Stories from the Greek Tragedians - Alfred J. Church

Many of the most famous Greek Tragedies by Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus are collected in this work. Some dialogue is retained to preserve the flavor of the original, but much of the book is prose summaries. Stories include Seven Against Thebes, Antigone, the Death of Hercules, the Vengeance of Medea, the Oresteia Trilogy, Alcestis, and others.

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[Book Cover] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[Title] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[Frontispiece] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church


[Title Page] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[Printer] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[Contents] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[List of Illustrations] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[List of Illustrations (continued)] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church
[Dedication] from Stories from Greek Tragedians by Alfred J. Church


I have added to the "Story of the Seven Chiefs against Thebes" the description of the single combat between Eteocles and Polynices, which occurs in the Phœnissæ  of Euripides. Some changes have been made in the "Story of Ion" to make it more suitable for the purpose of this book. Throughout the Stories compression and omission have been freely used. I can only ask the indulgence of such of my readers as may be familiar with the great originals of which I have given these pale and ineffectual copies.

     October. 11, 1879.