Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson |
Mention has been made of F.D.R.'s attack of encephalomyelitis and the stigmata which it left in its train. Both his physical and mental health were seriously and permanently impaired by it. The uncontrollable temper, the attacks of excitement with wild laughing, and of depression and high suggestibility are among the sequella that might be expected after the disease. Newspaper correspondents reported episodes of unreasoned and sustained uproarious laughter of the same type that startled guests at the Du Pont wedding and led Eleanor to pack him up and send him home. Tubbing and hydrotherapy are effectively used in these conditions.
At Teheran Roosevelt and Churchill met with Stalin to confirm the division of the World between them. During the conference, Roosevelt had been prevailed upon by the Russians to stay at the Russian Embassy because the Russians said, the American Embassy was not safe. At the Russian Embassy, it is reported, a special courtesy was extended to the guests. They were assigned a special waiter who served them exclusively. It was later discovered that the waiter was a physician who specialized in the science of poisoning, toxicology. The use of doctors under Russia's state medical system in disposing of persona whom the powers-that-be wished out of the way, by poisoning them, has been attested to in the Moscow purge trails. Dr. Levine testified that he had been ordered by his superiors to poison Maxim Gorki and had done so.
Shortly after their departure, Winston Churchill became extremely ill. He was hurried to Egypt where he was so sick that his death was expected momentarily. But his life was saved by a protege of his, Sir Arthur Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, whom it is reported, he had sent through medical school as a reward for saving his life from drowning.
Roosevelt also was extremely ill on his return. He was unable to walk or stand unassisted, and never recovered his strength. His disability bore a striking resemblance to poisoning with a form of curare, an Indian arrow poison that had engaged the interest of Russian scientists. He wasted steadily thereafter.
In informed circles there is told a tale of an Oriental poison handed down from the days of Genghis Khan, that causes a slow, steady wasting and delayed death. Its administration is spoken of in terms of "passing the silver cord". Reputedly it has been Stalin's favorite method of unobstrusively purging folks that stood in the way. Lenin, after he had decided to oust Stalin, died such a death. Likewise Krassin wasted away in the same manner. Rumors reached this country before Roosevelt's return that the "silver cord" had been passed to him and other conferees by Stalin.
The motion pictures of Roosevelt debarking from a cruiser on his return from Teheran, in December 1943, revealed him to be a very sick man. He had lost considerable weight, and was quite emaciated. The black mole over his left eyebrow, that had constantly been a feature in his photographs, stuck out of his head like a horn.
It takes no great medical skill to diagnose the character of the growth over President Roosevelt's left eyebrow. It had the characteristic appearance and behavior of a mole turned malignant and rapidly growing, a type of cancer, or sarcoma, known as melanosarcoma.
The dishonesty that characterized the reports issued by the President's medical attendants is revealed by a statement which he himself gave the Press. Vice Admiral McIntire makes no mention of the rapidly growing mole that had become malignant, in the book that was ghosted for him by one of the veteran perverters of the truth for political purposes, otherwise known as "publicity man", George Creel, under the title WHITE HOUSE PHYSICIAN (G. P. Putman's Sons, N.Y., 1946). He mentions, instead, a relatively minor condition: "a nagging inflammation of the bronchial tubes" which he reports troubled Roosevelt during the 1943 Christmas celebration at Hyde Park.
Adm. Mclntire's efforts to delude the Press and the public about the state of health of his patient, were frustrated by a statement issued by Roosevelt himself to press correspondents on February 4, 1944, that was published in the New York Times on the following day (p. 17, col. 7). He revealed that he had had an "operation to remove a wen on his head". But Mclntire and his consultants had made no mention of the operation in their bulletins, which they had issued as supposedly honest reports to their employers, the nation, on the condition of the patient.
