Satan, Prince of this World - William Guy Carr |
![]() This book, completed post-humously by the author's son, exposes a Luciferian Conspiracy and the 'Synagogue of Satan' as driving forces behind the World Revolutionary Movement. The author insists Lucifer is a real spiritual force active in the world, who is worshipped by many of the most powerful people in the world, including those who run Hollywood, the music industry, central banks, large corporations, intelligence agencies, Universities, and some sections of the military. |
When the author of this book, Commander W.J.G. Carr died on October 2, 1959, he left this book in manuscript form along with many scribbled notes, reference books, half formulated thoughts, etc. His last wish was that the book be finished and published in order that all men might know of the plot which exists to wipe out every trace of decency in the world and all civilizations as we know them now.
Such a task is manifestly beyond ordinary means. I, his oldest son, have been asked to try and edit, revise and correct the manuscript as best possible before publication. This I have done to the best of my limited ability. I have not added anything to the original draft or changed anything except where requested to do so in marginal notes in my father's own handwriting.
I found the work frustrating because it was far beyond the scope of my ability. At the same time, I found it extremely interesting and rewarding as I tried to sort out the thoughts and ideas of a man who died almost seven years ago.
At some points in the manuscript I found notes such as: "Check the accuracy of such and such a point" or "dig out more information on such and such a person". On each occasion, I deleted the point queried completely, for it was always my father's strong belief that nothing should ever be written until completely proved out in the light of existing knowledge. Since I do not have the necessary sense of values to decide what information should or should not be used in such cases, I felt safest by leaving the information out completely.
The fact that there are only thirteen chapters in this book will annoy some people and frustrate others: I think all who read it will be left in a state of restlessness. "The Unfinished Symphony" has never been completed and this book will not be completed either, except as each reader finishes it for himself in the future by personal experience as the story unfolds.
Many of you will scoff at the statements made in this book; many will toss it aside as the ravings of a madman; some will be unable to finish the book because it will arouse anxieties and fears that cannot be faced. But many others, and I hope that they will be in the majority, will find in this work the answers to some of the most perplexing of the problems that have faced men since the beginning of time and provide material for pondering possible solutions to the future.
It is up to this latter group principally, but to all men of goodwill generally, regardless of color, race or creed, that this work is respectfully dedicated in my father's name. With the dedication goes my earnest hope and prayer that each one of you will strive, each in his own way, to avert the catastrophe that is surely to come upon us if the Devil's plots are not thwarted soon.
For those of you who do read further, please try to remember that this is an uncompleted work and that if there appears to be a gap or lack of continuity at some points, it is only because this book was published from little better than a rough draft of what undoubtedly would have been a polished literary effort had Cmdr. Carr lived a few more months to finish it himself.
Please accept my apologies for my obvious lack in preparing this work completely and I hope that in spite of its shortcomings, it will be a rich source of material for your future thought. Even more, that it will be the inspiration for future good work to continue the author's efforts to: "Tell the truth and shame the Devil". If we all work together, perhaps with the help of our Creator, we shall be able to make the world just a little more like God intended that it should be.
Sincerely and fraternally yours,
W.J. Carr, Jr.
Lima, Peru
June 2, 1966
In June 1966, thirty years almost to the day when Wm. Carr, Jr. completed the preceding Preface to his father's last work, Omni received this manuscript from fellow patriots who were friends of the Carr family. It was passed on to Omni as it was to them with the intention to have it published because of it's informative content.
Omni had heard rumors of its existence for many years and through investigative means was finally able to track it down. As mentioned previously, the author had died prior to its completion and so the work published here is as it was received by Omni. There are no changes or revisions to factual content other than some minor side notes that were felt necessary.
The Publisher
Being fully aware of my limitations, I am frank to admit that since I published Pawns in the Game (1955) and Red Fog Over America (1957), and because I did publish these books, I have learned a great deal more about the World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M..) and its relationship to the existence of the continuing Luciferian conspiracy directed against God and man by those who comprise the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) on this earth than I knew before I published them.
A wealth of additional information has come in from a great variety of people of all classes, colors, and creeds. They have supplied the additional evidence I include in this volume. I admit I was ignorant of most of the facts I now present to my readers when I published the other two books.
I am not in the least ashamed of the fact that my knowledge regarding the struggle being directed by Lucifer to cause human beings to defect from God, so he can enslave them for all eternity, physically, mentally and spiritually, was as limited as it was in 1955. It should teach others a great lesson. I had honestly and sincerely worked and studied since 1911, trying to find the answer to the question: "Why can't the Human Race live together in peace, and thus enjoy the bounties and blessings that God, The Creator, has provided in such abundance for our use and pleasure?" The last two books of my nine already published, prove that after forty-four years I still had a great deal to learn.
