightful stories even more memorable. 82 credits

Our Little Spartan Cousin   by Julia D. Cowles
This book tells the story of Chartas, a young Spartan growing up during the years immediately preceding the Persian War. Many Spartan customs are described and the manner in which young boys were raised from an early age to be soldiers is well portrayed. The book closes before the famous battle of Thermopylae, but the events in Greece leading up to the war are covered and several well-known Spartans who played a role in that conflict are introduced.57 credits

Our Little Athenian Cousin   by Julia D. Cowles
This book tells the story of an Athenian boy named Hiero who lived in Athens during the age of Pericles, around the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. One of the main characters is a sculptor and the story emphasizes the artistic achievements of the Greeks during the golden age of the Athenian empire. 43 credits

Our Little Roman Cousin   by Julia D. Cowles
This book tells the story of Marcus, a young boy who lived in the final years of the Roman Republic during the age of Julius Caesar and Cicero. The focus of this children's book is less on political events than on the everyday life of a boy growing to manhood during the close of the Republican era. 37 credits

Our Little Carthaginian Cousin   by C. V. Winlow
This story about a Carthaginian boy named Hanno takes place during the era between the first and second Punic Wars. Instead of focusing on historical events, the author emphasizes the customs and daily lives of typical Carthaginian of the era. The drama of the story peaks when Hanno rescues his sister from the murderous priests of Carthage, and eventually joins the army of Hannibal.36 credits

Bible and Saint Stories

Heroes of Israel   by Lawton Evans
This collection of ninety Bible stories cover the entire Old Testament from Genesis to Nehemiah, and was authored by a master story teller. It recounts the stories from the Bible most suitable for youngsters in beautiful prose. The illustrations are few, but of extraordinary quality.130 credits

Nursery Book of Bible Stories   by Amy Steedman
This beautifully illustrated book retells many of the most famous stories from the Bible, especially those most appealing to youngsters. It includes twenty-four stories from the Old Testament and twelve stories from the New Testament, each told in the manner of a children's tale. The pictures that accompany these Bible stories are outstanding. 82 credits

In God's Garden   by Amy Steedman
This book features engaging saint stories that were selected to be especially appealing to young children. The inspirational stories of both legendary and historical saints are told with emphasis on the life of faith. Children's Christian heroes include Saints Ursula, Benedict, Christopher, Catherine of Siena, Augustine of Hippo, Augustine of Canterbury, Cecilia, Giles, Nicholas, Faith, Cosmo and Damian, Martin, George, and Francis of Assisi. A dozen illustrated are included.55 credits

Saint Christopher   by Mary Macgregor
This beautifully illustrated book tells the charming story of two romantic saints from Christian History. The first tells the tale of Saint Christopher, a giant of a soldier who sought for Christ and eventually bore the weight of the Christ Child's burden. The second tells the story of Cuthbert, the renowned saint of Lindisfarne, to whom dozens of miracles are attributed.22 credits

Saints and Friendly Beasts   by Abbie F. Brown
Everyone has heard the Story of St. Francis of Assisi, but there were many other saints who tamed wild beasts, had special relationships with certain animals, and treated all living creatures with kindness. This book tells many of these lesser known stories of saints and their beasts, such as St. Bridget and the wolf and St. Cuthbert and his birds.67 credits

God's Troubadour   by Sophie Jewett
This story relates how a gay, courtly young soldier, who grew up amid wealth and privilege became a knight of Jesus Christ. After he had a vision went on a pilgrimage he gave up earthly ambitions and vowed devotion to Lady Poverty. He founded the Franciscan order of monks and proved himself a 'little brother' to all men, and a friend even to the birds and beasts. It is a charming tale and a Christian classic.34 credits

Stories from the Old Testament   by Louey Chisholm
This collection of Bible stories, which focus on the early patriarchs and are taken mostly from Genesis and Exodus. The book is part of the Told to the Children series and is relatively short, so that it confines itself to some of the most famous stories of the Old Testament, including those of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses. The stories are engagingly told and beautifully illustrated. 36 credits

Stories from the Life of Christ   by Janet Kelman
These thirty short stories from the New Testament cover the gospels from the birth of Christ to the Ascension. They are beautifully illustrated and written in an appealing manner for grammar school children. Stories from the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus are told along with a dozen parables. 44 credits

Legends and Folklore

Stories from King Arthur   by Mary Macgregor
This book tell six stories from the legends of King Arthur and his knights. Most, however, involve the adventures of knights of the round table, are less well-known than the stories of Arthur himself. Four of the stories are love stories between knights and their fair ladies: Geraint and Enid, Lancelot and Elaine, Pelleas and Ettarde, and Gareth and Lynette. The final two stories involve the great heroes, Sir Galahad and King Arthur.37 credits

