Wars and Revolutions—1640-1950

"The time to buy is when there is blood in the street."
Baron Rothschild

Wars and Revolutions that have been fomented, funded, and controlled by secret societies include almost all major conflicts in the last three hundred years. Most modern wars—including all those listed below—have begun as a result of a "false flag" or provocation that can be traced to secret powers who benefit from conflict and upheaval.

Glorious Revolution       British Empire       Revolutionary France       Revolutions of 1848       Russian Revolution       American Wars I       American Wars II       Italian 'Unification'       Spanish Civil War       Latin America       World Wars

"All Wars are Banker's Wars"

Great fortunes are made during times of upheaval. Conflicts result in enormous changes in the possession of property and the expansion of debt. Nations borrow money to fund wars and to rebuild after wars. Long held personal property is often destroyed, confiscated, or sold at a great loss. There is a direct link between those who benefit financially from conflicts and those who work behind the scenes to foment wars and revolutions.

From Congressional Testimony of T. Cushing Daniels, Comptroller of the U.S. Treasury circa. 1918

"When going through the Bank of England I presented a letter which I had from Secretary Hay, and the official of the bank was very polite. He took me through the bank and when we got back to the reception room I asked him if he would allow me to put a few leading questions to him. He said he would, and I asked him if he would give me a statement of the Bank of England.

B.E.: 'We do not issue statements.'
Daniel: 'Does not the House of Parliament sometimes call on you for some statement as to the condition of the bank?'
B.E.: 'No, sir; they do not call on us.' . . . .
Daniel: 'How is it that some of these revolutionists, so-called, do not get up in the House of Commons and raise the devil to know something about what is going on down here? That would be the condition in our country.'
B.E.: 'Oh most of them are large borrowers from the bank, and we have no difficulty with them.' (laughter.)"

England's 'Glorious Revolution'

The influence of Secret Societies on English history long predates the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688 but it was the 'Revolution Settlement' concocted by William III and his backers that transformed England from a monarchy to an oligarchy, nominally governed by Parliament but effectively controlled by the plutocrats of the 'City of London'.

Within the first few years of William III's reign he granted permanent privileges and sovereign status to the 'City of London', passed oppressive laws against Catholics in Ireland, surrendered many of the prerogatives of the crown to Parliament—including the right to make war and raise taxes—and chartered the Bank of England to fund Endless Wars against France (Britain's rival in colonialism and commerce). From this point on, English Bankers were able to finance wars and responsibility for the 'National Debt' was guaranteed by direct taxation of the citizenry. The following century saw an explosion of European and Colonial Wars and the growth of the 'National Debt' into an ever-expanding encumbrance.

Cromwell's 'New Model Army'

The Amsterdam bankers who financed the 'Glorious Revolution' began their take-over of England fifty years earlier by backing Cromwell. Parliament's 'New Model Army', formed during the English Civil War was supposedly made up of dedicated 'Puritan' soldiers, loyal to Parliament, but it was really a mercenary force, financed by foreign bankers. Land confiscated from Irish 'rebels' was promised as a security, to private parties who helped "put down the rebellion". Hence, Cromwell's invasion of Ireland was payback to his backers in London. Documents also exist that prove that Charles I was executed on the direct orders of Cromwell's financial supporters in Amsterdam, and his readmission of the Jews was also directed by Amsterdam.


The Great Civil War M. B. Synge     (1912)
The Great Civil War
M. B. Synge     (1912)
The Glorious Revolution M. B. Synge     (1912)
The Glorious Revolution
M. B. Synge     (1912)


The British Revolution Archibald Ramsay     (1952)
The British Revolution
Archibald Ramsay     (1952)
The English Revolution William Guy Carr     (1956)
The English Revolution
William Guy Carr     (1956)
England Eustace Mullins     (1987)
Eustace Mullins     (1987)
Mountain of Gold Ian D. Colvin     (1917)
Mountain of Gold
Ian D. Colvin     (1917)

The British Empire

Most of the territory that composed the 'British Empire' was controlled by private companies based in the 'City of London' that were granted special privileges by the British crown. The government these colonies was largely under the control of a network of traders and financiers whose primary loyalty was not to England, but to their like-minded cohorts. The descendants of some of these imperialist titans are still at the top of the corrupt 'pyramid' of "Corporate America" and modern globalism.

