Secret Societies of All Ages: Vol 2 - Charles Heckethorn

Occult Literature

Notes on Standard and Recent Works published by George Redway

During the past ten or twelve years the literature of the Occult Sciences and Philosophy has assumed a fresh importance, and, as a consequence, has remarkably increased in the chief countries of the world.

This literature has always existed in England, and it is here that its new developments have, for the most part, originated. But, previously to the year 1886, the publication of works on this subject was in the hands of amateurs, and their circulation was limited to the resources of book-depots belonging to one or two private societies. At that period, however, Mr. George Redway began to undertake the production of books by eminent occultists, both living and dead, and, with the interruption of the few years following the sale of his original business, he has continued to issue in a popular form, and at a moderate price, most of the best works that have appeared of their kind in the language. The following succinct account of the entire series, which has been published from time to time under his auspices, including recent additions, will be useful to students of the subject as a guide in the choice of books, and will give at the same time a comprehensive idea of the extent and importance of Mr. Redway's enterprise in this department of literature.

The plan followed is one of merely informal enumeration, so that the various works must not be regarded as classified in the order of their importance, which would be difficult or impossible; while a grouping under subject-headings, having regard to the scope of the bibliography, has been deemed unnecessary. For convenience in reference only, the works of Mr. A. E. Waite have been placed in a separate section under the name of the author.

Anna Kingsford, Her Life, Letters, Diary, and Work.̵By her Collaborator, EDWARD MAITLAND. Illustrated with Portraits, Views, Facsimiles, etc. Two vols. Demy 8vo, 315. 6d. net.

The genesis of the New Gospel of Interpretation, which found its first expression in "The Perfect Way," is here fully set forth by the "surviving recipient" of the gospel, and these two volumes are of great and even imperishable interest. By its profound mystical importance, to set aside the beauty of its literary form, "The Perfect Way" marked a new period in the religious thought of the age, finding its appropriate complement in Clothed with the Sun, the book of Mrs. Kingsford's illuminations. Now this life of the seeress explains and completes both, and it is not surprising that it has been the most successful work of its kind published during the past twelve months.

Psychic Philosophy as the Foundation of a Religion of Natural Law.—By V. C. DESERTIS. With Introduction by ALFRED RUSSEI. WALLACE, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. Crown 8vo, 55. net.

Though appearing under a name previously unknown in psychological literature, this work has been welcomed as perhaps the best existing exposition of the philosophy of Spiritualism. As Dr. Wallace explains in his preface, it founds a philosophy of the universe and of human nature on the facts of psychical research, the basis of which philosophy is necessarily the familiar proposition that faith must be justified by knowledge. The consideration is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the experimental facts, and the second with "theory and inferences," set forth in a manner which has been rightly characterised as really powerful and original; some of the author's most important material is derived from modern scientific conceptions as to the constitution of matter and ether.

The Imitation of S'Ankara.—Being a Collection of several Texts bearing on the Advaita. By MANILAL N. DVIVIDI. Crown Svo, 55. net.

This is a production of the Bombay Press. The Oriental texts in question number 658, and have been derived from the Upanishads, the Institutes of Manu, the Mahabhirata, and other sacred writings, the Sanskrit originals being also given. Seeing that for the most part they were in existence before the birth of S'ankara, they must be regarded as the spirit which guided that teacher, and are thus not his imitation, but that which he himself followed.

The Great Secret, and Its Unfoldment In Occultism.—A Record of Forty Years' Experience in the Modern Mystery. By a CHURCH of ENGLand CLERGYMAN. Crown Svo, 55. net.

The "modern mystery" is, of course, Spiritualism, and perhaps this crisp and eminently readable narrative has a little suffered by some inexactitude in its title. The author is well known not only in the sphere of liberal theology, but in that of letters, and as his identity is in no way concealed by the narrative for those who have any acquaintance with the movement, it is to be regretted that his name has been suppressed.