I feel I would be remiss in my duty to God and my fellow man if I did not make this additional information public. I know the enemies of God will ridicule me and point out statements published in the other two. I publish what I believe to be the truth-I never claimed inviolability. To err is human-to forgive, divine.
In fairness to myself, I wish to state that the ONLY real mistake I made was that I had been unable to tie in the supernatural relationship of the Luciferian revolt in Heaven with the World Revolutionary Movement as it is being conducted today. I blamed the international bankers; selfish international Capitalism, Nazism, and Communism as the root-causes of our evils. I knew, deep down in my heart, that wars and revolutions were planned years and years ahead, and designed to ultimately bring about the destruction of ALL existing forms of government and religion in order that a totalitarian dictatorship might be imposed on what is left of the world's population after the last social cataclysm has ended; but I didn't know for certain, as I feel sure I know now, that the W.R.M. is an exact replica of the struggle Lucifer and his followers put up for control of the Universe in that part of the celestial world we know as heaven.
I called my last book Red Fog Over America because I was frilly aware of the fog of propaganda put out by the Forces of Evil for the purpose of preventing the vast majority of people from finding the TRUTH. I thought I had penetrated that fog-I was mistaken! The additional evidence and information I submit to my readers in Satan, Prince of This World proves that I had groped my way only to the outer fringe of the fog of lies and deceits which are the stock-in-trade of those who comprise the Synagogue of Satan and put the Devil's (Luciferian) conspiracy into effect upon this earth.
I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of "Them who say they are Jews ... and are not... and do lie" (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9). I hope I prove in this book that the Protocols, which contain the details of the diabolical plot Weishaupt revised and modernized between 1770 and 1776 are not those of the Learned Elders of Zion, but those of the Synagogue of Satan based on the Luciferian ideology designed to bring about a One World Government, the powers of which will be usurped by the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who have always secretly controlled the Synagogue of Satan at the top.
This book is written for the information of the masses. In my limited way I am trying to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect. I do not intend to clutter up the pages of this book with hundreds of footnotes giving title, chapter, and verse of so-called Authorities. I find that far too many authors quote as authorities those who secretly serve the Luciferian cause. I shall ask my readers to accept what I publish as being what I believe to be the truth.
As proof of my sincerity, I mention that I have previously had published nine books and hundreds of articles of nonfiction so far, without being proven to be in serious error. I have frilly and completely renounced all mercenary considerations. While studying, conducting investigations and writing my books I have never accepted financial aid-neither have I any desire to benefit financially as the result of my work. I have used the income received from my labors and writings first to provide for my family, and then to continue further study and research. When my family were able to go on their own, I turned my work and records over to the Federation of Christian Laymen to be used entirely for educational purposes.
My wife and I live on the pensions I receive for physical disabilities received during service in World Wars One and Two.
I frilly realize that the Devil's agents have it unpopular to believe in the Bible; I know it isn't "The Thing" to believe in Hell or a Devil; I know I shall be ridiculed because of what I write ... BUT I KNOW THAT WHAT I WRITE IS THE TRUTH.
Nobody is going to enjoy reading the contents of this book, but those who do read will be able to see things in their true perspective; they will be able to understand what is happening in the world today and why.
What I am about to say will sound strange coming from a man with a war record such as mine, but because wars and revolutions forced upon the masses (Goyim) are the means by which the Synagogue of Satan intend to make those they plot to subjugate destroy their own forms of governments and religion so they can be enslaved under a Luciferian dictatorship, obviously the only way to prevent them carrying out this diabolical plan through to its logical conclusion is to re- fuse to become involved in any more wars and revolutions under any circumstances. This would require individuals to practice passive resistance to authorities who would force them into war.
I once held all conscientious objectors in contempt. I considered them cowards, traitors to their country, people who failed to appreciate the benefits citizenship gave them. But I realize now, after studying the Luciferian conspiracy from all angles what God really meant when He gave us the command "thou shalt not kill." He didn't qualify this command by saying killing on a mass scale, i.e., wars and revolutions, can be justified.