Residents of Ormond Beach, Florida, reported that in January, 1944, they had seen President Roosevelt there with a bandage about his head, obviously convalescing from an operation, at the estate of John D. Rockefeller. It is highly probable that it was at that time there was removed the melanosarcoma (one of the most malignant forms of cancer) that had developed in the mole over Roosevelt's left eyebrow.
From the time of Roosevelt's return from Teheran, until January 6, 1945, more than a year later, Press photographers were ordered not to take, or publish, any photographs of the ailing President, except when specifically permitted to do so by the White House. Few exceptions were made.
What could have been the reason for that order?
It long has been the custom for the world dictatorship conspirators to use doubles for the men that, as their agents, they place at the heads of governments. This is clearly illustrated by the widely published report of the experience of the German medical consultant who was summoned to Moscow to examine Stalin, in the year before he died. The physician was taken to a hospital ward, where he was confronted with seven men. All of the men resembled Stalin sufficiently to be mistaken for him. This childish maneuver was intended, evidently, to delude the physician as to whom he was treating.
Likewise, Hitler and Mussolini had their doubles.
One of the doubles for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who acknowledged that he had acted on public occasions as "Roosevelt", appeared with the author on the Tom Duggan Television program on Station KCOP, Los Angeles, in November, 1957. He was the Warner Bros, actor, Captain Jack Young, of Norwood, Ontario and Beverly Hills, California. Capt. Young stated on the program that after he had been given the assignment to double for Roosevelt in 1941, he had spent several months as a guest in the White House, studying the President's speech, actions and mannerisms, until he learned to imitate them perfectly. He stated that in addition to his public appearances in the role of "President", he had been featured in that role by Warner Bros., in the movies "Yankee Doodle Dandy", "Mission To Moscow" and "This Is The Army"; and by 20th Century Fox, in "Woodrow Wilson". Capt. Young delighted his audience by imitating Roosevelt and his "again and again" speech.
Undoubtedly, the doubles served the conspirators as puppets quite as well as did their originals.
It is quite obvious that such robust doubles as Capt. Young could not play the role of the aged, wasted, emaciated and deathly sick Roosevelt who returned from Teheran. He is too robust. But there is reason to believe that, subsequently, other doubles assumed the role of the dying President, and carried it off well.
In the months following the original operation announced by Roosevelt, Drew Pearson reported in his radio broadcasts that the President had had two additional operations, supposedly for "wens", that were done at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. During those months there were relatively long periods of time when the Press correspondents who constantly surrounded Roosevelt, and had virtually lived at his side, as well as other close associates, were completely cut off from any communication with the President. Indeed, it is open to question if any of them ever saw him, in person, again. Elaborate efforts were made by the conspirators to keep the public from learning of the vanishing of the President from the public scene.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, for instance, was reported to have had an audience with the President, by the N.Y. Times on January 18, 1944 (p. 40, Col. 5). A Press conference was also announced by the Times, on January 19 (p. 5, Col. 6). But these followed a shock-breaking announcement in its columns of January 15 (p. 9, col. 6 that "Roosevelt" had lost ten pounds. This might well have been a maneuver to cover up the use of one of the doubles to play the role of "President".
The February 25, 1944 N.Y. Times carried (p. 17, col. 7) a strange dateline and even more curious headline that read as follows: "With Pres. Roosevelt, Feb. 24. PRESIDENT HOLDS ALOOF FROM PRESS". The dispatch relates that the correspondents had been informed that his presence could not be recognized, he was absent from the city, and no questions would be entertained by the President. It was emphasized that the dispatch did not come from the Press correspondents "who continually stay near the President" because the correspondents had not been permitted to take the trip.
The absence of Roosevelt from the White House was covered up by statements issued by various persons concerning the state of health of the President, whose whereabouts was shrouded in mystery. On March 25, however, it was announced that the President had left the White House for the first time after his prolonged illness.