It is instructive to compare the number of major Wars of the British Empire (1700-1900), with the number of Wars of the British Middle Ages (500-1700). Relative to all previous history, the Imperial period of Britain was a riot of bloodshed and conquest. Most colonial wars were fought while England was officially at war with France, so colonial wars that benefitted private trading companies could be financed and fought by British citizens. The opportunity to fight colonial wars at public expense was the main reason Britain entered into most continental wars of the 18th century.

It is difficult to find honest or critical histories about the British East India Company, the Bank of England, or the financial barons behind the "City of London". Most traditional histories of the British Empire are largely propaganda, written from a Whiggish, patriotic viewpoint that emphasizes the positive and "civilizing" effects of British government on foreign colonies. Most modern histories, on the other hand, attribute the abuses and exploitation of indigenous people to general 'racism', greed, and bigotry. Neither traditional nor modern histories, however, reveal the true intentions or loyalties of the behind-the-scenes owners and decision makers of the East India company (EIC), or emphasize the fact that they were accountable to no one but themselves.

The books below provide insights into the rise of the British East India company and discuss some of their monopolistic, manipulative trading practices. Although they are written from a falsely 'patriotic' perspective, if read with discretion, they provided helpful details and insights into the creation of some of the most powerful Cabal institutions of modern times.


The Romance of Trade H. R. Fox Bourne     (1871) 100 pts
The Romance of Trade
H. R. Fox Bourne     (1871) 100 pts
Famous London Merchants H. R. Fox Bourne     (1869) 0 pts
Famous London Merchants
H. R. Fox Bourne     (1869) 0 pts
Germans in England Ian D. Colvin     (1915) 100 pts
Germans in England
Ian D. Colvin     (1915) 100 pts
The Unseen Hand in British History Ian D. Colvin     (1917) 100 pts
The Unseen Hand in British History
Ian D. Colvin     (1917) 100 pts
History of Monetary Crimes Alexander Del Mar     (1899) 100 pts
History of Monetary Crimes
Alexander Del Mar     (1899) 100 pts

The Conquest of India

"The great recipe for quieting a country is a good thrashing first and great kindness afterwards: the wildest chaps are thus tamed. — Sir Charles Napier on governing the Bombay Province after massacring thousands of natives at the Battle of Meanee.

"They [native rebels] began to look forward to the time when the Company should no longer be over-lord in India, and when each prince should be free to fill the land with lawlessness and bloodshed." — H.E. Marshall explaining to British children why the EIC had to dynamite Bhurtpore and slaughter thousands of civilians.

There are many books in the Heritage History Library that cover the British conquest of India, but most are written from a 'patriotic' viewpoint that portrays the activities of the EIC in the best possible light. However, even 'pro-British' books indirectly acknowledge abuses and highlight the EIC's astounding disregard for human life. For example, in The Siege of Bhurtpore the story is told of how the company blew up an ancient Indian city, killing over 6000 Indians who dared to oppose 'British' rule. The EIC gained control of the richest province in India when it used the Black Hole of Calcutta scandal as a pretext to justify the conquest and pillage of Bengal. And of course, the 'barbaric' treatment of British loyalists at Cawnpore and Delhi is highlighted to justify the brutal suppression of the Indian Mutiny of 1857 that cost of hundreds of thousands of native lives. Much of the history of British India can be read as a study in 'Company' propaganda.

The Boer War and Exploitation of Africa

There are few contemporaneous histories of Britain's imperial wars that were written from the point of view of native peoples. One exception was the Boer War in South Africa, fought entirely to put control of the Transvaal gold and diamond minds into the hands of British plutocrats. This war is seldom discussed because only a few thousand poorly equipped Boer fighters were able to inflict enormous damages on the British army, and essentially 'won' the war, as long as the British confined their tactics to conventional methods. During the second phase of the war, however, the British adopted 'total war' tactics and employed concentration camps, forced starvation, and scorched earth strategies to destroy the civilian population. Many of the 'barbaric' atrocities charged to the Germans in WWI were practiced first by British Imperialists against the Boers.


