Bible History for the Use of Catholic Schools - R. Gilmour

The Second Year of Christ's Public Ministry

28.—Jesus cures a Man who had been Sick Thirty-eight Years.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. In the second year of His public preaching, Jesus went up to Jerusalem to assist at the Paschal solemnities. There was at Jerusalem a pond, called Bethsaida, having around it five porches. In these porches lay many sick, such as the blind, the lame, and the paralytic.

2. At certain times an angel came down into the pond and moved the waters, and he who first entered after the waters had been disturbed was cured of whatever disease he might have.

3. Now there lay in one of the porches a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years. Jesus came to him and asked him if he would like to be cured. The poor man answered he had little chance, for he had no one to put him in after the angel had troubled the waters. Jesus said to him: "Arise; take up thy bed and walk." The man rose and, taking up his bed, walked.

4. The Jews, seeing what Christ had done, began to murmur, because He had cured the sick man on the Sabbath. When Jesus met their objections by telling them that not only His Father worked, but that He also worked, they became exceedingly angry; for they saw by this He made Himself equal to God.

5. They then strove to kill Him, but He all the more declared Himself the Son of God, and that in Him, and through Him, were men to be saved. Then He appealed to the works He did as the best testimony that His Father had sent Him.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 28.—Tell the history of the man who had been sick for thirty-eight years. How was he cured? What did the Jews complain of? What did they strive to do? What did Christ declare?

29,—The Seven Parables of the Kingdom of God.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Jesus came again to the Sea of Galilee, and, entering a ship, taught the multitude that stood on the shore.

2. The Parable of the Sower.—A man went out to sow seed. Some fell by the wayside, and the birds picked it up; some fell on stony ground, and, springing up, soon withered away, because it had no root; some fell among thorns, and was soon choked; but others fell upon good ground, and brought forth fruit—some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty-fold.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

3. Jesus afterwards gave this explanation of the parable to His disciples: The seed is the word of God: that by the wayside are those who hear; but the devil comes and takes the word out of their hearts, lest, believing, they should he saved. The seed that fell upon the rock are those who, at first, joyfully receive the word, and for a while believe, but, having no roots in time of temptation easily fall away.

4. That which fell among thorns are those who hear, but, going away, are choked with the cares and pleasures of life and yield no fruit. But the seed that fell on good ground are those who, hearing the word with a good heart, keep it, and bring forth fruit in patience.

5. The Parable of the Cockle.—Jesus spoke another parable: A man sowed good seed in his field, and when he slept his enemy came and sowed cockle. When the blades sprang up the cockle appeared; but the master bade the servants let both grow until the harvest, when he would tell the reapers to gather the cockle into bundles and burn it, but to gather the wheat into his barn.

6. The following is the interpretation of this parable: The sower is the Son of God; the field is the world; the seed is the good; the cockle is the bad; the enemy that sowed the cockle is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As the cockle was gathered and burned, so shall the wicked be in the day of judgment.

7. The Parable of the Mustard-seed.—Jesus spoke another parable: The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard-seed: it is the least of all seeds; but when it grows up and becomes a tree, the birds can rest in its branches.

8. The Parable of the Leaven.—A woman took leaven and hid it in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened: so is the kingdom of God.

9. The Parable of the Treasure.—The kingdom of heaven is like to a treasure hidden in a field: when a man finds it, he goes and sells all he has and buys that field.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

10. The Parable of the Pearl.—The kingdom of heaven is again like to a merchant seeking pearls: he finds one of great price; then he goes and sells all he has and buys it.

11. The Parable of the Good and Bad Fishes.—Again the kingdom of heaven is like a net east into the sea: it gathers all kinds of fishes; but, when it is drawn out, men select the good and cast away the bad: so shall it be at the end of the world—the angels shall separate the just from the unjust.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 29.—What is the parable of the sower? Tell the parable of the cockle. What is its interpretation? What are the other parables?

30.—The Tempest Calmed.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. After Jesus had finished speaking to the people, He said to His apostles: "Let us pass over to the other side." Before they started, a Scribe came to Him and proposed to follow Him; but Jesus, knowing how selfish his heart was, simply answered: "The foxes have holes, and the birds have nests, but I have not whereon to lay My head." When the Scribe heard this he went away.

2. Shortly after the ship left the land a violent storm arose. The waves covered the ship, but Jesus slept. The storm increasing, the disciples came to Jesus and told Him they feared all would be lost. Then Jesus rose and, chiding them for their want of faith, calmed the winds and the sea. When the disciples saw this a great fear came upon them.

3. The stormy sea is the world; the ship is the Church, which rider safely amid the tempest, for Christ is with her.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 30.—What is said of the Scribe? Tell the story of the tempest.

31.—The Daughter of Jairus.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. When the ship landed, a multitude of people came and, with great joy, welcomed Jesus. Among those who met Him was a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, who begged Him to come and heal his daughter, who lay dangerously ill. Jesus went with him.

2. As Jesus was passing through the crowd, a woman who had been sick for twelve years, and had in vain sought relief from many physicians, came behind Him and touched His garment. She was immediately cured.