In the meantime, something had occurred that is of special interest in connection with the situation. On March 21, 1944, the N.Y. Times (p. 19, Col. 3) reported that Winthrop Rutherfurd, a distant kinsman of Roosevelt's, had died on March 19, at his estate in Aiken, S.C. That there may have been some connection between Roosevelt's disappearance from the public eye and this death at Aiken, is brought up by a revelation of Grace Tully, Roosevelt's secretary, in her biography entitled F.D.R. MY BOSS.
Miss Tully exposed the fact that the widow, Mrs. Winthrop Rutherfurd, nee Lucy Mercer, was present at Georgia Warm Springs at the time that "Roosevelt's" death was announced—more than a year later.
Prior to her marriage in 1920, Lucy Mercer had been in the employ of the Roosevelts. She had attracted the roving eye, that is so characteristic of the clan, of Franklin D. Roosevelt. In the true family tradition, that was followed more recently by his son Jimmy, FDR had indulged in a kiss-and-tell romance with his attractive employee—and then cavalierly blabbed about it to his spouse, Eleanor.
Miss Mercer left the Roosevelt employ, married shortly thereafter and presented her aged husband with a daughter to take a place beside her five stepchildren. Curiously, Eleanor Roosevelt makes no mention of these intriguing matters in her supposed utterly candid biographies!
Visits of the President, clandestinely, to the Rutherfurd New Jersey estate on several previous occasions, that were kept from public ken by censorship, are related by Westbrook Pegler, in his King Features column dispatched from Washington on December 22, 1949.
It seems hardly probable that Mrs. Winthrop Rutherfurd would have been present at Georgia Warm Springs, visiting an admirer whom she had spurned—Franklin D. Roosevelt—within a year after the death of her husband. It is highly improbable that she would have brazenly employed an artist, Mrs. Elizabeth Shoumatoff, to paint the portrait of a former lover, FDR, as stated by Miss Tully. Since Mrs. Shoumatoff had been commissioned to do portraits of several members of the Rutherfurd family, it appears more probable that she and Mrs. Rutherfurd were present at Georgia Warm Springs with a member of the Rutherfurd family. Is it possible that the more aged Winthrop Rutherfurd was substituted for the dying President in the early months of 1944, when the latter vanished from the public scene?
The author interviewed Mrs. Shoumatoff at her Fifth Ave. apartment, in the early 1950's. Her story was a strange one. She stated that she had done a portrait in water color, years earlier, of a younger Roosevelt, which she had in her apartment, and showed me. It showed FDR, who had managed to evade the draft and military service, striking a pose as a "fighting man", a naval officer. She had nothing to show for a portrait of the Warm Springs invalid.
For keeping her secret, concerning the nature of which she was not specific, Mrs. Shoumatoff related, Eleanor Roosevelt had offered, after the death at Warm Springs, to hang that portrait at the Hyde Park "shrine" for a period of time; and promised that at the end of the period she would pay her handsomely (my recollection was that the sum specified was $50,000, a really handsome bribe) for the portrait and make it a permanent part of the exhibit. However, Mrs. Shoumatoff related, at the end of a year, after the myth of the "Roosevelt" death had become too firmly established in the minds of us "peasants" to dislodge, Eleanor Roosevelt curtly returned the portrait to the artist with not even a "thank you", and welshed on the deal in characteristic Roosevelt style.
This affair may give some clue as to who was the double who campaigned for Roosevelt in 1944, who went to Yalta with Alger Hiss for the "One World", Rockefeller-Soviet conspirators; and who it was that died so mysteriously at Georgia Warm Springs.
In spite of censorship and propaganda, it was fairly widely suspected that the man who campaigned as Democratic candidate in 1944 was not Roosevelt. Fulton Lewis Jr. informed the author that he attended one of the few personal appearances of the "candidate" in the campaign—the foreign policy speech that was delivered to a rowdy bootlegger—and racketeer-infested Teamsters' Union convention in New York. The appearance, speech, diction, enunciation and mannerisms of the speaker were so different from those of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mr. Lewis related, that he approached Presidential secretary, Steve Early, and asked him who had substituted for Roosevelt in delivering the speech. Early took Lewis aside, shushed him, and tried to pass off the question by alleging: "The President has had too many drinks".
