Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson |
The most disgusting spectacle of the Roosevelt administration and of all American history, was the exploitation of the office of President by the members of the Roosevelt family. It became the accepted practice to resort to open bribery of the President or his entourage, or to subsidize a member of his immediate family, when seeking Presidential favor. Not even the dog Fala escaped. I cite a few instances.
Henry J. Kaiser, who borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars from the government agencies, much of which he seeks to avoid repaying, and who did an enormous government business, presented President Roosevelt in 1944 with a not so trifling Christmas gift—a $25,000 solid platinum ship model.
In appreciation of his efforts in engineering billions of "Lend Lease" and in securing our entry into the war in her behalf, England, through Lord Beaverbrook, presented Harry L. Hopkins and his wife with a $3,000,000 emerald parure and other such trifling jewels. Exposure led to a weak and equivocal denial.
Anna Roosevelt Dall Boettiger and her husband's lucrative employments that derived from Presidential favors have been recounted. A more recent one that is very striking was publicized in an article in the December 2, 1947 issue of LOOK magazine entitled "The World's Most Generous Man". It recounts the case of Charlie Ward, President of Brown and Bigelow. Ward had been sentenced to ten years at Leavenworth in the early 20's, for the illegal possession of narcotics. The sentencing judge called him "a man beneath contempt". He was released in 1925. President Roosevelt gave Ward a full and unconditional pardon in 1935. LOOK reports that Ward "is believed to have partially subsidized" the Arizona Times, which Mr. and Mrs. Boettiger now publish as their latest "assisted" venture with $50,000 and Barney Baruch with $10,000. It is now reported that Boettiger has been applying to his former employer, Col. H. McCormack of the Chicago Tribune.
James, Elliott, and Franklin D. Jr. junketed at the expense of taxpayers and enjoyed a family picnic at Casablanca. They were on the job when overnight, President F. D. Roosevelt announced a hundred percent increase in the value of the franc, from 100 to 50 for a dollar. It is doubtful that the boys lost any money on the deal.
James Roosevelt, who had difficulty in getting a start prior to his father's presidential nomination, did very well in his insurance business. An article published in 1938 in the Saturday Evening Post entitled "Jimmy Has It", related how young and inexperienced Jimmy was able to take away from veteran brokers enormous policies of concerns that had matters to square with the Administration, or sought its favor, good will or business. For a time "Crown Prince" Jimmy sought to take over political control of the Massachusetts Democratic organization from the local bosses; but he lost out.
In the midst of an intense war between rival slot machine and juke box operators, featuring such notables as back-scenes Tammany boss, Frank Costello, Jimmy Roosevelt entered the motion picture-juke box business in association with the Mills Manufacturing Company. From there it was a short step to a well paid executive position in motion picture business in Hollywood. The industry faced Federal indictment which was subsequently squashed.
It is interesting to note the connection of the group with the Automatic Voting Machine Co. The machines were denied acceptance until they became associated with the enterprise and the machines were found satisfactory for special purposes. Though the machines are merely mechanical counters, they jam with surprising regularity in districts whose vote is not "dependable". "Shims" that serve to cause registration on counters other than those intended, load the pockets of "inspectors". Though it could be done simply, the voter is given no way of knowing for what candidate his vote is counted. Elections can be stolen easily.
For a while, wandering Jimmy was tucked under the wing of his father as Presidential secretary and assistant. During the war, he flew far and wide on lend-lease business—in advance of grants to various appreciative lands. He made an astonishing success of his army career. Overnight he became a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marines and in April 1944, no doubt for military genius manifested, he was promoted to rank of Colonel.
In March 1946, Jimmy was named national director of the political organization of the Communist front, the Independent Citizens' Committee of The Arts, Sciences and Professions. He announced the organization's program of political action which included extension of price control and the OPA, repeal of the poll tax, permanent Fair Employment Practices Act, support of the Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill, and support of the United Nations. He sat on the platform with ranking members of the Communist Party and fronted for them.