3. Whilst they were on the way, a servant came to Jairus and told him his daughter was dead, and it was useless to trouble himself any further. But Jesus said to him: "Fear not; only believe."

4. When they came to the house where the young woman was, they found a great crowd weeping and lamenting. But Jesus, approaching, said: "Weep not; she is not dead." They laughed at Him, for they all knew too well she was dead.

5. Then Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John and the parents of the girl, and went into the room where she lay. Taking her by the hand, He said: "Arise!" and immediately she rose and began to walk through the house.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER . 31.—What did Jesus do to the daughter of Jairus? What happened to the woman in the crowd?

32.—Jesus chooses His Apostles.

1. Every day crowds of people came from far and near to hear Jesus. He was moved with great compassion for them. Seeing them wandering about like sheep without a shepherd, He said to His disciples: "The harvest is great, but the laborers are few."

2. The following night was spent in prayer. In the morning Jesus called His disciples, and from amongst them chose twelve, whom He called apostles—that is, sent. Their names were Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James the Less and Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot.

3. When Jesus had chosen them, He gave them power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, and to drive out devils. Then He sent them forth to preach, but forbade them to take anything with them but their staff. They were thus taught to put their trust in God, and not to hope for success through human means.

4. He moreover told them they must suffer for His sake—nay, that they would be scourged and put to death. "But," said He, "the disciple is not above the master; and if they do these things to Me, how much more to you?"

5. But He consoled them by the promise that He would be with them, and speak through them; and that those who heard them heard Him, and that those who despised them despised Him.

6. The apostles went forth two by two, preaching and driving out devils and healing the sick. Some time after this Jesus added seventy disciples, whose duties were to help the apostles, and go before Christ as the apostles had done.

7. The blessing which Our Lord gave by His doctrines was spread through His apostles, as the blessing given to Abraham long before descended to the sons of Jacob. As Gideon with his little band vanquished his enemies, so did the apostles with their staff change the face of society and subdue the world to the yoke of Christ.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 32.—Who were the apostles? What powers did He give them? Where did He send them? How did He console them? What did the apostles do? Whom did Jesus add to the apostles?

33.—John the Baptist Beheaded.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Herod, tetrarch of Galilee, had married Herodias, his brother's wife. John the Baptist came to him, and told him it was not lawful for him to have his brother's wife. When Herod heard this he became exceedingly angry, and cast John into prison, hoping thus to silence him.

2. Now it happened that Herod, on his birthday, gave a grand feast to the princes of Galilee. During the feast the daughter of Herodias danced for Herod and his court. The king was much pleased, and promised to give the young woman whatever she would ask, even to the half of his kingdom. He confirmed this promise with an oath.

3. The damsel hastened to her mother, who advised her to ask for the head of John the Baptist, that thus they might be revenged on him for what he had said. The daughter returned and asked for the head of John.

4. When Herod heard this he was very sad, but, because of his oath, he sent and had John beheaded. The head was placed upon a dish and brought to the young woman, who carried it to her mother.

5. Like John the Baptist, the saintly and fearless prophet Elias had presented himself, on a similar occasion, before King Achab. Like Herod, Achab also hated the truth, and strove to put the man of God to death, but failed.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 33.—For what was John the Baptist cast into prison? How did he die?

34.—The Miracles of the Loaves and Fishes.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. About the time of the Pasch, the apostles returned from their first mission. Coming to Jesus, they told Him what they had done and what they had taught. Jesus then took them with Him, and they crossed the Sea of Galilee, and went into the desert. A great multitude followed them. When Jesus saw how many had come, He began to teach them and to heal their sick.

2. About the evening, the apostles proposed to send the multitude home, as they had nothing to give them to eat. Jesus asked what they had. The apostles answered, "Five loaves and two fishes."

3. Then Jesus commanded the people to sit down on the grass, and, having taken the loaves and the two fishes, blessed them and gave them to His apostles, who distributed them amongst the people. There were about five thousand men, besides the women and children, and yet there was enough for all. When they were done, twelve baskets of fragments were gathered up.

4. When the people saw this stupendous miracle they were filled with admiration, and wished to make Jesus their king. But He, knowing their design, hid Himself, and during the night passed with His disciples over to Capernaum.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 34.—What is said of the return of the apostles? Tell the history of the loaves and fishes. What effect had this miracle on the people?

35.—The Promise of the Blessed Sacrament.

1. The day after the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the people came to Jesus in the synagogue of Capernaum. When He saw how they came to Him, because they had eaten of the miraculous bread, He told them not to labor for perishable bread, but for that bread which never perished, and which He could give.

2. Then He told them that He was the living bread, and that this bread was His flesh. When the Jews heard this they were scandalized, and asked: "How could He give them His flesh to eat." But Jesus only repeated His former assertion in a stronger and more emphatic manner, and concluded with these clear and decided words: "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you. For My flesh is meat indeed, and My blood is drink indeed."

3. Many of the disciples, when they heard these words, were very much troubled, and because they could not understand how Christ could give them His body to eat and His blood to drink, went away, and walked no more with Him.