The fact that it was some one other than the President who delivered the "fireside talks" during the campaign was evident to every critical listener; and it can be discerned from the recordings of them.
The order prohibiting the taking or publishing of a photograph of the President that had been issued to the Press in December, 1943, was countermanded on January 6, 1945. The Press photographers were ordered to take, for publication, a photograph of "President Roosevelt broadcasting his message on the state of the Nation". But contrary to the practise that had previously prevailed, they were not permitted to take any "closeups", or to publish enlargements of the "President's" features; and were required to take only distant views from across the chamber. As a consequence, the face of the broadcaster was so small, in the picture, that the features could not be discerned in the prints. In published reproductions of the picture, printed with screening, the details were entirely indistinguishable; and accurate identification of the subject was impossible.
The author purchased an enlargement of the photograph taken by the Associated Press photographer, together with a number of closeup portraits taken in years prior. It is reproduced here, together with the earlier photos known to be those of F. D. Roosevelt The enlargement reveals the fact that the person making the January 6 broadcast on the state of the nation could not possibly be mistaken for Roosevelt. The differences in the features are such that neither age nor disease can effect, viz:
It is reasonably certain that no such chances would have been taken by the conspirators if Roosevelt was alive and competent mentally. It therefore appears to be a certainty that President Roosevelt was either dead, or incompetent mentally, on January 6, 1945; and that since the same person appears in the photographs released from the Yalta conference, it evidently was the double who attended that conference. Winston Churchill remarked in his autobiography about how strangely different a person was the "Roosevelt" who attended the Yalta conference. There is reason to believe that he was aware of the fact that he was dealing with a double. The Communists, undoubtedly, had been informed of the deception by their Axis partners, and were fully aware of it. This may explain the demand on the part of the Soviet Ambassador following the death that the coffin be opened and he be permitted to view the remains, on behalf of his government. The request was denied. Both the request and its denial are quite extraordinary. It creates the impression that Stalin and the Soviets were trying to make sure of the elimination of a trusted agent; or that they were checking to make sure of a purge.
Strange as were the features and circumstances of Roosevelt's illness and operations, the circumstances of the death at Georgia Warm Springs were even stranger. These make it obvious that there is more to the situation than meets the eye, and that gross deception has been practiced on the nation. They have given rise, quite naturally, to many rumors that could and can be set at rest, and should be, by the legally required postmortem on the remains. But all demands made upon the authorities for compliance with Federal and State laws which require an autopsy in the case of sudden deaths of unexpected nature, to eliminate the possibility of murder and foul-play, have been ignored.
The sudden and unexpected nature of the death is attested to by the statements and actions of President Roosevelt's personal physician who was assigned by the Navy to be in constant attendance on him. Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire. He was not present in Georgia Warm Springs at the time of the death. This fact makes it highly probable, almost a certainty, that the person who died there was not President Roosevelt.
The alibi that the professional perverter of the truth for public deception, otherwise known as "public relations counsellor", assigned by the Government to fashion
the Doctor's published story to suit their purposes, and to protect those involved, is so weak that it merely serves to fully confirm the justified suspicions. Ghost-writer, George Creel represents the Doctor as asserting: that tests proved him (Ed. i.e. Roosevelt) organically sound . . . (p. 238). His heart was their principal concern . . . The signs counted on for diagnosis of the condition of the cerebral arteries, were absent.
There emerges, quite obviously, from this statement the fact that whoever it was that died at Georgia Warm Springs, did die a sudden and unexpected death from a cause that might be surmised, or guessed, but could not be definitely established except by a postmortem. In such cases the laws of every State in the Union, and the Federal laws, require a postmortem for the purpose of definitely and positively determining the cause of the death, and for elimination of the possibility of murder or foul play. This means that the burial of the Georgia Warm Springs victim without a postmortem was a flagrant and deliberate violation of the law. Consequently, it raises a grave suspicion of assassination, or murder, of the victim. And to this date, no move has been made by law enforcement agencies to dispel that suspicion in spite of a public demand made by the author!