Neo-Platonism. Porphyry, the Philosopher, to his Wife, Marcella.—Now first translated into English by ALICE ZIMMERN. With Preface by RICHARD GARNETT, C.B., LL.D. Crown Svo, 35. 6d. net

Marcella was a widow whom the philosopher espoused late in his life from an intellectual interest in the welfare and education of the children whom she had borne to her first husband. Porphyry was the pupil of Plotinus as Plotinus was of Ammonius Saccas. The letter, preserved in the Ambrosian Library of Milan, is, unfortunately, imperfect at the end. With the preface of Dr. Garnett and Miss Zimmern's admirable introduction on Neo-Platonism, it is presented under the best auspices to English readers.

Miracles and Modern Spiritualism.—Three Essays by ALFRED RUSSELL WALLACE, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. New and Revised Edition, with Chapters on Phantasms and Apparitions. Crown Svo, 53. net.

The work of Dr. Wallace and the "Researches" of Professor Crookes have been always, from the evidential standpoint, the Jakin and Bohaz of the edifice of modern Spiritualism in England. Both are much too well known to require description or advertisement. The extensions of the present edition deal with objective apparitions and the raison tfitre of phantasms, each having special reference to the theories of Psychical Research.

Animal Magnetism; or, Mesmerism and its Phenomena.—By the late WILLIAM GREGORY, M.D., F.R.S.E. Fourth Edition. With Introduction by the late M.A. (Oxon). Demy 8vo, 6s. net.

Since the days of Dr. Gregory and the classic mesmerists whom we connect broadly with his period, animal magnetism has assumed a new and possibly more scientific terminology; but it is a matter of surprise, on re-reading this standard treatise, to note how trivial have been the advances made since the subject has been taken into account by the professional "modern scientist." The experiments of this careful observer have lost none of their importance, and the introduction of Mr. Stainton Moses, written for a previous edition, now very rare, will enhance the value of the work in the eyes of all English Spiritualists.

The Tarot of the Bohemians.—The most ancient book in the world. For the exclusive use of Initiates. By PAPUS. Translated by A. P. MORTON. With numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 55. net.

Ostensibly, the "Tarot" is a method of divination comprised in seventy-eight symbols, from which our modern cards have descended. The fact*bf its existence seems to have been first discovered by a French archaeologist at the close of the eighteenth century, and he connected its figures with primitive Egyptian symbolism. The subject was further developed by Eliphas Le"vi, who regarded it as the first book of humanity, and thought that all problems of science, philosophy, and religion could be solved by means of its combinations. The work of Papus, who has attained similar conclusions, is the first formal and elaborate treatise upon the whole of this interesting question, and he claims to give, also for the first time, the Key to the construction and application of the "Tarot."

The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum.—Interpreted by the Tarot Trumps. Translated from a MS. of ELIPHAS LEVI, and Edited by Dr. WYNN WESTCOTT. With Eight Coloured Plates. Crown 8vo, 75. 6d. net.

A special interest attaches to this publication, which has not been printed in the language of the original. The MS., with its carefully drawn figures, was written in an interleaved copy of a small Latin treatise by Trithemius, and sent to Baron Spedalieri, circa 1861; it is the subject of reference in one of Le'vi's letters to that disciple, by whom it was ultimately presented to Mr. Edward Maitland. Mr. Maitland seems to have regarded it as a commentary on the work of Trithemius, which goes to show that he did not read it : it was not until it passed into the possession of Dr. Westcott that it was discovered to be an original and highly interesting ritual of magic.

The Rationale of Mesmerism.—A Treatise on the Occult Laws of Nature governing Mesmeric Phenomena. By A. P. SINNETT. Second Edition. 2s. 6d. net

In addition to the sources of occult knowledge with which Mr. Sinnett claims to be connected, he has had considerable experience as a practical mesmerist, and is therefore entitled to speak upon his subject with personal as well as derived authority.

Light On The Path: Karma: Green Leaves.—A Treatise written for the personal use of those who are ignorant of the Eastern Wisdom. By MABEL COLLINS. Imperial 32mo, is. 6d. net.

A series of aphorisms or maxims partly referable to Oriental Scriptures, this little work has been a Golden Rule among Theosophists, and not the less popular because of the unhappy controversy of which it subsequently became the centre.

The Story of the Year.—A Record of Feasts and Ceremonies. By MABEL COLLINS. Imperial 32mo, is. 6d. net.