Stories of Guy of Warwick   by H. E. Marshall
This story tells of the wondrous deeds of Guy of Warwick, a gallant knight of old who falls in love with a noble lady and must prove his valor with deeds of chivalry. Most of the stories of this illustrious knights of old England are legendary, and feature monsters, giants and lions and well as villains of every stripe. 35 credits

Stories of Robin Hood   by H. E. Marshall
This lively retelling of the Stories of Robin Hood chronicles the events of the time in which Robin Hood lived, while the heroic Richard the Lion-hearted was absent from England and the kingdom was under the rule of his devious brother. The story recounts how and why he came to live in the Greenwood, and the adventures he had there with Little John, Maid Marian, and the Sheriff of Nottingham in a manner attractive to youngsters.40 credits

Book of Legends   by Horace Scudder
This book includes short renditions of eighteen of the most famous legends in Western civilization. Included are the stories of St. George and the Dragon, William Tell, King Cophetua, St. Christopher, The Wandering Jew, and the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, all retold in fine English prose. Stories from Greek and Roman times, Christian and Biblical stores, and tales from the middle ages are all included in this small volume, easily read by an older grammar school student.31 credits

Page - Esquire - Knight   by Marion Lansing
Presents the best stories of all periods of chivalry, from the days of the founding of the Round Table to the death of Chevalier Bayard. It sets forth in simple story form the development and progress of knighthood from the time of St. George, who won his spurs by killing the dragon, to the founding, a thousand years later, of the order which bore his name and embodied in its ritual the highest ceremonial of chivalry. With its explanation of the meaning of the degrees of knighthood, its description of quests and tourneys, and its outline of the great events of chivalry, this volume will serve as a good introduction to the later reading of Arthurian and other romances, and of the history of Charlemagne's wars and the crusades.58 credits

Stories of Roland    by H. E. Marshall
This attractively illustrated book tells ten stories from the Song of Roland, one of the most illustrious knights of Romance. The famous hero was a nephew of Charlemagne and the most valorous Peer of France. Stories are told relating how Roland and Oliver fought and died at the battle of Roncesvalles, of Charlemagne's vengeance on Marsil the Saracen and of the punishment of the traitor Ganelon.36 credits

Stories of Beowulf    by H. E. Marshall
This volume retells the famous Anglo-Saxon saga in the manner of a folktale, with the heroic qualities emphasized. It relates how Beowulf, the hero of the Saxons, came to Daneland and how he overcame the ogre Grendel and the water witch. It closes with the story of how the fire dragon warred with the Goth folk and how Beowulf fought his last fight.32 credits

Stories of Siegfried   by Mary Macgregor
Siegfried is the central character in this legend, skillfully adapted from the Nibelung, an old German poem, full of strange adventures of tiny dwarves and stalwart mortals. In this retelling of the ancient legend, Siegfried wins the accursed Rhineland treasure, takes Kriemhild as bride, and comes to an untimely end, passing the curse of the Rheingold on to his enemies.41 credits

Jataka Tales   by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Jatakas are 'birth stories' based on sacred Buddhist texts from the east. These eighteen fables from the Jatakas of India are skillfully retold and strikingly illustrated. They include The Monkey and the Crocodile, The Merchant of Seri, The Turtle Who Wouldn't Stop Talking, The Foolish Timid Rabbit, The Banyan Deer, and many others. 33 credits

More Jataka Tales   by Ellen C. Babbitt
This is the second volume of The Jataka tales, or 'birth stories', that are based on sacred Buddhist texts, some dating as far back as the third century B. C. They are among the oldest collection of folklore extant, and like Aesop's fables, teach interesting moral and life lessons with the use of interesting characters. 32 credits

Stories from the Arabian Nights   by Amy Steedman
Like most other books from the Told to the Children series, this book condenses its source volume, Arabian Nights by restricting itself to only a few tales so that each can be told with great interest. The selected stories are relatively famous selections, including Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Aladdin and the Lamp, The Enchanted Horse, and Sinbad the Sailor.42 credits

Historical Anecdotes

Fifty Famous Stories   by James Baldwin
This book includes fifty tales describing romantic episodes from history and legend. Most are in the form of brief anecdotes of the lives of well-known heroes or in the history of a people. This book was originally intended as a historical reader, and was widely used in public schools throughout the United States. The stories are selected to be appealing to young children and to lay the foundation for broader literary studies, since nearly all are alluded to frequently in poetry and prose.71 credits