The latest reports place James Roosevelt in the employ of one of the principals of the Barbary Coast, reaching for control of the Democratic machine in California and seeking a return to the public payroll. He has been suggested by Sen. Claude Pepper for the Secretary of the Navy job, that is hereditary in the family, and for nomination for offices ranging from Congressman to Governor and President. Shrewd politicians who would like to use the "magic" of the Roosevelt name for moronic voters, regard him a poison for the Catholic vote because of his divorce. They have no fear of an adverse public reaction to his many ambiguous activities. According to columnists, Jimmy Roosevelt contemplated a political deal with Henry Wallace of which nothing has come to light, unless the third party move is a part of it.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. married Ethel Du Pont in a prearranged alliance between the Dynasties, graduated from law school, entered the Navy as lieutenant and was rapidly promoted on the same day as his brother in April 1944, to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He identified himself as veteran with various left wing and Communist front veterans' organizations and with the P.A.C. Though he undertook to berate landlords who seek some return on their investments, and other capitalists, he has not yet renounced the considerable dowry that came with his wife or turned over any of his inheritances to the proletariat.
When Communism became unpopular, he shifted to a stand a bit less to the left and engaged in the usual tactics of the Marxist dialectician, shadow-boxing with Communism. In February 1946 he was appointed chairman of a Committee of 1000 of the 'Crimson Union for Democratic Action'. In April 1947, he joined forces with Eleanor Roosevelt's favorite, the perpetual youth Joseph P. Lash, in the wholly Red 'Americans for Democratic Action', at its state convention in Albany.
He has joined the ranks of the Labor Barons. August 7, 1947, his appointment as counsel for the Upholsterers International Union of North America (AFL) was announced. Despite rumors of divorce, the F.D.R's Jrs. as recently as August 6, 1947 were picked up by the police for chasing one another in speeding cars along the Nassau Boulevard in the early hours of the morning. In May 1948, Louella Parsons reported that Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt Jr. made public appearances with some fresh "shiners" which she intimated were evidence of her husband's military prowess. She reports a divorce is once again in the offing.
Elliott Roosevelt's phenomenal rise in the business world, on the wings of Hearst's anxieties, has been related. He was not content at the age of twenty-eight with a mere $50,000 income with which Hearst provided him as Vice President of Hearst's radio chain. In 1938, with the support of Charles F. Roeser and Sid W. Richardson, Texas oil operators, who invested $500,000, Elliott set up a chain of 23 radio stations in Texas. This provided him, according to the Washington Times-Herald of August 29, 1945, with an income of $76,000 a year, more than his father earned as President of the United States. The enterprise is reported to have lost $100,000 in the first three months. The Transcontinental Broadcasting Company was liquidated in 1941.
Elliott Roosevelt is possessed of all the financial genius of his father who was his mentor and aid. In 1939, to expand his radio properties, Elliott arranged a series of loans. Through Congressman William I. Sirovich and Caruthers E. Ewing, Elliott approached John Hartford, president of the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company for a loan of $200,000. The Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company chain was then under fire of the New Deal. Hartford was originally reluctant to make the loan. Elliott phoned President Roosevelt at the White House and had him intercede with Hartford on his behalf. With a greeting of "Hello John," to Hartford, whom he had never met, the President urged him to make the loan as "a sound business proposition and a fine thing". (Ed. for whom?) After he had come to an understanding with F.D.R., Hartford made the loan.
In 1942, Jesse Jones, Secretary of Commerce, told John Hartford, according to Ewing, that the Roosevelt family wanted to compromise the indebtedness. John Hartford was "induced" to settle the loan at two cents on the dollar and surrender the stock, which was represented as worthless, to Jesse Jones.
"It was settled satisfactorily to all parties, so I took the note and the stock certificate to Jesse Jones in person." Ewing said, according to a U.P. report of June 12, 1945 from Danville, Illinois. "He gave me a check payable to John Hartford for $4,000, which was all he received on the loan, and the whole thing was closed."
Elliott was not even called upon by the Internal Revenue, to pay income tax on his net profit in this transaction, though John Hartford was permitted to deduct his losses from his income in an extraordinary tax ruling. It pays to be of the Dynasty even in income tax matters. Not even a Congressional investigation, largely perfunctory, altered the situation.
An anti-chain store bill had been introduced in Congress three months before this $200,000 "loan" of John Hartford's to Elliott. It would have crippled the A & P stores, but died in committee three months after the loan, due to opposition to it from the White House. The outspoken Deadwood Pioneer Times, in its issue of July 8, 1945 commented caustically:
"All this tends to leave a bad taste in the mouth of Mr. Average Citizen. The ease with which a man with ability to pay was able to settle a $200,000 account for $4000 and the evident willingness of Mr. Hartford to accept such a settlement—at a time, remember, when an anti-chain store measure was being presented to the House of Representatives—leads one to believe that the deal came right off the bottom of the deck. We'd rather be the President's son than President."