Ghost-writer Creel has acknowledged on behalf of Dr. McIntire that an autopsy was in order; but alleges that it would serve no useful purpose (p. 239). This allegation is preposterously false. It would serve the obvious and most important purpose of complying with the law that was enacted for the purpose of guarding against murder—which is a highly useful purpose. The postmortem, if it had been performed, would have determined that the "cerebral hemorrhage" that is given as the cause of death in the death certificate had not been brought about deliberately by any one of a number of means, for the purpose of murder.
The hemorrhage might have been caused by a fracture of the skull. It might have been due to an assassin's bullet, the point of entry of which, as happens at times, was not evidenced by any external mark, but might have been discovered at autopsy. It might have been caused by the administration of a poison, such as dicoumarol, that favors the development of hemorrhages, that might have been administered either for the purpose of accomplishing a murder, or carelessly administered by the treating physician in excessive amounts. Or the hemorrhage might have been caused by a brain tumor, or a metastasis to the brain of a mole become cancerous; and this undeniably would be a most useful bit of information for the nation to know—with its evidence that there was a pathologic basis of mental impairment in the brain of the nation's ruler who had done so much to change the structure and administration of its government. It would open to question the decrees and orders he was supposed to have signed. And finally it might have revealed that the remains were that of an impostor, of a double, who had been used by conspirators to accomplish their malign purposes.
An explanation of the possible cause for the failure to perform an autopsy on the corpse may lie in the report that emanates from a local clergyman who chanced on the death scene. He reported that the death had been caused by a bullet through the skull from behind forward, that had blown away the victim's face. This would also serve to explain why the body never was laid out in state.
A survey made at an undertakers' convention in the South, a year or two after the death, reported that no undertaker had been found who would acknowledge that he had embalmed the remains. However, Mr. Patterson, of H. M. Patterson & Son, of Atlanta, Georgia, more recently informed the author, in August, 1958, that he had embalmed the body before it had entrained from Atlanta for Washington, accompanied by soldiers, sailors and marines as pall-bearers.
Before it was shipped, the coffin was sealed. And it was never again opened, even for the family services. The GI's who accompanied the body had instructions to shoot anyone who attempted to open the coffin. In Washington, those who came to view the remains, saw only the unopened coffin. While in broadcasts to the Armed Forces Elmer Davis, Chief of the Office of War "Intelligence", falsely alleged that the body lay in state, the buddies of the deluded GI's stood guard about the coffin to make sure that no one could view the remains by opening the coffin. The sealed coffin was placed in the East Room of the White House, where services were held on April 14 with Rev. Angus Dun, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Washington officiating.
On the same afternoon, the sealed coffin was shipped, under armed guard, to the funeral parlor of Auchmoody, of Fishkill, N.Y. Mr. Auchmoody informed the author that he was given strict orders not to dare to open the coffin, and was told that the armed guard was under orders to shoot anyone who would attempt to open it.
On the following day, April 15, the unopened coffin was buried with military honors. These were anomalous in view of the fact that FDR had carefully avoided and evaded draft into active military service though he inflicted it gleefully on others. The coffin was buried in the garden of the Roosevelt Hyde Park estate. Rev. George W. Anthony, rector of St James' Episcopal Church at Hyde Park, officiated. For a long time, armed GI's with drawn bayonets stood guard, day and night, over this country grave. They were succeeded by National Park Service guards.
By way of sharp contrast, let us consider the status of the tomb of FDR's closest relative among the U.S. Presidents, Ulysses S. Grant. Grant's tomb is located at 125th St. and Riverside Drive, in Harlem, one of the most crime-ridden sections of the land. But never has any armed guard been posted over his tomb.