Fifty Famous People   by James Baldwin
The second of a three volume series of historical readers, this book emphasizes stories from the lives of famous individuals. Some of these persons were more famous than others, yet all have left enduring footprints in the "sands of time," and their names will be long remembered. Though not strictly biographical, each of the stories contains a basis of truth and an ethical lesson which cannot fail to have a wholesome influence. Each story is full of interest and will delight the children with whom it is shared. 66 credits

Thirty Famous Stories    by James Baldwin
This volume was written by the author in answer to the requests of hundreds of children for more stories like the ones they had enjoyed in Fifty Famous Stories Retold. This volume includes stories of historical events, scientific discoveries, and legendary heroes and was intended for slightly more sophisticated students than the previous two volumes in the series. The richer vocabulary and more complicated plot elements in these stories gradually accustom children to following a longer narrative. 79 credits

Historical Twin Series

Eskimo Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
Share the adventures of Menie and Monnie, 5 year-old twins in an Eskimo village, where the villagers have to provide for all their own needs. Their father, Kesshoo, is a brave fisherman and strong hunter and their mother Koolee is clever in making clothing and shoes out of the skins of the animals which he brings home. We watch the twins as they spot a polar bear while coasting on their sleds, then join with the villagers in the sharing of the meat and the feasting afterwards. Among the other activities they enjoy are ice fishing, building a snow house, hunting for seals, and traveling by boat to their summering ground where they catch salmon to dry for the winter. Children are captivated by the humor and playfulness in this community where the winter night lasts for four long months!49 credits

Puritan Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
Daniel and Nancy are 12 year-old twins growing up in Puritan New England during the seventeenth century. As the children of farmers, much of their time is spent helping their parents around the homestead, but the family has an opportunity to go on a sailing expedition and returns to Plymouth rock, the landing place of the pilgrim fathers.47 credits

Japanese Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
Join Taro and Take, 5 year-old Japanese twins, as they greet a new baby brother, play in their garden, and thrill to the sights they see when they ride in rickshaws to the temple to have their new brother blessed. A rainy day finds them painting pictures with colored sands and harnessing beetles with thread, then preparing for their first day of school. The story concludes with the celebration of their birthday-on different days! For Take and all the other girls in Japan celebrate their birthday on one day with a Feast of Dolls, and Taro and all the boys celebrate on another day with a Feast of Flags.46 credits

Scotch Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
Jean and Jock Campbell are 12 year-old twins who live in the highlands of Scotland near the turn of the century. After helping out on their parents farm, cleaning the house, tending the rabbits, and observing the Sabbath, the twins befriend a new neighbor. Their adventures with their new friend involves poachers, game-keepers and the death of the Auld Laird. 59 credits

Belgian Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
As the Germans invade Belgium 9 year old twins Jan and Marie experience the horrors of the First World War. Separated from their mother and father after a bombing raid, the children meet with much danger as they search for their missing parents. In the course of their search they assist a family of refugees, and are themselves sent as refugees out of the country before being reunited with their family.49 credits

Dutch Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
Through the eyes of Kit and Kat, 5 year-old twins, we catch a glimpse of life in Holland a century ago. We follow them as they go fishing with grandfather, join their father on market day, help their mother around the house, drive the milk cart, and get new skates. The story draws to a close on St. Nicholas Day when St. Nicholas himself pays them a visit.50 credits

French Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
In the threatening atmosphere of the first world war, 9 year-old twins Pierre and Pierette brave the dangers of the German invasion in their home town of Rheims. In the midst of daily bombing from the Germans, they carry on their daily activities to the best of their abilities. When the danger grows to great they flee with their parents to a safer village where they meet with American soldiers.51 credits

Swiss Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
In their small Swiss village, Seppi and Leneli, share adventures and trouble as they help their parents on their farm. Join them as they take care of their sister, baby Roseli, herd goats in the mountains, get lost during a mountain storm, and make friends with other mountain dwellers. 32 credits

Spartan Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
This book provides an excellent glimpse into the lives of two young Spartan children. Ten-year-old Dion and Daphne live the simple life of Spartans on an island near Athens. One day their father takes them on a journey to Athens, where they admire for the first time the splendor of the city. During their visit they become involved in several adventures and meet the great leader Pericles.43 credits

Mexican Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
Tonio and Tita are 8 year-old twins who live on a great hacienda. Their parents work for the Spanish senor who owns the estate, and Tita and Tonio help out around the homestead. While gathering firewood the twins overhear a rebel who is trying to raise an army to overthrow the government and return land to the common people. Will the twins father join the revolutionary army, and if so, what will happen to the family? Read their story to find out.54 credits