Greatest Nations: Spain - C. F. Horne |
1100 B.C.(approx) | Cadiz founded by the Phoenicians. |
800 B.C.(approx) | Rhodia founded on the coast of Catalonia. |
264-241 | First War between Rome and Carthage. |
236 B.C. | Hamilcar entered Spain to make it a Carthaginian province. |
228 B.C. | Hasdrubal continued the work of subjugation. |
218 B.C. | Hannibal captured Saguntum; beginning of the Second Punic War. |
206 B.C. | The Carthaginians driven from the Peninsula by Romans; who divide the country into Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior. |
190 B.C. | Cato put down rebellion. |
154 B.C. | The Romans defeated by the Lusitanians. |
133 B.C. | Scipio destroyed Numantia; the growth of Roman civilization promoted. |
105 B.C. | Great invasion from the Cimbri; the country saved by the Celteberi. |
97 B.C. | The Celteberians rose against Rome, under Sertorius. |
71 B.C. | Pompey reconquered the country for Rome. |
61 B.C. | Caesar was governor of Further Spain. |
49 B.C. | Civil war with Pompey. |
45 B.C. | Caesar defeated Pompey's sons near Cordova, and became master of the Roman world. |
27 B.C. | Augustus won decisive victories over the wild northern tribes. |
19 B.C. | The Roman conquest of Spain complete; the country divided into three provinces; Tarraconensis, Baetica, and Lusitania; many Roman towns established. |
256 A.D. | Spain ravaged by the Franks. |
409 | After a long period of prosperity, a tide of barbarism swept over the country. |
414 | The Visigoths entered Spain, under Ataulfus. |
415 | Wallia succeeded Ataulfus, conquered the barbarians and founded the Visigothic kingdom. |
456 | Theodoric II. defeated the Suevi. |
466 | Euric made the country still more independent of Rome and framed the Gothic Code. |
483 | Alaric II. became King. |
506 | The Story of the Greatest Nations Amalaric ruled; the kingdom declining before the Franks. |
586 | Recared, the first Catholic King of Spain, gave great power to the ecclesiastics; persecution of the Jews. |
709 | Roderick ruled all Spain. |
711 | The Saracens, under Tarik, entered Spain and overthrew the Gothic dominion; battle of Xeres. |
718 | The Christian Pelayo was made King in Asturias. |
720 | Battle of Covadonga. |
731 | Battle of Toulouse. |
732 | The Saracens defeated at Tours by Charles Martel; retreat of the Moors to southern Spain. |
755 | Abderahman landed in Spain and took command of Andalusia, making Cordova a splendid city and an independent Caliphate. |
777 | Unsuccessful invasion of Charlemagne. |
778 | Defeat of the Franks by the Basques at Roncesvalles. |
788 | Death of Abderahman. |
837 | The kingdom of Navarre founded. |
910 | Leon made the capital of the Spanish King, Garcia. |
932 | Fernan Gonsalez asserts the independence of Castile. |
976 | Beginning of the remarkable career of Almanzor, who conquered Leon, Barcelona, and Pampeluna, and was caliph in all but name till 1002. |
1035 | Ramirez I. established the Kingdom of Aragon. |
1072 | The King of Leon becomes King of Castile also; the Cid quarrels with him. |
1085 | Alfonso VI. of Castile captures Toledo. |
1095 | The Cid captures Valencia; Portugal taken from the Saracens by Henry of Besancon; dynasty of the Almoravides set up at Cordova. |
1096 | Pedro I. of Aragon defeats the Moors and Castilians at Alcoraz. |
1099 | Death of the Cid. |
1137 | Catalonia and Aragon united. |
1144 | Alfonso of Leon defeated the Moors; dynasty of the Almonades at Cordova. |
1212 | Victory of the Christians at Las Navas de Tolosa decided the fate of Spain. |
1228 | James of Aragon captures the Balearic Isles. |
1230 | Castile and Leon finally united. |
1232 | Fall of the Almonades. |
1235 | Ferdinand III. captured Cordova. |
1238 | The kingdom of Granada begun by the Moors. |
1248 | Ferdinand III. captured Seville; work on the Alhambra begun. |
1274 | The crown of Navarre passed to the royal family of France. |
1367 | Battle of Navarrete saves Pedro the Cruel. |
1369 | Death of Pedro. |
1469 | Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella united the Christian dominions of Spain. |
1481 | Establishment of the Inquisition. |