4. But Jesus continued to affirm this incomprehensible mystery all the more, and at last turned to Peter, and asked him if he would also go away. But Peter, who could understand the doctrine no better than the others, declared he would not, but would believe it; not that he understood it, but because Jesus Christ had said it, and "He had the words of eternal life."

5. As the manna fell from heaven to support the Israelites in the desert, so is the Blessed Sacrament daily present upon our altars to feed and nourish the soul in the battle of life.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 35.—What happened on the day after the miracle of the loaves and fishes? How did the Jews receive the words of Jesus? How did Jests meet their objection? What did many do? How did Peter act? What is said Of the manna and the Blessed Sacrament?

36.—The Woman of Canaan.

1. Jesus went into the country of Tyre and Sidon, and a pagan woman of Canaan came to Him, asking Him to cure her daughter, who was possessed by a devil. But Jesus made her no answer. The woman continued to urge her request until the disciples thought of putting her away, but Jesus forbade them.

2. The woman coming near, adored Jesus, when He said to her, "It is not good to give the bread of the children to the dogs." But she answered, °The whelps sometimes eat the crumbs that fall from the tables of their masters." When Jesus heard this He was much struck with her faith, and cured her daughter.

Jesus found faith among the pagans of Sidon, as, on a former ma= don, Jonas had found it among the pagans of Nineveh.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 36.—What is said of the Woman of Canaan?

37.—The Primacy conferred on Peter. [A.D. 32]

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Jesus came to the city of Caesarea Philippi, and that He might try His apostles, asked what the people generally thought of Him. The apostles answered there was great difference of opinion; some taking Him for Elias, some for Moses, and some thought He was a prophet. Then Jesus asked them what was their own opinion on the matter. Peter answered in the name of all: "Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God."

2. When Jesus heard this unqualified acknowledgment of His divinity, He said to Peter: "Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her. I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth shall be loosed also in heaven."

3. Peter was thus the first of the apostles who made a public profession of the divinity of Jesus Christ, and, for his faith, Jesus made him the chief among the apostles, and the future visible head of the Church. For eighteen hundred years, the Popes, who are the legitimate successors of St. Peter, have been placed at the head of the Christian world.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 37.—What did Jesus do at Caesarea Philippi? What was the opinion of the people about Him? What did Peter say? What power did Christ confer on Peter? What is said of the Popes?

38.—The Transfiguration.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. After six days, Jesus took Peter and James and John with Him up into a mountain. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone as the sun, and His garments became white as snow. Moses and Elias also appeared, and began to talk with Him.

2. When the apostles saw the ravishing beauty of Christ's person, they proposed, in their joy, to build three tabernacles: one for Him, one for Moses, and one for Elias. Whilst they were speaking a voice from heaven cried out, "This is My beloved Son: hear ye Him!"

3. At these words the apostles fell flat on the ground, nor did they look up until Jesus came and bade them rise. When they lifted up their eyes they saw no one but Jesus, who commanded them to tell the vision to no one till after He had risen from the dead.

4. Jesus, transfigured, appeared between the two greatest men of the Old Law—Moses, the lawgiver, and Elias, the miracle-worker. In Hie glory He infinitely surpassed both the one and the other, proving clearly that He was the centre of majesty as well as the origin of power, both in the Jewish and Christian dispensation.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 38.—Tell the history of the Transfiguration.

39.—Jesus the Friend of Children.—Scandal.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. One day, after teaching, Jesus sat down to rest, when the women brought their children to Him, that He might bless them. The apostles, anxious to spare Him, strove to keep beak the crowd; but Jesus said to then, "Suffer little children to come to Me, for in their innocence they are like the angels in heaven." Then Jesus laid His hands upon the heads of the children and blessed them.

2. On another occasion the apostles asked Jesus who was the greatest in heaven. He called a little child, and, placing it in their midst, said, "That to become great in heaven, we must on earth become innocent and humble as children."

3. It was on this occasion Christ pronounced a woe upon those who scandalized the young, or led them into sin; and the reason He gave was, "their angels were ever before the face of God."

As Tobias was protected by an angel, so have we angels to guard us, though with the eyes of the body we cannot see them.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 39.—What is said of little children?

40.—The Pardon of Injuries.—The Unforgiving Servant.

1. One day Peter asked Our Savior how often he should forgive his brother. Jesus said, Till seventy times seven;" by which is meant an indefinite number.

2. To confirm His words to Peter, Jesus related the following parable: A king wished to take an account of his affairs, so he called his servants. One came who owed ten thousand talents, and, being unable to pay, the master ordered him and his wife and his children to be sold. The poor man, when he saw the misfortune that was come upon him, fell upon his knees and begged for time, promising to pay all. The master, taking pity on him, forgave the debt.

3. When this servant left the master, he met a fellow-servant who owed him a hundred pence. Seizing him by the throat, he demanded immediate payment. The servant begged for a little time. He would not give it, but cast him into prison.

4. When the other servants saw what was done, they told the master, who, calling the unforgiving servant to him, chid him for his harshness, and then cast him into prison until his own debt should be paid. Christ concluded with these memorable words: "So also shall My heavenly Father do unto you, if you forgive not every one his brother from your hearts."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 40.—What is the lesson on forgiving injuries? What is said of the two servants? How did the master act? What conclusion did Christ draw?

