Greatest Nations: Turkey - C. F. Horne |
~1250 A.D. | Ertoghrul rescues the Sultan of Iconium. |
1260 | Ertoghrul made ruler of Sultan-Œni. |
1288 | Ertoghrul succeeded by his son Osman. |
~1301 | Osman had the public prayers said in his name. |
1307 | Osman cast off the last remnant of vassalage to Iconium. |
1318 | The Turks besieged Brusa. |
1326 | Surrender of Brusa. |
~1327 | Death of Osman, and generous rivalry of his sons Orchan and Aladdin. |
1330 | Capture of Nicma. |
1336 | Karasi added to the Osmanli domains; which extended over all north-western Asia Minor. |
1356 | Solyman led the Turks across the Hellespont; earthquakes facilitated the capture of Gallipoli. |
1360 | Murad I conquered Adrianople and most of the Roman Empire of the East. |
1364 | Turkish victory over the Servians at the Marizza. |
1387 | Decisive defeat of the Caramanians at Iconium. |
1389 | Murad crushed the Servians at Kossova; Bajazet Ilderim annexed Servia. |
1396 | Crusade and Christian defeat at Nicopolis. |
1402 | Timur overthrew Bajazet in the huge battle of Angora. |
1403-13 | Civil war among the sons of Bajazet, ended by the triumph of Mahomet I. |
1442 | Victories of Hunyadi at Hermanstadt and Vasag. |
1443 | Revolt of Scanderbeg. |
1444 | Abdication of Murad II ; his return to the throne, and defeat of the Hungarians at Varna. |
1451 | Murad defeated Hunyadi at Kossova. |
1453 | Final siege and capture of Constantinople by Mahomet II. |
1456 | Mahomet repulsed by Hunyadi at Belgrade. |
1460 | Greece occupied by the Turks. |
1475 | Kaffa, the Genoese metropolis of the Crimea, captured. |
1480 | The Turks seize Otranto in Italy. |
1481 | Civil wars of Bajazet II and his brother Djem. |
1512 | Bajazet II forced to abdicate in favor of his son, Selim the Destroyer. |
1513 | Massacre of thz Shiites. |
1514 | Selim overthrows the Persians at Calderan. |
1516 | He adds Syria to his do-mains by the victory of Aleppo. |
1517 | The Mamelukes defeated at Ridania, and Egypt conquered; Selim becomes Caliph of the Mahometans. |
1521 | Solyman the Magnificent captures Belgrade. |
1522 | Knights of St. John driven from the Isle of Rhodes. |
1526 | Destruction of the Hungarians at Mohacs. |
1529 | Solyman ravages Austria and besieges Vienna. |
1533 | Truce between Solyman and Europe. |
1538 | Naval victory of Barbarossa off Prevesa. |
1547 | Most of Hungary surrendered to Solyman; Ferdinand of Austria pays him tribute. |
1566 | Solyman dies before the fortress of Szigeth, and Selim the Sot begins the decadence of the royal house. |
1569 | First encounter of Turks and Russians. |
1571 | Capture of Cyprus; the sea-fight of Lepanto. |
1589 | Great revolt of the Janizaries; frightful interval of disorder. |
1590 | The cession of Georgia by the Persians expands the Turkish Empire to its widest extent. |
1594 | Uprising of the Christian tributary states, "the Wallachian Vespers." |
1596 | Mahomet III overthrows the Christian armies at Cerestes; the last great Turkish victory. |
1622 | Osman II murdered by the Janizaries. |
1636 | Murad IV recaptures Baghdad. |
1656 | Mahomet Kiuprili made Vizier. |
1664 | Defeat at St. Gotthard. |
1669 | Crete surrenders to the Turks. |
1672 | The Cossacks of the Ukraine secure Turkish protection. |
1673 | Victories of Sobieski at Khoczim and (1675) Lemberg. |
1683 | Kara Mustapha driven back from Vienna; European coalition against the Turks. |
1687 | Turkish defeat at Mohacs. |
1689 | Loss of Belgrade. |
1691 | Defeat at Slankamen. |
1697 | Defeat at Zenta. |
1699 | Peace of Carlowitz, by which Turkey loses Hungary, Azov, the Ukraine and the Peloponnesus. |
1711 | Victory over Peter the Great. |
1717 | Second defeat at Belgrade. |
1736 | The Russians ravage the Crimea. |
1787 | England and Prussia rescue Turkey from the Russians. |
1808 | Selim III attempts reform and is overthrown by the Janizaries. |
1820 | The Albanians and then the Greeks revolt. |
1826 | Mahmud II exterminates the Janizaries. |
1827 | Battle of Navarino. |
1828 | Russian war establishes the independence of Greece. |
1839 | War with Egypt; Turkey rescued by the Western Powers. submits to their tutelage. |
1853 | Russian aggression leads to the Crimean War. |
1861 | Turkish reaction under Abdul Aziz. |
1875 | National bankruptcy; the Balkan rebellion. |
1877 | Russia chastises the Turks again; freedom of the Balkan States. |
1897 | Grco-Turkish war. |
1905 | Turkey defies the Powers on the Macedonian question. |