Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson |
By the nineteen hundred and twenties the Socony-Vacuum, Standard Oil subsidiaries had gained a virtual monopoly of the market for oil for the lamps of China. It was a monopoly dear to the heart of Rockefeller, of the type he sought to extend to the whole world. Kerosene was sold at prohibitive prices in tiny amounts to fill gift lamps distributed by the Company. But if ever the rich Chinese oil resources were developed such fantastic prices for kerosene even in beautiful tin cans, would be out of the question. It was essential for the monopoly and price structure that no oil be produced in China. The Soongs and the Nationalist Government saw to that. Blunt General Smedley Butler of the United States Marines, after his retirement roared, "All I ever did for twenty-five years in China is watch Standard Oil cans."
All went well until the War Lord of the Shansi province granted a concession to the Japs to drill for oil. The Japs found oil aplenty. This was a serious threat to the Standard Oil monopoly in China. The Chinese Nationalist Government was ordered to seize the War Lord if necessary, cancel the concession and oust the Japs. This was done in 1927.
The Japs did not take kindly to cancellation of their oil concession after spending a hundred million yen on it. Nor did they feel kindly toward the Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd whom they knew to be responsible. They vowed to come back and seize China, if necessary to get their oil.
The Japs made good their threats and proceeded to seize China in the first Shanghai incident in 1931. And they did not forget the role played by the Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd in the cancellation of the concessions. They avenged themselves wherever they went by destroying Rockefeller-Standard Oil property first.
An illustration of how far the Japs went in destroying Rockefeller-Standard Oil property is the Panay incident. The gunboat Panay was the only representative of the United States Navy in the China Seas. For six years it plied the Yangtze River during the Jap invasions of China but was never molested. Suddenly one day in 1937, the news was blazoned to a shocked world that the Panay had been shelled by the Japs. It has never been told that the reason why the Panay had been shelled, was that it was convoying two Standard Oil tankers. That, the Japs would not tolerate.
The efforts of the Rockefeller-Standard Oil group to protect their property look three directions. First in April 1938, within a short time after the Panay incident, they made the Mitsuis of Japan, who with the Zaibatsu dominated Hiroshito and Japan's policies, their exclusive agents in North China and all conquered territory in Asia. This placed the Rockefeller-Standard Oil group in a position to influence Japan's policies.
But it has always been a Rockefeller policy never to be satisfied with half a loaf when they can get a whole loaf at no expense to themselves. To accomplish a destruction of Japan, it was necessary to bring the American Army to the rescue of their property in China. But it would have been futile for the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests to ask Congress to declare war on Japan because it was destroying their property in China. Even their numerous agents in Congress could not afford to vote for a war on such grounds. To avoid committing political suicide, they would have to reply: "Go fly your own kite."
Franklin D. Roosevelt had no such fears or scruples. James A. Farley reported in his JIM FARLEY'S STORY (The Roosevelt Years) that Roosevelt brought up early in his first Cabinet meeting his plan to declare war on Japan which was then busy invading China (p. 39). For the background of this scheme of Roosevelt's, one must turn to a carefully suppressed story of national betrayal for private interests that is treason in its ugliest form. It is related by one of the few Rockefeller-subsidized and subverted professors whose spirit of patriotism prevailed, and led him to turn on the conspirators, Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, in his pamphlet THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE HISTORICAL BLACKOUT.
Professor Barnes relates that Rockefeller attorney and agent, Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State in the Hoover regime, approached Hoover on behalf of his patron, with a proposition to declare war on Japan to protect Rockefeller-Standard Oil property in China, which the Japs were destroying wherever they went. He promised Hoover, in return, that the campaign of vilification that the conspirators had launched against him, and presumably the depression about which it centered, would cease, and that he would be re-elected President. Hoover has always been a loyal and trusted Rockefeller agent, and member for many years, almost from its inception, of their Council on Foreign Relations. But President Hoover's pacifist religious scruples as a Quaker prevailed, and he refused to agree to join in this patron's war conspiracy (p. 43, 6th ed.). This account by Barnes is cited in full in the author's ROCKEFELLER "Internationalist", The Man Who Misrules The World (p. 362).
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stimson relates in his ghosted "autobiography" ON ACTIVE SERVICE IN PEACE & WAR (p. 301), was fully in accord with Rockefeller's warmongering. This was an important factor in the Rockefeller support of Roosevelt's candidacy. Roosevelt was delighted and intrigued with the idea of his own war to "immortalize" him. But Roosevelt was restrained by Farley and other Cabinet members. They confronted him with the fact that the Constitution required that a declaration of war be made by Congress; and that neither Congress or the nation were in a mood to go to war. At that time the conspirators had not yet arrived at the point that they now have reached, of thumbing their noses at the Constitution, at Congress and at the people; and they had not yet accomplished the treasonous surrender of our sovereignty to themselves through their agency, the "United" Nations", as a device for evading the Constitution and the law.