A sequel to "Light on the Path" and a kind of theosophical companion to the Calendar; suggestive, and with an interior meaning.

A Handbook of Palmistry After The Ancient Methods.—Sixth and Revised Edition. By ROSA BAUGHAN. With Five Plates. Demy 8vo, is. net.

The most popular introduction to the study of the Hand ever published in England. It has been in circulation for ten years, and is still always in demand. The present revised edition supersedes all others, and those who have earlier impressions will do well to consult this.

The Gnostics and Their Remains: Ancient and Mediaeval.—By C. W. KING. Second Edition. With Woodcuts and Plates. Royal 8vo, IDS. 6d. net.

Mr. King is our only authority on the attractive but perplexing subject of the Gnostic sects, and this second edition of his standard work is so much an enlargement upon the first that it is almost entitled to rank as an independent treatise. It is here offered to the public at half its original cost, and, when the present remainder is exhausted, the copies now available at a small price will become much enhanced in value. Without being apparently a mystic, and writing rather from the standpoint of history and numismatics, the author approaches his subject sympathetically, and is in most respects an authoritative guide.

The Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismeqistus.—Rendered into English by ANNA KINGSFORD and EDWARD MAITLAND, Authors of "The Perfect Way." With Illustrations. 410. Imitation Parchment. IDS. 6d. net.

Despite its attribution, "The Virgin of the World" represents a school of initiation which is usually regarded as distinct from that which produced the other writings referred to Hermes Trismegistus. It differs, on the one hand, from the "Divine Pymander," which, perhaps, connects more closely with Neo-Platonism of the Christian era; and, on the other, from the "Golden Treatise," which cannot be dated much earlier than the fifteenth century. "Asclepios on Initiation," the "Definitions of Asclepios," and some "Fragments of Hermes," are included in the volume, which is an indispensable companion to Chambers' valuable edition of the other works ascribed to Hermes.

The Kabbalah Unveiled.—Containing Three Books of the Zohar. Translated from the Chaldee and Hebrew text by S. L. MACGREGOR MATHERS. Post 8vo. With Diagrams.

No attempt has as yet been made in English to furnish a complete and catholic account of the developments of Kabbalistic literature, though the keys of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures are both said to be contained therein. The literature is indeed so large, and presents so many difficulties of interpretation, that the few scholars competent for the task have evidently shrunk from undertaking it. In the absence of any other source of information, the work of Mr. Mathers has been in considerable demand. It translates in extenso certain important books of the Zohar, giving an interlinear commentary on the first, and copious notes to the others. There is also a long introduction, which is informing and valuable.

Magic, White and Black; or, The Science of Finite and Infinite Life.—By FRANZ HARTMANN, M.D. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo. Frontispiece and Woodcuts. 6s. net.

A presentation of magical doctrine from a Theosophical standpoint. The ethical value has been regarded as high by authorities in the same line of thought, and Dr. Hartmann's treatise, enlarged and revised for each successive edition, has been singularly successful.

The Key of Solomon The Kino.—Now first translated from Ancient MSS. in the British Museum, by S. L. MACGREGOR MATHERS. With numerous Plates. Crown 410, 255. net.

A scholarly edition of what is regarded as "the original work on practical magic," based upon the best texts, and crowded with talismanic and other figures. It gives the actual mode of operation, which should enable any person so disposed to call up and discharge spirits, as well as full instructions for other departments of ceremonial magic. It must, however, be observed that the Keys of Solomon" are referred to the domain of White Magic, and do not, therefore, deal with evil spirits evoked for evil purposes. The "Keys of Solomon the King" are, further, to be distinguished from those of Solomon the Rabbi, which have not yet been edited.

Astrology Theologized: The Spiritual Hermeneutics of Astrology and Holy Writ.—Edited by ANNA BONUS KINGSFORD. With numerous Symbolical Illustrations. 4to. Parchment. IDS. 6d. net.