It points out that Roosevelt had been instrumental in getting Congressman Patman to introduce the anti-chain store bill; and that Congressman Sirovich who had approached Hartford for the "touch" had pointed up the debate on the floor of the House by directly referring to the A & P in the debate. It intimates that this loan was one of the characteristic New Deal blackmails of industry and commerce in which FDR participated personally and directly. Congressman Sirovich died suddenly, shortly after the deal was consummated.
The further history of this loan and its stock collateral is notable. At the very time that this loan was settled, the stock that had been represented to Hartford as worthless, had already begun to rise in value. Jesse Jones turned over the recovered stock to President Roosevelt personally. F.D.R. held the stock until November 9, 1943. By this time the stock was so valuable that F.D.R. personally sent it to Elliott's divorced second wife, Mrs. Ruth Googin Roosevelt Fidson, in a settlement to provide for the childen of that marriage.
By 1945, the stock issue, according to a statement which Elliott Roosevelt made to a reporter of the theatrical sheet, Variety, was worth more than $1,500,000. Its value had been materially increased by another intercession hy President Roosevelt on behalf of his ex-daughter-in-law. Mrs. Fidson in the affairs of the Alamo Broadcasting Company of San Antonio, as was related in a petition filed with the Federal Communication Commission, December 15, 1945, by Norman Baker of Laredo. Baker was President of the Cia Industrial Universal Mexico that had previously owned the powerful Mexican radio station XENT. In his petition, he stated that, while he was serving a term in Leavenworth, the Alamo Broadcasting Company had obtained by collusion an option to buy the equipment of station XENT through a fraudulent act of one of his employees.
Five months after President Roosevelt had turned over the stock to his ex-daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fidson, Baker stated, she had visited the President at the White House to seek his support for the application of the Alamo Broadcasting Company to the Federal Communications Commission for an increase in the power of its radio station. The FCC granted the application rapidly and without notice or hearing for interested parties, and a construction permit for the new station, in November 1944.
Baker was blackmailed with the threat that he would be sent back to Leavenworth if he did anything to interfere. He did however obtain a decree from the President of Mexico forbidding the exportation of the equipment of his station XENT. This decree was violated by the conspirators, and on a dark night in April 1945 the equipment was smuggled across the border in trucks.
The Hartford loan was but one of a series made by Elliott Roosevelt in connection with his radio venture. From David G. Baird, a New York insurance man, Elliott borrowed on his radio stock, $70,000, which was later settled for $29,800; and $50,000 from Maxwell M. Bilofsky, a radio equipment manufacturer looking for government business, settled for $20,000; and Charles Harwood, $25,000. (He was later appointed Governor of the Virgin Islands by Roosevelt).
Elliott Roosevelt did not limit his business genius to the field of radio. His early interest in aviation was never lost. It is reported that Elliott had a hand in the cancellation of the airmail contracts in 1935, with an eye to the delivering of the airmail contracts to one company as a monopoly. The fatal accidents to the army aviators who attempted to fly the mails in totally inadequate "crates" did much to block this deal through public indignation.
World War II found Elliott Roosevelt in the service, not in the non-commissioned ranks like his fellow citizens of equal education and lack of experience, but as an officer, as befitted a member of the Royal Family, in charge of the War Department reconnaissance branch. While he was chief. General Arnold ordered the purchase of one hundred planes of the type designed by Howard Hughes, a protege and intimate friend of Jesse Jones, and associate of Elliott Roosevelt, at a cost of $44,000,000, in spite of the opposition of Major General O. P. Echols. An investigation was made in June 1947 into the failure of Hughes to deliver any of the planes which the government had ordered from him and advanced money to construct. In the course of the investigation it was revealed that Col. Elliott Roosevelt had accepted the largess of Howard Hughes, directly, or indirectly through the latter's public relations agent, John E. Meyer.
The records and evidence submitted to the Senate War Investigating Committee indicated that Meyer catered to the whims and needs of government officials ranging from Secretary of the Interior Krug to mere Army officers with whom Hughes did business. He supplied them with everything from wining, dining and hotel accommodations to call girls. The girls were rewarded with gifts and money. A letter dated September 26, 1944 introduced in evidence disclosed a gift of a costly bag to the actress Faye Emerson. Several months later Meyers gave Faye Emerson in marriage (his third) to Elliott Roosevelt in a spectacular wedding at Grand Canyon; and threw a wedding party for him. Evidence indicated that this costly entertaining was charged to the Government account, but nothing has ever been done about it.