Oom Paul's People Howard Hillegas     (1899) 86 pts
Oom Paul's People
Howard Hillegas     (1899) 86 pts
With the Boer Forces Howard Hillegas     (1900) 93 pts
With the Boer Forces
Howard Hillegas     (1900) 93 pts

In British accounts, the Boer War was partially justified because the enlightened British government—after dominating the African slave trade for 250 years—benevolently decided to outlaw slavery. Since the Boers who lived outside of British dominions persisted in owning slaves, the British Imperialists—always the defenders of human rights and dignity—needed to annex the Boer Republic in order to free their slaves. Remember we are dealing here with pathological liars and brazen hypocrites, so this makes perfect sense.

One of the masterminds of the Boer War was Alfred Milner (1854-1925). He was also an author of the Balfour declaration, a member of Britain's 'Imperial War Council' during WWI, and chief organizer of the 'Round Table Movement', an "illuminati" front organization that evolved into the 'Royal Institute of International Affairs' (Britain) and 'Council on Foreign Relations' (U.S.A.).


The 'Family Quarrel' Ian D. Colvin     (1910)
The 'Family Quarrel'
Ian D. Colvin     (1910)
The Transvaal War M. B. Synge     (1919)
The Transvaal War
M. B. Synge     (1919)

Revolutionary France

France is one of the countries that has suffered most dramatically at the hands of Secret Societies. The French Revolution/Napoleonic Era was a turning point in European history, partly because it unleashed all sorts of 'liberal' ideas relating to law and government, but mainly because an ENORMOUS amount of property changed hands (not just in France, but in all of Europe), and most of the 'New Owners' were beholden to international financiers or associated with Secret Societies. The "Restoration" was one of the great frauds of history—since nothing was actually "restored" to its previous condition, and the 'conservatives' who supposedly prevailed at Versailles were only permitted enough superficial political control keep up an illusion of control.

The Demolition of Europe—The liberal-masonic cabal that instigated the revolution benefitted enormously from 25 years of conflict, while almost every independent family and institution in Europe was ruined or destroyed. The Rothschild financial cartel increased their holdings a hundred-fold during the war while traditional business owners and office-holders lost their livelihoods. Almost every religious or charitable institution in Europe was eliminated or lost its independence as their endowments were confiscated, and their trusted leaders were replaced. Spain was in ruins, the Catholic Church was in ruins, Russia was in ruins, and over five million Europeans were dead. The Napoleonic era was a controlled demolition and the "Restoration" was a sham.

Secret Societies and the French Revolution

The French Revolution is of enormous importance to the history of secret societies. It is discussed in almost all alternative histories because it is such a clear example of how covert forces control events. The following links are written from a perspective that acknowledges the enormous role that Secret Societies played in the French Revolution, and provide information about the Hidden History of events.


The French Revolution Archibald Ramsay     (1952)
The French Revolution
Archibald Ramsay     (1952)
The French Revolution William Guy Carr     (1956)
The French Revolution
William Guy Carr     (1956)
First French Revolution Nesta Webster     (1921)
First French Revolution
Nesta Webster     (1921)
The French Revolution Rev. G. E. Dillon     (1885)
The French Revolution
Rev. G. E. Dillon     (1885)
Freemasonry and French Revolution Leon de Poncins     (1928)
Freemasonry and French Revolution
Leon de Poncins     (1928)
The French Revolution Eustace Mullins     (1987)
The French Revolution
Eustace Mullins     (1987)
The French Revolution John Robison     (1797)
The French Revolution
John Robison     (1797)


A few typical "conventional" histories of the French Revolution are listed below, but there are many more in the Heritage History Modern Europe library.

Stories of the French Revolution Walter Montgomery     (1893) 74 pts
Stories of the French Revolution
Walter Montgomery     (1893) 74 pts
The Story of Modern France Helene Guerber     (1910) 142 pts
The Story of Modern France
Helene Guerber     (1910) 142 pts

France after the Restoration Demolition

France continued to undergo revolutionary activity for much of the 19th century, and when a republic was finally established, it was entirely controlled by 'Grand Orient' Freemasonry. The links below refer to the most important revolutionary periods of France from the Napoleonic "Demolition" to the Great War.