If however, Japan could be induced to attack the U.S.—that would be a different story. To accomplish this purpose, it was imperative that the American public should have no suspicion of the significance to the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests of Japan's aggression on China; and they never were told. This was accomplished by Rockefeller's control of the press and other avenues of publication, and the control of every newspaper and news service of importance in the land. Through the Chase National Bank, the Rockefellers control all the Hearst publications and the International News Service; also the United Press and the Scripps Howard chain. The Associated Press is entirely under their domination. Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times is on the Board of Directors of the Rockefeller Foundation since rumors have circulated of his sale of the Times to Rockefeller interests.
Control of the press is the Rockefeller-Standard Oil practice in every land in which they operate. Thus when they sought the French oil monopoly, they purchased three Paris newspapers—Le Matin, Figaro and L'Eclair. Their experience has taught them not to underestimate the power of the press amongst a free people.
They control directly or indirectly, also the important magazines including the Time-Life-Fortune group, the Crowell-Collier group, the Curtis Publications, and many others. They control directly or indirectly all the large book publishing houses. They control also the radio and the motion picture industry. The Chairman of the Pulp and Paper Industry Board is John D. Rockefeller III. Through this complete control of publications they were able to suppress any mention of the damage to their property by the Japs.
Through their control of the Navy and the Government, they were able to prevent any leaks from these sources. When Admiral Yarnell, Commander of the Panay, threatened to return to the United States and tell the American public of the indignity of the United States Navy being used as a convoy for tankers, he was retired; and learned better than to open his mouth on the subject.
Having collaborated with the Dynasty in putting Roosevelt in the White House, the Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd took over the U.S. Government. The State Department was filled with Standard Oil executives. The Department of the Interior headed by Harold Ickes (attorney for the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests in the Chicago area) was likewise packed with Rockefeller agents, as were all the rest of the government departments and commissions. For decades the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests have given berths to retired Army and Navy officers who had proved complacent in the service, to good advantage.
Whereas under President Wilson only several hundred Standard Oil employees infiltrated into the government to take care of their interests in World War I, respect for public sentiment had barred the appointment of a Rockefeller to public office. But by 1933, the lily had been gilded; the Rockefeller name was falsely regarded as synonymous with philanthropy and benevolence, so well had been done the work of Fred T. Cates, Ivy L. Lee and numerous other perverters of public opinion.
Not only was the whole of Franklin D. Roosevelt's Cabinet a Rockefeller-Standard Oil agency, but a Rockefeller, Nelson was appointed to one of the most strategic positions in national defense. Coordinator of Hemispheric Defense. Prior to then, he had been offered by Harry L. Hopkins, Rockefeller almoner and stooge, the job of Assistant Secretary of Commerce, as a trial balloon to test public tolerance of a Rockefeller appointee. Through the office of Coordinator the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests were able to use the billions of dollars appropriated by Congress for lend-lease to Latin American countries for their defenses, as a pork barrel to bribe or coerce those lands to restore to the Standard Oil, old expropriated concessions or grant them new concessions.
Thus in Mexico, where oil lands had been expropriated during World War I with the aid of Josephus Daniels and Franklin D. Roosevelt the Standard Oil interests were able to secure for themselves $18,000,000 of a $25,000,000 award made to American oil companies for their expropriated properties; and the Standard Oil alone was able to get back the only two concessions in Mexico that they really valued, by an oddly complacent decision of the Mexican Supreme Court. On another occasion Bolivia was notified that she would not get any of the "defense" boodle unless she paid the Standard Oil interests for expropriated lands, a fact that was published in only one American paper, La Prensa of New York.
Nelson Rockefeller's Bureau was manned almost exclusively by Communists who did an excellent job of fostering Communism in Latin America, in collaboration with the O.W.I. It made the United States more enemies in that section of the world than it ever before has had. The Argentine situation and the April 1948 revolt in Colombia that flared up in the face of the Rockefeller agent, Secretary of State Marshall, were reactions to the activities of the Rockefeller Empire.
The appointment of Joseph Grew, nephew of John Pierpont Morgan, as Ambassador to Japan was dictated. The plan was to induce the Japs to attack the United States. Grew rapidly earned for himself the name of "friend of Japan." He was of invaluable assistance in aiding their armament. Standard Oil literally poured oil into Japan. Wright Aeronautical and other aviation manufacturers built plants and supplied unlimited numbers of engines and planes. American munitions flowed into Japan in a steady stream. Literally all the scrap on the American market, including the Sixth Avenue El of New York City were shipped into Japan. The United States generously supplied Japan with everything she needed for war. Financing these shipments offered no difficulty. Japan was being given plenty of rope to hang herself.