Elliott Roosevelt has been a staunch supporter and advocate in the U.S. of Soviet Russia and the Communists, as has his intimate Henry Wallace. As recently as April 19, 1947, the Associated Press reported that Elliott Roosevelt lauded Wallace "as a political messiah with a true vision of the World and of the American political situation". Late in 1946, Elliott went on a trip to Russia as a guest of the Soviet government, with the wife that Meyer gave away to him, to secure material for an article for Look magazine. At an entertainment at the United States Embassy in Moscow, Elliott Roosevelt is reported to have said:
" . . . the United States has no business concerning itself with what happens along the Danube . . . the Russians should get the Dardanelles from Turkey . . . Russia has never broken her word whereas the United States and Britain have often welshed".
Finally he said,
"Can anyone here name one instance in which the United States acted to further the cause of peace? . . . You know as well as I do that the United States is supporting the U. N. for purely selfish and imperialistic reasons.."
An affidavit filed by Mrs. D. Sherover and reported in the press on March 19, 1947, in her N. Y. Supreme Court action for divorce revealed that her husband and fellow traveller Charlie Chaplin had joined Elliott Roosevelt in fostering Communist propaganda by exhibiting Russian films in the U.S.
Elliott has been a great help and comfort to a host of subversive agencies and organizations. He has never missed an opportunity to trade on his father's reputation, including a series of books which he has written or had ghosted for him.
Elliott Roosevelt and F.D.R. Jr. have presidential aspirations. This has led them to turn against presidential candidate Wallace in a statement denouncing him in favor of Eisenhower, who says he is not a candidate. This episode was amusingly cartooned in the New York World Telegram under the caption "Children's Hour". The Roosevelt children evidently think that if they can stir up enough dissension in the Democratic Party, one of them may be picked in 1948 or 1952, to carry on the royal line as called for in Nickerson's blueprint of the New Deal.
Reports in the press on April 8, 1948, indicate that Elliott's genius has found a new outlet. He and his mother are opening a tavern, the Val Kill Inn, at Hyde Park nearby the memorial which F.D.R. set up for himself, directly on the road on the same side, where it might do a better business than the competing inn which they are trying to induce Howard Johnson to set up one hundred feet off the opposite side of the road on land they are trying to sell. It is sincerely to be hoped that in the tavern enterprise they have at last attained a status satisfactory to their intellectual and social level, and the land will be no further annoyed.
His variegated activities have netted Elliott $1,175,000 in twelve years, according to the Washington Times-Herald report of August 29, 1945.
John Roosevelt has enjoyed little publicity. It is reported
"he believed the war was unnecessary . . . was precipitated by lovers of war, refused to enlist or to serve in any military capacity whatsoever. Finally, under pressure from his mother he accepted a military post in the South Seas with the understanding that at no time would it be necessary for him to take a life or engage in combat."
His flair is ladies' dresses and he has recently purchased an interest in a California drygoods business. He is the only member of the family who has refrained from exploiting the Presidency.
Eleanor Roosevelt, generally referred to sarcastically as Queen Eleanor, was a bit less crude than the boys, but far more systematic in her exploitation of the President and the Roosevelt name. F.D.R. had never managed to make enough to enable the family to live in the manner born. Eleanor had helped support the family with various enterprises including the Todhunter School and the Val Kill furniture store. Fortune magazine, in its October 1932 issue expanding on the inadequacy of F.D.R's. income for the support of his family made the significant statement:
" . . he has always been able to live on a higher scale than most people of his means."
By the time that F.D.R. had reached the White House, most of the children were grown up, even though they had not managed to make a living for themselves. There was no real pressure to force Eleanor to cheapen the office of President by exploiting it so shabbily, other than desire for money.
The situation which the Roosevelts created by their exploitation of the Presidency emphasizes the need for provision of a munificent salary and life-long annuity for the Chief Executive of the land. There would then be no excuse for commercial exploitation of the office and it should be prohibited by law and by tradition.