41.—The Power of the Keys given to the Apostles.

1. At the time St. Peter made his glorious profession of faith in the divinity of Christ, he received, besides the primacy in the Church, a special power of binding and loosing on earth. About the period we are writing, Jesus extended the same power to the other apostles.

2. The words in which this power was conferred were as follows: "Amen, I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed also in heaven." And in order that there might be no doubt as to the authority of the apostles when they went forth to preach, Christ added: "He that hears you hears Me; and he that despises you despises Me."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 41.—What power was granted the apostles? What are the words in which Christ conferred this power?

42.—The Parable of the Good Samaritan.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Once, while Jesus was teaching, a lawyer came to Him, and asked what he must do to be saved. Jesus answered: "Love God with your whole heart, and love your neighbor as yourself." When the lawyer heard of his neighbor, he thought he would entrap Our Savior, and asked, "Who is my neighbor?"

2. In answer Jesus narrated the following parable: A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he fell among robbers, who stripped him, and wounding him, left him half-dead. Shortly afterwards a priest came by the same way, and, though he saw the helpless condition of the wounded man, passed on. In like manner, a Levite also passed.

3. But a Samaritan, passing, saw the wounded man, and coming, bound up his wounds, and placing him on his own ass, took him to the inn. The next day he took two pence and gave to the host, bidding him take care of the wounded man, and promising to pay on his return whatever additional expense would be incurred.

4. When Our Savior had finished, He asked the lawyer, "Who was neighbor to the man who fell among robbers?" The Doctor answered: "He that showed mercy." Then Jesus said: "Go and do in like manner."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 42, What did the lawyer ask? What answer did he get? Relate the parable of the Good Samaritan? What conclusion is drawn from the parable?

43.—Mary and Martha.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. After this Jesus came to a town called Bethany. Here a woman, named Martha, received Him into her house. Martha gave herself much trouble, arranging and fixing the house, that she might show her respect for her guest; but her sister Mary went and sat down at the feet of Jesus, and listened to His words.

2. When Martha saw that Mary left all the care of the house to her, she came to Jesus and requested Him to speak to her sister, that she might help her. But Jesus told Martha not to trouble herself about many things—one thing was necessary; and, as Mary had chosen the better part, He would not disturb her.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 43.—What is said of Martha? What is said of Mary? Whose conduct was preferred?

44.—The Lord's Prayer.

1. One day, after Jesus had been praying in a retired spot, one of His disciples came to Him, and asked Him to teach them to pray, as John had taught his disciples. Jesus said: "When you pray, say: Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen."

2. Jesus said besides, "Come to Me, all you that labor and are heavy ladened, and I will refresh you. My yoke is sweet, and My burden is light. Learn of Me, because I am meek and humble of heart."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 44.—Tell the history of the Lord's Prayer. What other maxims did Jesus give?

45.—The Lost Sheep and the Good Shepherd.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. At the feast of Tabernacles, Jesus went up to Jerusalem, where He taught. Many of those who came to hear Him were publicans and sinners. When the Scribes and Pharisees saw this they began to murmur. That He might the better illustrate His own character, and at the same time teach them a lesson, Jesus gave the following parable:

2. "What man having a hundred sheep, and losing one, does not leave the ninety-nine and seek for that which was lost until he find it? When he has found it, does he not call together his friends and neighbors, and say to them, 'Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost? As a man does with his lost sheep, so does God with the sinner that repents."

3. "I am the good Shepherd," said Christ. "The good shepherd gives his life for his flock; but the hireling, when lie sees the wolf, flies. I lay down My life for My sheep. I have other sheep that are not yet of this fold; them also must bring. There shall be but one fold and one Shepherd,"

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 45.—What gave occasion for the parable of the good shepherd? Relate it. What does Christ say of Himself?

46.—The Prodigal Son.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. After Jesus had given the above parable, that so beautifully explains what a good shepherd should be, He spoke another, to illustrate the forgiving character of His Father towards a repenting sinner.

2. "A certain man," said He, "had two sons. The younger asked his father for his portion, and, having received his share, went into a far country. He was not long there till he spent what his father had given him, and the companions of his folly abandoning him when they found he had no more to spend, he was reduced to extreme want.

3. "Seeing nothing but starvation staring him in the face, he went and hired himself to a farmer, who sent him to feed swine. When the young man saw the condition to which he was reduced, entering into himself, he rose up and returned to his father.

4. "The kind-hearted father was watching, and when he saw his poor prodigal son returning to him, hastened out to meet him, and, falling on his neck, kissed him, and welcomed him back to the home of his childhood. The son said: 'Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before thee. I am not worthy to be called thy son.'

5. "But the father ordered the servants to bring forth the best robe in the house and put it on him, and to put a ring on his finger, and shoes on his feet. Then he commanded them to hasten and bring the fatted calf, that they might kill it and make merry.