1492 | Granada captured; Columbus sent to explore the western ocean. |
1504 | Death of Isabella. |
1506 | Death of Columbus. |
1512 | Ferdinand conquered the greater part of Navarre. |
1516 | Death of Ferdinand; accession of the House of Austria to the throne of Spain. |
1519 | Charles V. Emperor. |
1522 | The communes defeated at Villalar. |
1556 | Abdication of Charles; Philip II. reigned. |
1571 | Great sea-fight of Lepanto. |
1572 | Beginning of the long wars with Holland. |
1580 | Portugal successfully claimed. |
1588 | Destruction of the Spanish Armada. |
1598 | Philip III. became King. |
1610 | Expulsion of the Moors from Spain, with disastrous consequences to the country. |
1620 | Spain became involved in the Thirty Years' War between Bohemia and Austria. |
1621 | Philip IV. succeeded his father. |
1631 | The Treaty of Cherasco extorted by Richelieu; the Spaniards driven from the Rhine. |
1640 | Internal dissensions; Catalonia formed itself into a republic; revolt in Lisbon and the Portuguese crown assumed by John of Braganza. |
1648 | Spain transferred the districts of Brabant, Flanders and Limburg to Holland, and surrendered her claims to sovereignty over the northern provinces. |
1659 | By the Treaty of the Pyrenees, Spain gave Roussillon and Cerdagne and other possessions to France, while France recognized Catalonia as a province of Spain. |
1665 | The Spanish forces routed by the French at Villaviciosa; Charles II. became King, under regency of Maria Anna. |
1668 | Spain purchased the restoration of Franche-Comte by ceding part of Flanders to France in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. |
1668 | Independence of Portugal acknowledged. |
1680 | France secured more Spanish territory. |
1686 | Spain became a member of the league of Augsburg. |
1697 | The war between France and Spain concluded by the Treaty of Ryswick; the Spanish succession became an important question. |
1700 | Charles II. died, bequeathing the succession to Philip of Bourbon, who became Philip V. of Spain. |
1701 | War of the Spanish Succession. |
1705 | Charles III. was acknowledged in Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia. |
1713 | Treaty of Utrecht, between England, France, Spain and Holland; Philip V. acknowledged; administration of Alberoni; the Queen's ambitions. |
1729 | England, France and Holland formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Spain. |
1739 | Maritime war with England. |
1745 | Ferdinand IV. became King. |
1748 | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. |
1759 | Accession of Charles III. |
1779 | Spain allied herself with the American colonists. |
1788 | Charles IV. became King; Spanish fortunes influenced by the French revolution; schemes of the Queen and Godoy. |
1801 | Spain attacked Portugal in the interests of France. |
1803 | Bonaparte compelled a burdensome treaty, involving Spain in a new war with England. |
1808 | Charles IV. abdicated and the crown of Spain was conferred by Napoleon on his brother Joseph; the people infuriated. |
1814 | Ferdinand VII. was released from captivity and permitted to become ruler of Spain. |
1818 | Ferdinand sold Florida to the United States. |
1820 | The Inquisition abolished by the Cortes and other reforms instituted. |
1823 | The King revoked all acts of the Cortes. |
1833 | Isabella proclaimed Queen, with her mother regent; the Carlist struggle; faction and intrigue during the reign. |
1868 | The people revolted and Isabella fled to France; Serrano regent during the interregnum. |
1870 | Assassination of General Prim. |
1871 | Amadeus became constitutional king. |
1873 | Amadeus resigned and a provisional republic was formed. |
1874 | The monarchy restored and crown accepted by Alfonso XII. |
1876 | Termination of the Carlist War. |
1885 | Death of Alfonso XII. |
1886 | Birth of a posthumous son to Alfonso XII. and Maria Christina; regency of the Queen. |
1897 | Canovas, the prime minister, assassinated. |
1898 | Disastrous war with the United States. |
1901 | Marriage of the Infanta Maria and Prince Charles of Bourbon. |
1902 | Coronation of Alfonso XIII. |
1903 | Death of Prime Minister Sagasta. |