The postmortem that is required by the law that was flaunted in the burial, would help, at even this late date, to supply the answers. Dentures could be compared with the records of the President's dentist. They could suffice for identification of the skeleton. The presence of bullet holes in the skull, or their absence, would set at rest that story, and would dispel some of the mystery.
The author made a public demand for the disinterring of the remains and their postmortem examination upon the public officials who are required to enforce the law that is designed to discourage and expose murder and foul-play. The demand was served on Thomas E. Dewey, who was then Governor of the State of New York, in which the burial took place. It was published in the N.Y. Enquirer. But no more has been done about investigation of the death in compliance with the law, than was done in another activity of the same breed of conspirators, back in Civil War days, when they engineered the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
An effort was made to cover up the irregularity, failure to perform a portmortem, in the death certificate signed at Georgia Warm Springs by Dr. Howard T. Bruenn of the U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Md. that is here reproduced. He stated as the primary cause of death, "cerebral hemorrhage". As contributory cause, to which the death should be charged, he names "arterio sclerosis". This representation is proved utterly false, however, by the statement made by ghost-writer Creel in the name of Dr. Mclntire, to the effect that the patient did not have either extremely high blood pressure or generalized arteriosclerosis, or any signs that would lead one to suspect damage to the cerebral arteries (p.244). This completely belies the death certificate and further stresses the legal requirement for autopsy that was disregarded.
Eleanor Roosevelt, in an effort to cover up the fact that the body did not lie in state, as custom requires, made the obviously false allegation, in one of her publications, that it was not the custom in the Roosevelt family. This was belied, however, by the fact that the President's own mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt, lay in state on the order of her son.
It indicates something very peculiar in the situation, that the Roosevelts, with their love of ostentation, missed the chance for a display of public adoration. And Eleanor Roosevelt has added considerable fuel to the fire of suspicion concerning the death of her husband by her later confession to the truth of the matter, in an article of hers that was published in the February 8, 1958, issue of the Saturday Evening Post, entitled ON MY OWN (pp. 6970). She alleges that on the day following the Hyde Park burial, son Jimmy belatedly found in a safe, the directions left by the President for the arrangements of his funeral. She says that Roosevelt had directed that his body lie in state in Washington, in the Capitol. But, she relates, by some curious chance, all other of his instructions had been followed exactly.
This story bears all the earmarks of some of her other fiction. For, as above said, it is utterly inconceivable that the Roosevelts, with their love of self-aggrandizement and their exhibitionist delight in public homage, would have missed the chance for a display of public adulation. One is forced to the conclusion that there must have been a very compelling reason for not opening the coffin, to permit the body to lie in state.
In death, as in life, Roosevelt and his fellow conspirators disdained, defied and violated the law. His burial without an autopsy was a flagrant violation, a criminal act. Under the law, persons responsible for such illicit burials are subject to criminal prosecution. For they might well prove to be accessories to murder.
Certified Copy of Roosevelt's Death Certificate "Contributory Causes (to which this death should be charged) Arterio Sclerosis" belies statement made by George Creel in the book he ghost-wrote for Roosevelt's personal physician. Vice Admiral Mclntire.
The nation is entitled to every precaution to make sure that the control of its destinies is not usurped by conspirators acting through the agency of an incompetent, or a bogus "President". Every G.I. is subjected to many procedures such as finger-printing, photographing, intelligence tests and so forth, to make certain of his identity and competence. It can not be said that a random G.I. is more important in the conduct of national affairs than the President is supposed to be. Obviously it is far more important for the nation that the identity and the competence of the President be established repeatedly and with absolute certainty—both in life and in death.