6. "The eldest son was in the fields, and when he returned, and heard music and dancing, and learned the cause, he was very angry. Calling his father, he complained that he had made so much of his disobedient and dissipated brother, whilst he had never received anything, not even a kid, with which to make merry with his friends. But his father said it was but right to rejoice, for his brother that was dead had come to life, and he who had been lost was found."

7. In this parable Jesus Christ taught the doctrine of penance. First, the prodigal son recognizes his sins, repents, and returns to his father. Secondly, he confesses, and is ready to make satisfaction for what ha has dome. In the same manner the sinner recognizes his sins, repents, and confesses them; then willingly accepts the penance imposed on him; and lastly, the absolution of the priest reconciles him to God.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 46.—Relate the parable of the prodigal son. What Joel the parable of the prodigal child teach? How?

47.—The Rich Man and Lazarus.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Jesus, continuing to preach, spoke as follows: "There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen, and feasted sumptuously every day. There was also a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at the rich man's gate, begging for the crumbs that fell from his table; moreover, the dogs licked his sores.

2. "In due time the beggar died, and was carried to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, but was buried in hell. Here, lifting up his eyes, he saw Lazarus, and begged Abraham to send him to him, that he might dip his finger in water and cool his tongue. But Abraham reminded the rich man how it had been with him and Lazarus in life, and how just it was that he, who had feasted on good things, should now suffer, whilst he who had suffered should be rewarded.

3. "'Besides,' said Abraham. 'there is between us a great lake, so that no one can pass from us to you, nor from you to us.'

"As a last appeal, the rich man begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers, that they might be kept out of hell; but Abraham refused, saying: 'They have Moses and the prophets: let them hear them.'"

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 47.—What is said of the rich man? What is said of Lazarus? What did Abraham say? What last appeal did the rich man make? How was he answered?

48.—The Cure of the Man Born Blind.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Whilst Jesus was celebrating the feast of Tabernacles. He went out from the Temple on the Sabbath day. He met a man who had been blind from his birth. The disciples asked if it was because of any fault in the blind man himself, or in his parents, that he had been born blind. Jesus answered that the blindness was neither because of any fault in the man, nor in his parents, but simply to manifest the works of God.

2. Jesus spat on the ground and made clay, and spread the clay on the eyes of the blind man. Then He bade him go and wash in the pool of Siloe. The blind man went, washed, and returned seeing.

3. When those who had formerly known him saw him, they were confounded, and took him to the Pharisees. They asked him how he had been cured. He told them. When they heard how Jesus had cured him on the Sabbath, some said He was God, and some said He was a sinner, whilst others said, "A sinner cannot do such miracles; "and there was a division.

4. There were some also who would not believe the man had been blind; so they sent for his parents, who testified that he had been born blind, and that it was their son. When the blind man began to reason, and to show that none but God could restore sight to the blind, the Pharisees became very angry, and cast him out.

5. Some time after this Jesus met him, and asked him if he believed in the Son of God. When, to his question, Jesus told him He was the Son of God, the man who had been blind fell on his knees and adored Jesus, saying: "Lord, I believe."

6. In this miracle we have a remarkable fulfilment of the words of the prophet Isaiah concerning Christ, that in His time "the eyes of the blind should be opened." Such a miracle could only be done by God; hence the anger and rage of unbelieving Pharisees when they could neither disprove nor gainsay the cure of the man who had been born blind.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 48.—What is said of the blind man? How was he cured? How did the Pharisees act? Who were called? What was done to the blind man? Why? What happened to him afterwards?

49.—The Ten Lepers.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. After the feast of Tabernacles, Jesus passed through Samaria and Galilee. On the way He met ten lepers. By the law of Moses, lepers were forbidden to live in the towns or cities, or to mingle among the people, and were required to live in the country, apart by themselves. When Jesus saw the ten lepers, He commanded them to go and show themselves to the priest. Whilst they were going they were cleansed.

2. One of them, when he saw what had happened, returned, and cast himself at the feet of Jesus; and this man was a Samaritan. Jesus asked if the other nine had not also been cleansed, and how came it that only the stranger returned to give thanks? Then Jesus, to console the grateful leper, said: "Rise: thy faith hath made thee whole."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 49.—Tell the history of the ten lepers.

50.—The Publican and the Pharisee.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. When Jesus saw how some trusted in their own works and despised others, He spoke the following parable: "Two men went up to the Temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, the other a publican. The Pharisee, standing, prayed thus: 'O God, I thank Thee that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers; nor am I like this publican. I fast twice c week, and I give tithes of all I possess.'

2. "But the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes, but struck his breast, saying. 'O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.'

"I say to you, the publican was justified, but the Pharisee was not; because he that exalteth himself shall be humbled, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 50.—Relate the parable of the Pharisee and the publican. What did the Pharisee do? What did the publican do? Which was justified?

51.—The Rich Young Man.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. A rich young man came to Jesus and asked what he must do to be saved. Jesus bade him keep the commandments. But the young man, hesitating, asked, "What commandments?" Jesus said: "gill not, steal not, neither shalt thou bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother." The young man, hearing this, answered he had kept all these from his youth.