An old astrological maxim tells us that Sapiens dominabitur astris, and this work is actually a formal treatise upon the method of ruling the planets by the law of grace. In other words, our destinies are written in the stars, but it is possible to erase or rectify the record. This very curious book, practically the sole treatise upon the spiritual side of astrology, was first published in 1649, and its authorship remains unknown. It connects on the one side with the Paracelsian doctrine of interior stars and external signatures, and on the other with the modern interpretations of Eliphas L6vi; indeed, the maxim of the French Magus, "When we think that we are reading in the stars, it is in ourselves we read," would be an admirable motto for the title-page. The late Dr. Kingsford's preface to the reprint deals with the "true method of interpreting Holy Scripture," and attracted considerable attention at the time of its first appearance.

The Astrologer's Guide.—Being the One Hundred and Forty-six Considerations of Guido Bonatus, and the Choicest Aphorisms of the Seven Segments of Cardan. Edited by W. ELDON SERJEANT. Demy 8vo, 75. 6d. net.

Bonatus was a Florentine astrologer of the thirteenth century, who was famous for his successful predictions, but he ultimately became a Franciscan. Jerome Cardan, who is a greater name in the starry science, was a skilful physician, and to him mathematics are indebted for developments of importance. The present reprint is the translation of Henry Coley as regards Bonatus, and that of William Lilly as regards Cardan, who nourished in the sixteenth century. Mr. Serjeant's edition places two rare works within the reach of all who are interested.

Posthumous Humanity: A Study of Phantoms.—By ADOLPHE D'ASSIER. Translated and Annotated by HENRY S. OLCOTT, President of the Theosophical Society. Crown 8vo, 75. 6d. net.

A presentation of facts establishing the existence of a posthumous personality, not only as regards man, but other animals, and even vegetables. Shortly put, it is an attempt to demonstrate the occult doctrine of the fluidic form. From one point of view, this study of psychic phenomena offers an unattractive contrast to the mystic doctrine of union with the Divine, but this is because it deals only with the elementary spheres of transcendental experience, and it must not be regarded as less remarkable or less suggestive because its inferences are somewhat dismal.

Theosophy, Religion, and Occult Science.—By HENRY S. OLCOTT. Crown 8vo, 75. 6d. net.

A series of lectures presenting the alternative between Theosophy and Materialism, and dealing comprehensively with old Western Magic, modern Spiritualism, Eastern Sociology and Eastern, especially Indian, Religions. It is perhaps the most successful work ever published by Col. Olcott scholarly, well expressed, at once popular and attractive in form. It has had a wide sale, and deserved it.

Incidents In The Life of Madame Blavatsky.—Compiled from information supplied by her Relatives and Friends, and Edited by A. P. SINNETT. With Portrait. Demy 8vo, los. 6d. net.

Madame Blavatsky was herself a mirror or epitome of the occult sciences. She personified all their wisdom, all their extravagance, while she also incorporated into her history most of the accusations which have been made against them. Her story is here told with Mr. Sinnett's well-known ease of style and considerable literary skill. It is not now a complete life, for not only has the subject passed away since it was written, but much additional knowledge has been made public concerning her. It deserves and would repay rewriting, and yet, as it stands, it is always fresh and interesting. There is not, however, the same living and moving portraiture of Madame Blavatsky which is to be found in the brilliant, though unhappily hostile, biography of M. Solovyoff.

The Philosophy of Mysticism.—By CARL DU PREL. Translated from the German by C. C. MASSEY. 8vo. Two vols. IDS. 6d. net.

These noble volumes are the outcome of a happy combination on the one hand, an author who is among the first of living German Mystics; on the other, a translator who is himself a Mystic, and of established repute among many like-thinking in England. It is impossible in a brief space to present a satisfactory analysis of a work which is so important and at the same time so voluminous. The author explains that he has attempted " to erect a philosophical fabric of doctrine on the empirical basis of the sleep-life," and to disprove the "false presumption" that "our Ego is wholly embraced in self-consciousness." It is maintained that an analysis" of the dream-life exhibits the Ego as exceeding that limit. A very similar doctrine was propounded in Fichte's "Way to the Blessed Life," namely, that only a small portion of our being is illuminated by the sun of consciousness.

The Indian Religions; or, Results of the Mysterious Buddhism.—By HARGRAVE JENNINGS. 8vo, 6s. net.