Too often in our past history, have the reins of our Government been taken over by conspirators of the Illuminist-Communist, Rockefeller-Soviet breed, during periods of incompetence of the President. Such incident occurred when President Grover Cleveland was carried off to sea for an operation for removal of a cancerous palate. Another far more disastrous incident was the control of the nation by the conspirators during the period of physical and mental incompetence of President Wilson, after his apoplectic stroke. This was facilitated by the cooperation of his second wife whom he wedded under curious circumstances. And it happened once again throughout the regime of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The rapid advance of the conspiracy to destroy our Constitution, in the two latter cases illustrates the advantage to the conspirators of adopting measures that insure the incompetence of the President.
It has been reported that the Russian Ambassador demanded, on official order of his government, that the casket be opened and that he be permitted to view the body; and that this request was denied. Both the request and its denial must be regarded as extraordinary. The Russians might have suspected that the body was not that of Roosevelt, as rumors allege. This raises the question: "Why was it so important to the Russians to make positive that Roosevelt was dead?" Could it be that he was a tool who had served his purpose and, with Churchill, would be an annoyance in the way of future plans? Could it be that Russia planned alleging secret agreements that might be denied? Could it be merely the scientific interest of a toxicologist? Or had Stalin found Roosevelt's obsequiousness coupled with his betrayal of his own country a disgusting annoyance?
There is more in this situation than meets the eye. Ample excuse is given for rumors, however wild. And credence will continue to be given them until the body is disinterred and autopsied. Failure to do so indicates a desire to hide something that may be of serious import to the nation.
It has become a standing practice in this country to protect the interests that control the country by denying the nation and the world at large information on the state of the President's health. This was done in the case of Grover Cleveland's cancer of the palate, Wilson's apoplexy and F.D.R.'s various ailments. That would be of no moment if the President's powers and influence were checked and limited as provided in the Constitution. But those checks have been steadily and progressively eliminated and in many respects the President's power has become more absolute than that of most kings. Illnesses which incapacitate the President enable the group that controls him to work their will on the nation in his name. That is a very strong temptation that may actually endanger the President's life at times of disagreement with his bosses. In a way the secrecy regarding the ailments of the President illustrates and stresses how much the office has assumed the aura of monarchy.
Certainly the health of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, a title in which Roosevelt took great delight and a role which he had insisted on playing, is of more vital significance to the nation than the health of a mere private. But the private is compelled to undergo a rigid physical and mental examination before he is accepted for service; and he must continue to be revealed fit by subsequent examinations so long as he remains in the service. Psychopathic conditions call for compulsory relief from duty and discharge. The nation can not demand less of so important figure as its Commander in Chief. Nevertheless twice in a quarter of a century, the helm of the nation's ship of state has been held by paralytics who were mental and physical wrecks, Wilson and Roosevelt.
The safety and security of the nation demands that never again shall its destiny be controlled by agencies operating through the impotent hands of a prostrated executive. The nation must demand as rigid medical examinations and as fit a physical and mental condition of its chief executive as it demands of the lowest soldier. There is danger enough in the domination and control of a healthy executive by malign forces. With a diseased executive it is certain, and fraught with grave peril for the nation. It should never happen again. The nation should require by law periodic physical examination of the President and honest reports to it of the findings. Disabling mental and physical conditions, by law should disqualify the incumbent and require his replacement.
The deception perpetrated on the public in regard to Roosevelt's health is characteristic of that which prevailed in all matters during his Administration.
On return from Teheran, lesion over left eyebrow showed rapid growth, indicating conversion to melanosarcoma. No subsequent close-up was released. The but enlargement of distant view in "State of Nation" broadcast picture of Jan 6, 1945 is shown right. The cancerous growth is missing. Distortion of left eyebrow appears to show scar of operation. Note the butterfly-like pigmentation over nose and cheeks like that of pellagra or the rosacea of chronic alcoholism. Illness, pain, and emaciation are obvious. Could be picture of another, a stand-in.
Birthday closeups of President F.D. Roosevelt. 1938, 1939, 1940, showing growth of mole over left eyebrow.