Conspiracy of Babeuf Nesta Webster     (1921)
Conspiracy of Babeuf
Nesta Webster     (1921)
Revolution of 1848 Nesta Webster     (1921)
Revolution of 1848
Nesta Webster     (1921)
Revolution of 1871 Nesta Webster     (1921)
Revolution of 1871
Nesta Webster     (1921)
The Siege of Paris John S. C. Abbott     (1870)
The Siege of Paris
John S. C. Abbott     (1870)
The Commune John S. C. Abbott     (1870)
The Commune
John S. C. Abbott     (1870)
French Masonry after the Revolution Leon de Poncins     (1928)
French Masonry after the Revolution
Leon de Poncins     (1928)

Religious Persecution

This book was written in the early 20th century during a period of severe persecution against the Catholic Church in France by the anti-clerical government. It is an extremely informative account that explains how Freemasonry dominated governments are able to maintain their power and enact extremely unpopular laws in a supposed democracy. Highly recommended.

Religious Persecution in France Jane Brodhead     (1907) 108 pts
Religious Persecution in France
Jane Brodhead     (1907) 108 pts

Soviet Russia

In 1917, the Bolsheviks carried out the most dramatic and far-reaching insurrection in Europe since the French Revolution. Although it was not known at the time, both the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks parties in Russia were generously financed by western bankers and aided by an international network of conspirators, who had planned the destruction of Imperial Russia long in advance. It was incomprehensible to most westerners that 'Capitalists' would promote a Marxist regime in Russia, but from the point of view of the Canaanite masterminds, socialist revolutions were very effective at confiscating property, massacring traditional leaders, and enslaving the populations.

Canaanite-Jews and the Russian Revolution

The involvement of Canaanite-Jews at the highest levels of the Bolshevik government caused resentment and increased anti-Semitism throughout Europe. Throughout much of the 1920's the 'Jewish problem' was openly discussed and there was increased resentment of Jews, especially in Germany. This was because the cabal was planning for another world war and it suited their purpose to blame the Jews for communism in Russia, and portray the British Empire as controlled by Jewish bankers. In this way Germans would be willing to take up arms against Russia and Britain. Meanwhile, in America and Britain, a flood of pro-Soviet, anti-German propaganda succeeded in shutting down most criticism of 'Jewish' hegemony, and convincing Americans that the Totalitarian Soviet communists were a suitable ally for liberal democracies. Since the goal of the cabal was to convince a war-weary continent to once again throw itself into a suicidal, internecine bloodbath, propaganda had to be 'customized' so that every nation knew who to hate, and what noble principles it had to "fight for".

Events Preceding the Revolution William Guy Carr     (1956)
Events Preceding the Revolution
William Guy Carr     (1956)
The Russian Revolution Archibald Ramsay     (1952)
The Russian Revolution
Archibald Ramsay     (1952)
The Russian Revolution Ralph Epperson     (1987)
The Russian Revolution
Ralph Epperson     (1987)
Jewish Mark on Red Russia Henry Ford     (1920)
Jewish Mark on Red Russia
Henry Ford     (1920)
Is the Jewish Kahal a 'Soviet'? Henry Ford     (1920)
Is the Jewish Kahal a 'Soviet'?
Henry Ford     (1920)
Jews and Bolshevism Nesta Webster     (1920)
Jews and Bolshevism
Nesta Webster     (1920)
The Revolution of 1917 Nesta Webster     (1921)
The Revolution of 1917
Nesta Webster     (1921)
Soviet Russia Eustace Mullins     (1992)
Soviet Russia
Eustace Mullins     (1992)

Russia under the Soviets

The books listed below don't address the problem of secret society involvement in the Russian revolution directly, but they are timely and relevant. "I Speak for the Silent" was written by a Russian scientist who escaped from the Soviet Gulags in the early 1930's. It is a riveting, well written book that gives both a personal account and many factual insights about how the Soviet work camps, secret police, and prison system were organized. It is an excellent exposé of Soviet forced-labor camps and Highly Recommended! The fact that it was published in the early thirties proves the that the abominations of Soviet slave camps were well known and documented before Churchill and Roosevelt made an alliance with Stalin.

Pitt-Rivers account of the Russian Revolution is famous for the Letter from Dr. Oscar Levy that serves as an introduction. Written in 1920, the book demonstrates that both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were financed and organized by Western bankers and Jewish agitators, and that the 'October Revolution' was entirely imposed by alien forces rather than native Russians.