2. Jesus then turned to him and said: "If you will be perfect, sell all you have and give it to the poor, and come and follow Me." But the young man went away sorrowful. When he had gone, Jesus turned to His disciples and remarked how difficult it was for a rich man to part with his wealth, and very few of them would enter heaven.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 51.—What is said of the rich young man? Describe his interview with Jesus. What is said of the rich?

52.—The Laborers in the Vineyard.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. After Jesus had spoken to His disciples of the rewards that awaited the faithful servant, He gave the following parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like to the master of a vine-yard. In the morning he went out to hire laborers; and, having agreed to give them each a penny a day, sent them into his vineyard.

2. "He went out at the third and the sixth and the ninth hours, and seeing men standing idle, sent them into his vineyard, telling them he would give them what was right. He did the same at the eleventh hour.

3. "In the evening the master called the laborers, and paid them each a penny. But when those who had labored from the morning came, and received only a penny, they began to complain because the others, who had not labored as much as they, had been made equal to them.

4. "The master answered, they had agreed for a penny; he had paid them, and he did not see why they should complain because he was generous."

Then Jesus said: "So shall it be in heaven: the last shall be first, and the first last; for many are called, but few are chosen."

5. Two thousand years before the coming of Jesus Christ, the Jews were called to be the chosen people of God. They despised this call, and so comparatively but few of them have been chosen to have a part in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. When the Jews denied and rejected Jesus Christ, He turned to the Gentiles, who, in immense numbers, enrolled themselves under His banner, and thus they who were last have become first, and the Jews, who were first, have become last.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 52.—Tell the parable of the laborers in the vineyard. What is said of the Jews and Gentiles?

53.—The Resurrection of Lazarus.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Whilst Jesus was assisting at the feast of the dedication of the Temple, He openly taught that He and the Father were one. When the Jews heard this, and saw that He thus made Himself equal to God, they became very angry, and determined to stone Him. But hearing of their intentions, Jesus quietly left Jerusalem and went into the country about the Jordan. There He received a message from the two sisters Mary and Martha, of Bethany, telling him their brother Lazarus was very sick.

2. But He remained two days longer, remarking to His disciples that Lazarus was dead. When He came to Bethany Martha met Him, and complained that He had been so slow; but Jesus bade her have courage, for her brother would again come to life.

3. Martha called Mary, who was at home weeping. She rose and hastened to meet Jesus, who was yet outside the town, end, casting herself at His feet, said: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother had not died."

4. When Jesus saw her weeping, and saw the other Jews who accompanied her also weeping, He asked where they had laid Lazarus. They brought Him to the sepulchre. He commanded them to take away the stone that lay over the door; then He lifted up His eyes to heaven, and praying, cried out: "Lazarus, come forth." Immediately Lazarus rose and came forth from the grave, bound in the napkins and grave-clothes in which he had been buried. Many of the Jews believed in Jesus, but others went and told the chief priests and Pharisees what had happened.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 53.—What did Jesus teach concerning Himself and the Father? Where did He go? What message did He receive? What happened when Jesus came to Bethany?

54.—The Jews Seek to Kill Jesus.

1. When the Pharisees and Scribes heard of the resurrection of Lazarus, and how the people were following Jesus, they said. "If we let Him alone, everybody will believe in Him." They asked Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, what he thought of the matter. But he answered: "It is expedient that one man die for the people, that the whole nation perish not." This he said by inspiration.

2. From that day they sought to put Jesus to death. For this reason He walked no more openly among the Jews, but, going away, dwelt in the city of Ephrem. The Jews hated Jesus because His works proved His divinity; and Cain killed his brother because God loved Abel.

3. Six days after the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus said to His apostles: "We are about to go up to Jerusalem, and I shall be betrayed and condemned to death; then I shall be scourged, and at last crucified; but I shall rise again on the third day." This remarkable prophecy was fulfilled to the letter in the passion and death of Christ.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 54.—When the Pharisees heard of the resurrection of Lazarus, how did they act? What did the high priest say? What did the Jews try to do? What prophesy did Jesus give?

55. Zacheus, the Chief of the Publicans.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. There lived in Jericho a man named Zacheus, the chief of the publicans. He strove to see Jesus when He passed through the city, but, being a man of small stature, he could not on account of the crowd. He then ran on and climbed up a sycamore-tree. When Jesus came to the tree, he lifted up His eyes and said to Zacheus: "Make haste and come down, for to-day I must abide in your house." Zacheus hastened, and with great joy received Him into his house.

2. When the others saw this they began to murmur because Jesus had gone into the house of a publican, who from his profession was considered a sinner. Jesus said to Zacheus: "This day salvation is come into this house, for the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 55.—What is said of Zacheus?

56.—Mary Magdalene Anoints Jesus.

1. From Jericho Jesus went to Bethany, where Simon the leper made a supper for Him. Lazarus was one of the guests, and Martha, his sister, helped to wait upon them. Now, while they were all sitting at supper, Mary Magdalene took a box of precious ointment, and, coming into the house, knelt down and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped them with the hair of her head. The house was filled with the sweet odor of the ointment.