Sufficient attention has not been given to the very curious speculations in this volume, some of which are highly suggestive, though marred by inaccuracies, extravagances, and a determined effort to write in a bizarre fashion. By the way, at the time of its publication it was accepted as a new work, but it was really edited for the publishers from materials in earlier volumes by Mr. Jennings, now long since out of print and exceedingly rare, as, for example, "Curious Things of the Outside World." The work thus possesses a certain bibliographical value apart from the occult lucubrations, which have always attracted a certain class of minds to the author of the "Rosicrucians."

The Influence of the Stars.—By ROSA BAUGHAN. 8vo, 55. net.

Miss Baughan has for many years possessed an almost unrivalled reputation as a professional palmist, and would seem to be no less skilled in discerning the future by means of the lines on the hand than was Mlle. Lenormand by the help of the combinations of cartomancy. At the same time, Miss Baughan, in her published works, is prudently disinclined to check the old doctrine of chiromancy by the result of her personal observation. The three occult sciences dealt with in this book are elucidated in a practical manner, and their connection very clearly exhibited.

Palmistry and Its Practical Uses.—By LOUISE COTTON. With Twelve Plates. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. net.

A less elaborate treatise thar that noticed above, the late Mrs. Cotton's book is elementary only, and the clear text, which is assisted by excellent illustrations, has proved useful to many beginners.

The Tarot: Its Occult Signification, Use in Fortune Telling, and Method of Play.—By S. L. MACGREGOR MATHERS. With Pack of 78 Tarot Cards, 55. net.

This little work, as will be seen, is designed to accompany a set of Tarot cards, and it makes no pretension to deal in an elaborate manner with the complex symbolism of the "book of antique initiation;" but it may serve as a syllabus or introduction to the more ambitious exposition by Papus, and has been found useful in cartomancy by those disinclined towards the study of a larger and more technical work.

The Life of Paracelsus and The Substance of His Teachings.—By FRANZ HARTMANN, M.D. Post 8vo, IDS. 6d. net.

The occult philosophy of Paracelsus concerning Magic, Pneumatology, Sorcery, Alchemy, Astrology, and Medicine, is here set forth and explained according to the tenets of theosophy. It has, therefore, considerable interest for the followers of this school, while the attempt to interpret an old teacher of occult philosophy from the standpoint of later views is not without importance for the more general student of the subject. Dr. Hartmann's concise digest has thus been always in requisition.

The Hidden Way Across The Threshold; or, The Mystery which hath been Hidden for Ages and from Generations.—With Plates. Large 8vo, 153. net.

This voluminous treatise, thus suggestively entitled, is scarcely capable of brief description, so large is the field of occult interest which it covers. Perhaps the best which can be said of it in this place is that the author claims to have been initiated by several secret societies possessing an occult tradition, and that his work has been regarded by capable judges as indicating an access to sources of information which could not well be attained by the ordinary methods of study.

The Life of Jacob Boehme, The God-Taught Philosopher. An Introduction to the Study of his Works.—By FRANZ HARTMANN, M.D. Demy 8vo, IDS. 6d. net.

Here Dr. Hartmann has followed the same plan as in the case of the "Life and Writings of Paracelsus." We have first an account of the mystic, and then a compendious digest of his doctrine arranged in sections, with a Theosophical commentary. The reader who is not a Theosophist can dispense with the commentary, and will still have a handbook to the writings of Boehme which will be more valuable, because more sympathetic, than that of Bishop Martensen.

The Cloud On The Sanctuary.—Translated by MADAME ISABEL DE STEIGER. With a Preface by J. W. BRODIE-INNES. Crown 8vo, 33. 6d. net.

The work of the great German Mystic, Eckartshausen, embodying perhaps the most profound instruction ever offered concerning the esoteric mysteries of Christianity, this treatise, prized by a select few in its original tongue, and familiar also to others in its French translation, is here given for the first time in an English version, with some annotations by the translator, a lady well known in occult circles, and a transcendentalist as well as an artist. Mr. Brodie-Innes contributes a short preface which will be of value to those who are acquainted with his remarkable work on the "True Church of Christ" a work, it may be added, which, in a more recent aspect, represents much of the mystic teaching to be found in "The Cloud on the Sanctuary."