Weishaupt's revised version of the Age Old Conspiracy says that wars and revolutions shall be forced on the Goyim, so that those who direct the conspiracy to usurp world domination shall "proceed towards their goal in peace." They make us fight while they sit back and cheer us on from the sidelines. Then again Weishaupt said that those who direct the conspiracy shall arrange, makers, so that not even the nations who are victorious in a war shall benefit or annex additional territory. Can any informed person deny that this policy has not been followed to the letter in World Wars One and Two? But on the other hand, Communism has been built up in size and strength until it is equal in power to the rest of the world.
ft is true that in the revolutions fomented to put Communism where it stands today the masses (Goyim) were made to fight each other, but those to usurp power, like Lenin, never got involved in actual fighting except by accident, ft is another strange fact that if top level agenteurs of the Synagogue of Satan got caught while engaged in subversion and/or fomenting revolutions they were never shot but invariably imprisoned only to be subsequently released so they could continue their subversive activities as 1 have proved in my previous books.
I now believe God intended man to protect his own life against an aggressor; to protect his wife and family and his home, but 1 believe extending this principle or natural law to national and international levels was undoubtedly part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy. Soldiers and police were in the first instance supposed to preserve law and order and protect the weak from criminal elements who refused to accept the moral code and natural laws as adopted by civilized society. This is the reason ONLY the king and/or ruler was supposed to exercise force to maintain law and order. If he abused his rights the people could set things to right as was done by the Magna Carta, but under God's law it was never intended they should destroy dynastic rule. The Protocols boast that by leading the Goyim into making this mistake they caused them to abandon their only protection against those who claim to deliver them from their old oppressions in order to lead them into the new subjection of a totalitarian dictatorship.
I realize that the Illuminati will work to shoot those statements full of holes, but the fact remains that I can no longer find authority in the Scriptures, or by reasoning, to justifying allowing ourselves to be divided into opposing camps, then armed, and made to fight and kill each other in order to solve political, social, economic, or other problems which are no nearer solution now than they ever were. It just doesn't make sense that Christians can be divided into opposing camps and made to kill each other off by the tens of millions without having the slightest personal animosity for one another.
To return the passive resistance! Ghandi was doing a great job using this principle, so he was assassinated. What do we have in his place? A man who says he is neutral, but in reality helps the Synagogue of Satan maintain a "balance of power so that when the Goyim are thrown at each other's throats again" in World War Three, the sides will be more or less equal and therefore able to fight a more prolonged and destructive war. It would seem to me that we could become heroes defending a principle, such as passive resistance, even if doing so caused us to suffer death at the hands of those who serve the Synagogue of Satan. It seems to me that it would be better to die expressing our Faith in God than in physical combat with others who are our spiritual brothers, and people who should be our friends. In support of the above statements of opinion I quote: 2 Kings 7:4; Ps. 44:22; Matt. 10:28; Luke 12:4; Rom. 8:36; Jas. 5:6.
William Guy Carr died in 1959 of unexplained causes four years after publishing "Pawns in the Game". He was 64. His son published one of his other important books "Satan, Prince of this World", after his death.
At the early age of twelve the author was thoroughly indoctrinated into the Bolshevik ideology by two revolutionary missionaries who travelled on the same ship with him out to the Orient in 1907. Unlike many others he didn't swallow the bait they offered him 'Hook, Line, investigations and studies of all angles of the International Conspiracy have taken him to nearly every country in the world. Commander Carr has had a distinguished naval career. During World War One he served as Navigating Officer of H.M. and Sinker'. He decided to keep an open mind, and to investigate matters thoroughly, before reaching any conclusions. His Submarines. In World War Two he was Naval Control Officer for the St. Lawrence; then Staff Officer Operations at Shelbourne, N. S.; then Senior Naval Officer at Goose Bay, Labrador. As an Officer on the staff of Commodore Reginald Brock he organized the 7th Victory Loan for the twenty-two Royal Canadian Naval Training Divisions.
As an author he has previously published the seven books listed above. Some were specially bound for inclusion in The Royal Library; The Library of The Imperial War Museum; and the Sir Millington Drake Library (which is bequeathed to Eton College), and the Braille Library for the Blind. Several of his books have been published in European languages.
Books previously published by same author.
Commander Carr is known to many Canadians who have attended his public lectures. He toured Canada for the Canadian Clubs in 1930-31. He warned people of the existence of an International Conspiracy. He foretold that the conspirators would, unless checked, drag the World into another Global War. In the years between 1931 and 1939 he addressed Social and Service Clubs all over Ontario. In 1944 and 1945 he was sent on another lecture tour of Canada by The Naval authorities. He explained why it would be necessary to win the Peace, if the fruits of military victory were not to be thrown away again.
Commander Carr is determined to inform as many people as possible regarding the Evil Forces which adversely affect all our lives, and the lives of our children. His book will be an eye-opener to parents, clergymen, teachers, students, statesmen, politicians, and labour leaders.