Despite the growth of her armaments, Japan could not screw up sufficient courage to attack the United States. The conspirators were impatiently waiting and working to bring about an attack on the United States that would force Congress to declare officially the war that the Dynasty already was waging unofficially. Admiral Richardson, who was Chief of Staff of the Pacific Command, testified before a Senate Investigating Committee that President Roosevelt had expressed the wishful thought, at a White House luncheon, October 8, 1940, that "the Japanese sooner or later would make a mistake and we would enter the war."
Promptly thereafter Admiral Richardson protested once again the splitting of the Pacific Fleet and stationing it at Pearl Harbor, both of which had been done against his advice, in view of the intent expressed by Roosevelt to take steps leading to active hostilities. When Admiral Richardson insistently urged preparing the Pacific Fleet to protect itself, he was relieved of his command and replaced by Admiral Kimmel. The Navy deliberately was barred by Roosevelt from preparing for war.
At the instance of his bosses, Roosevelt followed his childhood yearning to play with warships and naval warfare. He took over, indirectly, command of the Pacific Fleet. Roosevelt did everything that might be calculated to induce the Japs to attack the fleet at Pearl Harbor. He stationed the vessels within the Harbor where they could be bottle-necked and could not possibly be defended. He ordered disregard of any and all warnings of danger and attack that were picked up.
In the meantime, Rockefeller-Soviet dominated and Rockefeller-financed Institute of Pacific Relations had furnished money and spies to the Communist, Richard Sorge spy ring in Japan. The purpose was to induce the Japanese war lords to attack the United States at Pearl Harbor, instead of attacking Rockefeller's Soviet partners, which was the original Japanese plan. The Rockefeller, Red agents in the U.S. State Department, associates of Alger Hiss and the Hal Ware cell, treasonously supplemented the work of the Sorge spy ring.
The Japs were told in effect: "Destroy the United States fleet at Pearl Harbor, and you have won the war from the start." In the meantime, the Japs who itched to attack were goaded to fury in the field of diplomacy.
This deliberate plan to induce the Japs to attack the United States was common knowledge in diplomatic circles, but it has been regarded as a breach of "ethics" to mention it. But Capt. Oliver Lytteton, Minister of Production in Winston Churchill's Cabinet, stated before Parliament on July 20, 1944:
"Japan was provoked into attacking America at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history to say that America was forced into the war."
This is the import of a statement made by Eleanor Roosevelt, as usual sharper in tongue than in wit, in an interview given Kathleen McLaughlin, published in New York Times Magazine, October 8, 1944, about Pearl Harbor.
"December 7, was just like any other D-Day to us. We clustered at the radio and waited for more details—but it was far from the shock it proved to the country in general. We had expected something of the sort for a long time."
Her statement was exceptionally significant. D-Days are known in advance to the High Command. This D-day was known beyond any question to Roosevelt and his entourage. Roosevelt had on his desk a decoded message sent by the Japs to their envoys in Washington, known as the "East Wind Rain" radiogram, which stated that Japan planned to attack Pearl Harbor on the following day, many hours before the attack. But he deliberately betrayed the nation and its defenders and failed to warn them. On the contrary they were under orders to disregard outside danger signals. In all history there never has been a more traitorous act by the head of any nation.
This means that the Dynastic rulers and their pawn, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had courted and precipitated a Jap attack, then deliberately withheld the warning from the armed forces and prevented them from defending themselves. Why? For eight long years the conspirators had worked, prayed and waited for the attack. They would not risk its miscarriage or effectiveness. The motto of the conspirators might have been:
"Oil is thicker than blood."
It was not their own blood that was shed and for them the price was cheap, the blood of 2500 men and a fleet of battleships paid for by the American people. Their lives meant nothing to them. The jeopardy in which they deliberately placed the nation was, as usual, of little concern to the internationally entrenched scoundrels.
The conspirators made little effort to hide their treason. This is made clear by correspondence between two Rockefeller kinsfolks and agents. One of them is Brooks Emeny, husband of Rockefeller's cousin Winifred (who murdered her children and committed suicide), and their agent in the operation of their propaganda agency, the Foreign Policy Association. The other was Congresswoman Frances Bolton, ranking Republican member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In a letter to Emeny, Mrs. Bolton acknowledged herself to be "guided" by him and his Rockefeller bosses. And she stated that she and her associates awaited and "celebrated" the December 7 attack on Pearl Harbor.