When the King Came: Stories from the Four Gospels - George Hodges

Hodges retells the lessons of the gospels as if they were a storybook for young people. He faithfully fallows the biblical account, but recounts the stories with the charm and romance of a fairy tale.

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[Book Cover] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[By George Hodges] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Title] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Frontispiece] from When the King Came by George Hodges


[Title Page] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Copyright Page] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Dedication] from When the King Came by George Hodges

This tells how once the King of Glory came from heaven to visit us here on earth and live amongst us; how He was born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth; how He went about telling people of the Heavenly Kingdom, and doing good, ministering to the sick and the poor; how He was misunderstood, and disliked, and even hated, till at last they took Him in Jerusalem and nailed Him to a cross so that He died; and how, after that, He came to life again, and went back into heaven, promising to return.

[Contents Page 1 of 3] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Contents Page 2 of 3] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Contents Page 3 of 3] from When the King Came by George Hodges
[Illustrations] from When the King Came by George Hodges