The Transcendental Universe.—Six Lectures on Occult Science, Theosophy, and the Catholic Faith. Second Edition. By C. G. HARRISON. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. net.

Mr. Harrison regards Transcendentalism, and especially its Theosophic development, from the standpoint of esoteric Christianity, and in a slight degree he connects with the school of Eckartshausen. His impeachment of Madame Blavatsky, if not entirely new, embodies many original elements, and has attracted some attention. The little work is exceedingly clear and readable.

A Professor of Alchemy.—By PERCY Ross. Crown 8vo, 35. 6d. net.

Presented under the guise of a novel, and possessing an artistic excellence which is rare in works of fiction. "A Professor of Alchemy" is really the life of the celebrated French adept, Denys Zachaire, very slightly coloured by romance. The alchemist has himself written the history of his quest after the Magnum Opus, and the story by "Percy Ross" is a kind of idealised supplement thereto, which heightens the interest surrounding one of the most remarkable personages in the whole range of Hermetic biography.

Demon-Possession and Allied Themes.—By the Rev. JOHN NEVIUS, D.D. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d. net.

The work of an American who spent forty years of his life as a missionary in China, and there had the subject of Diabolical Possession forced upon him. Contains the result of his experiences and researches, and valuable bibliographical additions. Interesting from any point of view, but especially from that of the Christian occultist.

A Blank Page. A Story for the Bereaved.—By PILGRIM. Crown 8vo, 55. net.

A graceful and touching story dealing suggestively with the experiences of Modern Spiritualism. It is certainly the best, perhaps the one spiritualistic novel which has appeared in England.

The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries.—By C. W. HECKETHORN. New Edition, thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged. Two vols. Demy 8vo, i, us. 6d. net.

A new work rather than a new edition, the result of twenty-five years' study and research, and truly encyclopaedic in its range, extending from Egyptian Mysteries to the latest doings of the Nihilists, and including 160 Secret Organisations in all. It is the only book of its kind, and is not likely to be superseded.

Human Magnetism; or, How to Hypnotise.—By JAMES COATES. Crown 8vo, 55. net.

A practical work by a writer whose long experience qualifies him to speak with authority. The instructions are full, explicit, and illustrated with admirable photographs; but it is more than a book of instruction, it is also a critical account of the subject up to date, from the standpoint of Animal Magnetism, enriched and qualified by a full acquaintance with all Continental theories.

Zenia The Vestal; or, The Problem of Vibrations.—By MARGARET B. PEEKE. Second Edition. Small 4to, 55. net

An occult novel, which claims, however, to be inspired by direct occul teaching, derived from existing centres of initiation. It is in any case a fascinating story, having a genuine romantic motive, some admirable pictures of European travel, and some living characters.

Works By Mr. Arthur Edward Waite

For any of the Books in this List apply to the Publisher:

Devil-Worship In France; or, The Question of Lucifer.—A Record of Things Seen and Heard in the Secret Societies, according to the Evidence of Initiates. By A.E. WAITE. Crown 8vo, 55. net.

An exhaustive examination of all the evidence fabricated in France concerning the actual existence of a religion of Lucifer. In addition to its occult interest, it constitutes a most remarkable contribution to the literature of Freemasonry, as that fraternity is the subject of special accusation in connection with devil-worship by a host of French writers, some of whom are high-grade Masons. This, Mr. Waite's latest work, has received marked recognition from the general press.

Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual.—By ELIPHAS LEVI. Now for the first time translated into English by A. E. WAITE. With all the Original Illustrations, a Biographical Preface, copious Index, and Portrait of the French Magus. Demy 8vo, 1 55. net

An unabridged and faithful rendering of Eliphas Levi's most important work, which in the original is so well known by students as scarcely to need description. The present translation will, no doubt, become a textbook for English readers. Eliphas Le"vi may be, to some extent, regarded as the founder of modern occultism, and he is certainly the most brilliant and accomplished of all the expositors of transcendental science and philosophy. The "Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie" marks an epoch in esoteric literature, and it is here made accessible to all.

