Satan, Prince of this World - William Guy Carr |
The Luciferian dogma and doctrines as expounded by Pike and others who at one time or another have been High Priests of the Luciferian reed can be summed up in very few words. It teaches 'inversion' of the Commandments of God. It teaches the exact opposite to what the Holy Scriptures tell was God's plan for the rule of the Universe before Lucifer led die Heavenly revolt. How do we know this statement to be the TRUTH?
The answer is simple. At various times documents of a most serious nature have fallen into hands other than those intended, while being circulated by the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed, to those they had selected to be heads of the Lodges of the Grand Orient and Councils of the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, which have been the secret headquarters of the W.R.M.. throughout the world. I call these incidents 'acts of God.'
Raids on Lodges of the Grand Orient and Councils of the New and Reformed Palladian Rite between 1784 and 1924 produced documents and other evidence which prove conclusively the continued existence of the Luciferian conspiracy to obtain ultimate world domination. The raids conducted by the Bavarian government in 1784-1785 produced documents which were published under the title, "The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati."
The raids conducted by the police under orders of the Hungarian government in 1919 after Bela Kun had usurped power and been deposed, are typical of what we mean.
Further evidence of the Luciferian plot to destroy ALL remaining governments and existing religions is to be found in the book, "Proofs of a Conspiracy to Destroy All Governments and Religions in Europe" by Professor John Robison, of Edinburgh University in 1797. Prof. Robison had been approached by Weishaupt and his leading Illuminists and asked to assist them infiltrating Luciferian ideas, disguised as Illuminism and Progress, into educational institutions and the Lodges of Freemasonry in England and Scotland. He was asked to tour Europe, and, as a 32nd Mason of the Scottish Rite, he was introduced to leading Illuminists who had set up Grand Orient Lodges throughout Europe. John Robison suspected there was something behind Illuminism as it had been explained to him, but kept his suspicions to himself. He was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt's revised and modernized edition of the age-old conspiracy as compiled by Zwack, for his study and comments. When the French Revolution broke out in 1789 as part of the conspirator's revolutionary programme, Professor Robison decided to publish the information he possessed in support of what the Bavarian government had exposed in 1786.
The investigations of dozens of historians have turned up further evidence which they found in national archives and those of universities. There is no lack of documentary and other kinds of evidence to prove what we are going to say.
The truly amazing thing about the Luciferian conspiracy is the way those who directed it down through the centuries have been able to cause officials of both church and state to brash aside the evidence of proof even when it has been put before them by men whose lives had proved their honesty and integrity and desire to serve God voluntarily. The fact that those who direct the Luciferian conspiracy are able to hold this control over people in high places in politics and religion simply confirms the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It illustrates in the clearest possible manner the supernatural characteristics of the conspiracy. It proves that supernatural beings, "Angels," both 'Good' and 'Evil,' exert a great influence on human beings while we are here on earth undergoing our period of trial. It proves that the wiles, the cunning, the lies, and deceits of "Fallen Angels" often affect adversely the council (inspirations) of the "Good Angels." It proves that our human nature, because of the fall of our first parents, inclines more to 'evil' than it does to 'good,' until we are born again spiritually.
We don't want to labour this angle of the W.R.M., but we do want to make it easy for the man-in-the-street to understand what is going on. Those who direct the conspiracy have succeeded in keeping their existence so very secret that lack of knowledge on the part of the public enables them to develop their plot to its intended goal, and wean millions of souls away from God.
This is the Luciferian Creed:
We could go on and on, proving that Luciferianism is diametrically opposed to God's plan for the rale of creation. The point we hope we have made is this: The Luciferian ideology has been drawn up to appeal to men who consider themselves intellectual giants. Lucifer knows that his totalitarian ideology is wrong. When he occupied the highest throne in heaven, and was subordinate to God alone, his pride convinced him that if he set up his own kingdom and ruled it with absolute despotism, every aspect and phase of his dominion would have to work peacefully, efficiently, and economically.
He used his supernatural powers to force the hand of Almighty God. Because God derives pleasure only from those of His creatures who love to serve Him voluntarily, because of their respect for His infinite perfections, He had to let Lucifer go to his eternal damnation or change the principle on which He had established His rule.
That Lucifer has realized his enormous mistake cannot be doubted. But his 'Pride' wouldn't allow him to admit it. How many, many human beings act like Lucifer in that respect today? The Hitlers, the Mussolinis, the Roosevelts, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Churchills—all of those who spread Luciferianism from their seats at the top levels of our civilization. How many of our lower orders ape them and follow them? They lead us, as Lucifer led so many of the heavenly host, to our destruction!
Now that I have studied this subject for so long and from so many angles, I don't find it difficult to understand how Lucifer's supernatural capacity to LOVE God, his Creator, turned into an equal capacity to HATE God, all of God's creatures, and all His wonderful creation. I don't find it hard to understand that after Lucifer put his totalitarian ideology into practice in his Kingdom of Darkness, which we term Hell, and found out that what he considered PERFECT in theory, didn't work out as he expected in actual practice, his disappointment caused his hatred to mount until it has reached astronomical dimensions beyond the understanding of the human mind.
I no longer find it difficult to accept the definition of Hell as given to us in Revelations. In fact, 1 find it easy to understand that after the final judgment, every one of the Fallen Angels and every human soul who has been deceived by Lucifer and his other Princes of Darkness, into defecting from God, must of necessity hate not only Lucifer, along with his ruling princes, but also themselves and their neighbours. If it is true that selfish, foolish PRIDE has led the vast majority of those in Hell to their own damnation, it is not difficult to understand WHY the conditions in Hell are conditions of utter HATE, chaos and confusion. If it is true that the inhabitants of Hell are there because they accepted and practiced the inversion of the Commandments of God then it should not be difficult for the person of average intelligence to understand that all abominations, those who directed the Luciferian conspiracy introduced to this earth of ours, are being practiced in Hell and will continue for all eternity.
There can be no doubt that this world of ours has been turned by demonic forces into a 'Little Hell.' Due to the fact that we refuse with a blind obstinacy, to accept God's law, and put His plan into effect on this earth, conditions have been bad enough, and there can be no doubt that if we remain blind to the TRUTH, and obstinate in our refusal to PROVE our desire to love and serve God voluntarily for all eternity, then conditions must of necessity deteriorate until, as the Bible states, they will reach the point that if it were not for the., intervention of God, no flesh would survive. Matt. 24:22; Mark 13:20.
That conditions here, and in Hell, are what they are is not the Will or intention of God. They exist because of Lucifer's selfish, foolish pride, and his determination to be self-sufficient. He defected from God. He took multitudes of others with him. It is only logical to suppose that after he realized his mistake, his hate reached the proportions that he was determined to continue to be revenged on God by deceiving His creatures. God wished to fill the vacancies left by Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer cares not what befalls those he deceives, or even what is in store for himself. This utter lack of further interest in anything is real despair!
Artists, preachers, authors, and others have depicted Hell and its inhabitants in such an exaggerated way that, instead of making people believe in it, they have caused untold millions, particularly in the last two centuries, to discredit its very existence. These so-called intellectuals have served the Luciferian cause well indeed, because when one rejects God, he automatically rejects the idea of Heaven and Hell.