2. When Judas Iscariot saw this he began to complain and to murmur at the waste. He asked why they had not sold the ointment and given the price to the poor—not that he cared for the poor, but because he carried the purse and was a thief.

3. Jesus bade them let the woman alone, for she had done a good work in embalming His body for the tomb. He said also that wheresoever His Gospel would be preached, the piety of Mary Magdalene would be proclaimed.

4. Like Judas, many nowadays cry "Prodigality!" if they are asked to contribute for the beauty of the church or the splendor of divine worship. They also say, "Let it be given to the poor," but Jesus says, "Do both: ornament the church and help the poor."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 56.—From Jericho where did Jesus go? What happened? What did Mary Magdalene do? What did Judas say? What did Jesus say? What do many nowadays say?

57.—Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. On the following day Jesus came to Jerusalem, but, before entering, stopped at Mount Olivet, just outside the walls of the city. From there He sent His disciples to Bethphage, a little town close by, and bade them bring the ass which they would find tied by the way.

2. The disciples did as He commanded, and, bringing the ass, put their garments on it; then they placed Jesus thereon and led Him into Jerusalem. On the way great multitudes of the people met Him. Some spread their garments on the ground, some cut down branches from the palm-trees and strewed them before Him, whilst all cried: "Hosanna to the Son of David! blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord!"

3. Many of the Pharisees were also in the crowd. When they heard the people shouting, and saw the honors that were paid to Jesus, they asked Him to rebuke His disciples, and to tell the people to hold their peace; but He would not.

4. As Jesus drew near the city, looking upon it, He wept; then He cried out: "O Jerusalem! if you had known the things that are for your peace; but now they are hidden from your eyes. The days shall come when your enemies shall compass you about, and shall beat you flat to the ground, and there shall not remain of you a stone upon a stone."

5. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He went directly to the Temple, where from every direction the sick, the blind, and the paralytic were brought to Him, and He cured them all. At last the people became very much excited, and even the children caught up the general enthusiasm and cried out: Hosanna to the Son of David!"

6. When the Pharisees heard this they became more and more enraged, and, coming to Him, asked if He heard what was said. Jesus answered, "Yes; but," said He, "have you never read what was written by the prophet: Out of the mouths of infants and sucklings Thou hast perfected praise?"

7. Long before had Zacharias the prophet foretold the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, when he said: "Rejoice, daughter of Sion, and shout, daughter of Jerusalem; behold, thy King will come to thee: He is poor, and riding upon an ass."

8. Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem on the very day the Jews were required by the law of Moses to procure the Paschal lamb. How significant His every act! The Paschal lamb was offered for the Jewish people; but Jesus, who is the true Paschal Lamb, was offered, not for a people, but for a world.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 57.—What is said of Christ's entry into Jerusalem? What did the multitude do? How did the Pharisees act? What did Jesus say of Jerusalem? What was done in the Temple? How did Jesus answer the Pharisees? What did Zacharias prophesy? On what day did Jesus enter Jerusalem?

58.—The Parable of the Marriage Feast.

1. On the next day, while Jesus was teaching in the Temple, He said: "The kingdom of heaven is like to a king who made a marriage feast for his son. He sent his servants to call those who had been invited, but they would not come. He sent a second time, but they not only refused, but, seizing his servants, put them to death.

2. "When the king heard this he became very angry, and, sending his armies, destroyed the murderers and burnt their city.

"That his marriage feast might not be without guests, the king sent his servants into the highways and invited all, the good as well as the bad, to come.

3. "The king, going into the banqueting-hall, found a guest who had not on a wedding-garment. When asked why he had neglected to put on a wedding-garment, he was silent. Then the king ordered him to be bound hand and foot, and to be cast into exterior darkness."

4. In the East it was customary for kings to supply their guests with wedding-garments; hence the crime of the unfortunate man, who, through carelessness, had neglected to put on the proper garment, even though provided for him.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 58.—Tell the parable of the marriage feast. What was done to the dumb guest? What was a custom in the East?

59.—The Tribute to Caesar.

1. When the Scribes and Pharisees heard the parable of the marriage feast, they knew Jesus meant them by the guests who had refused to come. In consequence they were very angry, and began to plot how they might entrap Him in His words, that thereby they might have a pretext to condemn Him.

2. For this purpose they sent some of their own disciples, together with some of the friends of Herod, to Him. They began by flattering Hint and praising Him for His bold and fearless declaration of His opinions. When they thought they had deceived Him as to their intentions, they, with deep cunning, asked Him "whether it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not."

3. Jesus knew very well what their motives were, and the treacherous plot by which they hoped to entrap Him; for if He said "Yes," the Jews would hate Him as being an enemy to their country, and if He said "No," Herod would seize upon Him for resisting the government.

4. Jesus asked for a penny. When it was presented to Him, He asked "whose image was on it." They said, "Caesar's." Then said Jesus: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

When they heard this their malice was forced to yield in admiration to His wisdom. Going away, they dared ask Him no more questions.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 59.—How did the Scribes try to entrap Jesus? How did He answer them? What did they do?

60.—Christ Foretells the Destruction of Jerusalem
and the End of the World.