The Turba Philosophorum.—Translated into English, with the variations of the Shorter Recension, explanations of obscure terms, and parallels from the Byzantine Alchemists. By A. E. WAITE. Crown 8vo, 6s. net.

The "Turba Philosophorum" is the most ancient Latin treatise on Alchemy and the Great Work; it is the subject of continual reference by all later adepts, ranking second only to the writings of Hermes Trismegistus, and recognised as a final authority in the "practice of the philosophers." While it has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and of the most pious veneration on the part of Hermetic students, this curious fountain-head of alchemical literature in the West has never been previously translated.

The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi.—With Biographical and Critical Essay by A. E. WAITE. Revised Edition. Crown 8vo, IDs. 6d. net.

This work fulfils a purpose quite distinct from that of "Transcendental Magic," inasmuch as it is not simply translation, but presents in an abridged and digested form the entire writings of Eliphas Le"vi which had appeared up to the time of its publication. Mr. Waite's extended summary has been generally appreciated, and the large impression issued in 1886 being exhausted, this revised and enlarged edition, following a new and improved plan, has been recently issued.

The Real History of the Rosicrucians.—Founded on their own Manifestoes, and on Facts and Documents collected from the Writings of Initiated Brethren. By A. E. WAITE. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, 75. 6d. net

Written from the historical standpoint, giving the chief documents in extenso, together with an elaborate summary and analysis of the various views which have prevailed from time to time about "The Virgin Fraternity of the Rose." Mr. Waite's account has been accepted as the standard, as it is indeed the only serious source of information, upon the subject in England.

The Occult Sciences: A Compendium of Transcendental Doctrine and Practice.—By A. E. WAITE. Crown 8vo, 6s. net.

To furnish a preliminary and elementary account of the various divisions of the transcendental sciences has been attempted by more than one writer, but not usually from a sympathetic standpoint, and not certainly as the result of any considerable knowledge or research. The present work deals with almost all the occult sciences, from Alchemy to the minor methods of Divination; it has also an historical section, giving some account of Mystics, Rosicrucians, and the esoteric side of Freemasonry. Lastly, the modern phenomena connected with Mesmerism and Spiritism, together with the claims of theosophy, are dealt with in a comprehensive survey. This work of Mr. Waite has been particularly successful, and is always in demand.

Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers.—Based on materials collected in 1815 and supplemented by Recent Researches. By A. E. WAITE. Demy 8vo, IDS. 6d. net.

Alchemical, like Kabbalistic, literature is far too technical and too established in exegetical difficulties for ordinary readers to find much satisfaction in its perusal. But the lives of the seekers after the Magnum Opus, the Quintessence, and the Universal Medicine are in many cases romantic records which will interest those who care little comparatively for the pursuit which engrossed them. The biography of Cagliostro related in this volume has much the same adventurous element as Gil Bias or Guzman d'Alfarache. There is also a large bibliography, and an introduction dealing with the modern interpretations of alchemical symbolism. Persons who wish to know the evidence for transmutation in the past as a fact of physical science will be astonished at its extent and convincing character.

The Magical Writings of Thomas Vaughan.—Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by A. E. WAITE. 410, IDS. 6d. net.

The first four treatises published by the renowned Eugenius Philalethes, in the order of their publication, with the Latin passages translated into English, an introduction and notes. The edition, in itself unpretending, has, at the same time, proved of considerable interest to lovers of the Royalist Mystic on account of the unique biographical materials contained in the preface. The works here reprinted are, moreover, rare in their original editions, and command high prices, so that this edition, in the old orthography, offers a cheap substitute to students.

The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts.—Including the Rites and Mysteries of Goetic Theurgy, Sorcery, and Infernal Necromancy. By A. E. WAITE. Crown 410.

Mr. GEORGE RED WAY is also the Agent for the following Works of Mr. A. E. WAITE, first published by JAMES ELLIOTT & Co., and including an unique series of Hermetic translations:

The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus.—Now for the first time translated, faithfully and unabridged, into English. Edited, with 0. Biographical Preface, Elucidatory Notes, a copious Hermetic Vocabulary, and Index, by A. E. WAITE. Two vols. Crown 410, 2, I2s. 6d. net.

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