Escape from the Soviets T. Tchernavin     (1934) 136 pts
Escape from the Soviets
T. Tchernavin     (1934) 136 pts
I Speak for the Silent V. Tchernavin     (1934) 179 pts
I Speak for the Silent
V. Tchernavin     (1934) 179 pts
Significance: Russian Revolution G. Pitt Rivers     (1920) 34 pts
Significance: Russian Revolution
G. Pitt Rivers     (1920) 34 pts

Revolutions of 1848

The Revolutions of 1848, far from being a spontaneous uprising in the cause of liberalism, were a carefully planned, but ultimately unsuccessful series of revolutions organized and directed by Freemason Lodges throughout Europe. At the time, the masterminds of world revolution were Lord Palmerston, who served as head of British Masonry, and Mazzini, the visible head of the "Illuminati" network. They worked closely together and for much of the 19th century, London was a hub of covert activity, offering sanctuary and support to radicals and revolutionaries who had been exiled from countries throughout Europe.

Lord Palmerston served as Foreign Secretary in Britain from 1830 to 1855 and as Prime minister from 1859 to 1865, and his fingerprints are on every revolution, war and insurrection in Europe during most of this time. He helped direct not only the Revolutions of 1848, but also the Risorgimento in Italy, the Opium Wars in China, the Crimean War, and Napoleon III's overthrow of the 2nd Republic in France.

Lord Palmerston Rev. G. E. Dillon     (1885)
Lord Palmerston
Rev. G. E. Dillon     (1885)
War Party under Palmerston Rev. G. E. Dillon     (1885)
War Party under Palmerston
Rev. G. E. Dillon     (1885)
Revolution of 1848 Nesta Webster     (1921)
Revolution of 1848
Nesta Webster     (1921)
Europe in Arms 1848 Charles Morris     (1914)
Europe in Arms 1848
Charles Morris     (1914)
Louis Kossuth and Hungary M. B. Synge     (1903)
Louis Kossuth and Hungary
M. B. Synge     (1903)
Struggles for Liberty John S. C. Abbott     (1870)
Struggles for Liberty
John S. C. Abbott     (1870)

Revolutionaries and the Bank of England

From Congressional Testimony of T. Cushing Daniels, Comptroller of the U.S. Treasury circa. 1918

"When going through the Bank of England I presented a letter which I had from Secretary Hay, and the official of the bank was very polite. He took me through the bank and when we got back to the reception room I asked him if he would allow me to put a few leading questions to him. He said he would, and I asked him if he would give me a statement of the Bank of England.

B.E.: 'We do not issue statements.'
Daniel: 'Does not the House of Parliament sometimes call on you for some statement as to the condition of the bank?'
B.E.: 'No, sir; they do not call on us.' . . . .
Daniel: 'How is it that some of these revolutionists, so-called, do not get up in the House of Commons and raise the devil to know something about what is going on down here? That would be the condition in our country.'
B.E.: 'Oh most of them are large borrowers from the bank, and we have no difficulty with them.' (laughter.)"

American Wars — 18th-19th Centuries

Secret Societies have played a major role in American history since colonial times. Most of the original colonies were established by (Canaanite-infested) British trading companies, and many of the "Founding Fathers" were Freemasons. At the time of the American Revolution, however, most Freemasons were sincere liberty-loving, patriots who took the Masonic dedication to brotherhood and freedom at face value. So although the 'higher orders' were always corrupt, the rank and file included many admirable citizens.

Nevertheless, it is almost certain that a number of traditional American heroes worked either knowingly or unknowingly as agents of foreign interests, and their deceptions misled patriots on numerous occasions. The truth about how involved "hidden powers" have been in American history can be disconcerting, but it is not helpful to be overly suspicious or dwell too much on false heroes. For every American traitor there have been 10,000 unsung heroes and patriots. The ideals that the founding fathers fought for are real and eternal and the overwhelming majority of Americans—although sometimes tragically misdirected—have always been steadfast and loyal.

Hidden History of American in 18th and 19th centuries

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!".
— Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Secret societies have influenced American government since its founding, but recognizing their activity is difficult because they disguise their evil intentions with noble-sounding aims, and control opposing factions. The truth is, the fingerprints of secret societies can be found in every war, financial crisis, race riot, and labor revolt in American history. The puppet-masters behind secret societies profit from upheaval and ruin so their agents appear on both sides of every dispute with the aim of prolonging conflict, running up debts, and maximizing destruction, fear, and distrust.

These war summaries reveal the workings of a "hidden hand" behind all major conflicts in American history. The books listed in the following section provide more details.