1. After Jesus had finished speaking, He rose to leave the Temple. As He was passing out, His disciples began to admire its magnificence and solidity; but Jesus told them not to trust too much to appearances; that that Temple which they now so much admired, and of which the Jews were so proud, would ere long be destroyed; nor would there remain of it so much as a stone upon a stone.

2. When He came to Mount Olivet, that stands but a short distance from the city, I3e sat down and began to speak to His disciples of the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world. They asked Him when these things would take place.

3. In answer to the first question He said: "When you shall see an army encompass Jerusalem about, know that her destruction is at hand. Then let those that are in Judea flee to the mountains, and those that are in Jerusalem hasten to depart, for the days of vengeance and tribulation are come: many shall fall by the sword, many shall be led away captives among the nations of the earth, and Jerusalem shall be destroyed."

4. To the second question He said: "Be not deceived: My Gospel shall be preached in the whole world, and then shall the end come. There shall be tribulations such as have not been; false Christs shall arise, and false prophets shall come, doing wonders and showing signs, so as almost to deceive the elect. But the end is not yet.

5. "Other signs shall appear: The sun shall be darkened, the moon shall not give her light, the stars shall fall from heaven, the earth shall be moved, the sea shall roar, and men shall wither away for fear of the things that are to come. Then shall the sign of the Son of Man appear, and He Himself shall come in His majesty; the angels shall gather together the elect from the four winds. But no one knows either the day or the hour, but the Father alone."

6. Thirty-seven years after this remarkable prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, Titus, a Roman general, came with an army and laid siege to Jerusalem. The prophecy was fulfilled to the letter: the walls were beaten down, the city was taken, the Temple burned, and the Jews were carried into captivity, never to return.

In its own time will the prophecy concerning the end of the world be also fulfilled.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 60.—What did Jesus say concerning the Temple? Of what did Jesus speak when He came to Mount Olivet? When was Jerusalem to be destroyed? What did Jesus say about the end of the world? Who destroyed Jerusalem? When?

61.—The Parable of the Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins.

[Illustration] from Bible History for Catholics by R. Gilmour

1. Jesus continued to speak to His disciples, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like to ten virgins who took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Five were wise and five were foolish. The foolish took no oil with them but the wise took oil in vessels together with their lamps.

2. "Whilst the bridegroom tarried, they all slept. During the night the bridegroom came, and they rose and went forth to meet him. But soon the foolish virgins found their lamps had gone out, and, while they went to buy oil, the bridegroom entered, and the doors were shut.

3. "At length the foolish virgins came, but could not enter. When they cried out to open for them, the bridegroom answered, 'I know you not.' Watch, for you know not when the Son of Man shall come."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 61.—Tell the parable of the virgins.

62.—The Parable of the Talents.

1. Again Jesus gave another parable: "The end of the world is like to a man who went into a far country. He called together his servants, and delivered to them his goods. To one he gave five talents; to another, two; and to another, one. Then he started on his journey.

2. "How he that bad received the five talents went and traded with them till he gained other five talents. In like manner he that had received the two gained other two; but he that had received the one talent went away and buried his lord's money.

3. "After a long time the lord returned; and he that had received the five talents came and brought with him the other five. When the lord saw this he said: 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant: because thou hest been faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.' In like manner the lord spoke to him that had gained the two talents.

4. "But he that had received the one talent came and said. 'Lord, I knew thou wert a hard man, and, being afraid, I hid thy talent in the ground. Here is what is thine.' The lord reproached him for his sloth, and, taking the talent from him, gave it to him who had the ten talents. Then he commanded the unprofitable servant to be bound hand and foot and cast into exterior darkness."

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 62.—Tell the parable of the talents.

63.—The Last Judgment.

1. Among the last of the public instructions Christ gave the people was a discourse on the Last Judgment, and an exhortation to His disciples to prepare for it. The negligence of men, and the little influence that the mere love for God has to change the mind, rendered it necessary to add fear to the other motives for serving God.

2. Jesus began by a description of the commotions that would beforehand take place in the heavens and on the earth; telling how the sun and the moon and the stars would change, and the earth tremble, and how after this an angel would sound the last trumpet and call the dead to judgment. Then would come the Son of Man, surrounded by His angels and seated on a cloud, while all the nations of the earth would be gathered before Him.

3. When all mankind shall have been thus gathered before Him, Jesus Christ shall send out His angels to separate the good from the bad, placing the former on His right hand and the latter on His left. Then shall Christ turn to the good and say to them: "Come, ye blessed of My Father, possess the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

4. But He shall turn to the wicked and, with an angry countenance, say: "Depart from Me, ye accursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels." And these shall go into everlasting punishment, but the just into life everlasting.

5. At His first coming Jesus appeared in poverty and weakness, but at His second He shall appear as a judge, surrounded by His majesty, and backed by His power. The cross, now so much despised, will then be the sign of His glory.

QUESTIONS TO CHAPTER 63.—Besides love, what else is needed to serve God? Describe the Last Judgment. What shall be done to the good? What to the bad? What is the difference between the first and the last coming of Jesus Christ?