In her commercial activities Eleanor Roosevelt did her share to further the drive for dictatorship. This was particularly true in her editorial work. At times her indiscretion gave the game away. This was particularly true of the article she wrote for the December 31, 1938 issue of Liberty Magazine on the Jewish question. She revealed how closely she and the New Dealers followed the Nickerson blueprint. The Jews, she stated, are a problem and to be feared by the Gentile world. She decried the treatment accorded the Jews by the Nazis, but not on ethical or moral grounds. She decried it because "by doing it it seems we would arouse 'compatriots' living in other countries to defend their brethren". Note she wrote "compatriots", not "coreligionists", implying that the Jews are aliens. She proposed, as a solution, the restriction of the number of Jews and other minorities (including Negroes) who might occupy "high places" in politics and enter vocations, which is known as the "numerus clausus", and a government-fostered migration of them so as to minimize the influence of their vote.
The attitude of the Roosevelts can not be said to differ materially in these matters from those of Hitler, of the Ku Klux Klan and other of the more notorious purveyors of hate or the blueprint laid down by Hoffman Nickerson in his book. For them Negroes, Catholics and Jews are not Americans, but are inferior minorities that are merely to be tolerated and used by the Roosevelt clan and their allies, to whom they conceive America belongs by "Divine Right".
It was not unnatural that Eleanor who poses as an uplifter, should pretend that her activities supported charities. This pretense was sadly punctured by a number of events, especially the Burlington, Vermont incident, which was brought to the attention of Congress by Congressman Plumley. Eleanor R. (Roosevelt, not Regina) had been invited to address the Mary Fletcher Hospital Auxiliary to raise money for the hospital. She said her agent, W. Colston Leigh, insisted that she would not lecture for less than one thousand dollars, charity or no charity. The embarrassed Auxiliary, with misgivings, agreed to pay the thousand.
"As a charitable venture to raise money for the hospital". Flumley reported to Congress "the affair was a minus quantity. As a revenue producer for the First Lady it was a success to the tune of the $1000, she charged the ladies auxiliary".
On this occasion, Eleanor R. was shamed by the report to Congress, into really contributing to charity, with the comment:
"Since they are evidently inexperienced in business affairs, I have asked Mr. Leigh to refund my share of the money." Her "charity" extended only to giving back a part of what she had extracted, even when thus confronted.
Another such incident was that of Johnson City, Tennessee. When Eleanor arrived to lecture, she was sadly informed that they had raised only $500. She grimly replied that her contract forbade her opening her mouth for less than $1000, on the line and in advance. The Committee hurriedly borrowed the extra $500 from the local banker on personal notes. Then Eleanor opened her mouth, and charity and wisdom fairly drooled from it, a thousand dollars worth. To pay the note, the town raffled off a Chevrolet car, that is now known as "Eleanor's car".
When on another occasion she was given a prize by Gimbel Brothers, she ostentatiously gave it to "charity". She stipulated that the money should be used in F.D.R.'s business, Georgia Warm Springs. It looked much like taking it out of one pocket and putting it in another.
The only contributions of Eleanor Roosevelt's that ever have been authenticated were those to the Communist front and the fellow traveler organizations. To them, Eleanor gave unstintingly of her time, her energy, and her funds. They gave in return. She is no parlor pink, but has been an intimate associate of the founders of the Communist Party in the United States almost from the beginning. It was as much her influence as that of Rockefeller's agent, Harry L. Hopkins, that played upon F.D.R.'s suggestibility and constantly warped him to the left.
Though Eleanor Roosevelt persistently has denied membership in the Communist Party, her actions have spoken louder than her words. Her leftist attitudes, in view of her quest for wealth and her eagerness to serve capitalistic industry in her broadcasts and elsewhere was obviously an expedient pose that she regarded as politically advantageous. She undoubtedly is cognizant of the program to use Communism to destroy democracy and set up a dictatorship in the United States. She was the virtual head of the left-wing "Youth Movement" and her conduct with its active leader, the perpetual youth, Joseph Lash raised considerable scandal. The press reported with especial gusto the flight made by Eleanor Roosevelt in a Red Cross uniform and an Army bomber to the Solomon Islands. When she arrived there it was reported, she kissed Joe Lash squarely on the mouth and rubbed noses with the natives.
Her intervention eliminated the enemy whom the Communists most hated and feared, Robert Stripling, chief investigator of the Un-Americanism Committee, by having him drafted though he should have been exempted. She could be relied on to effect entry for the most dangerous and objectionable Communists. She was almost entirely responsible for the entry into the country of the Communist ringleaders, the Rockefeller subsidized Eislers who recently have been deported. Ringleaders of the subversive Red and fellow traveler organizations were always welcomed by her as guests in the White House.
Eleanor R.'s projected trip to Russia to join the subversives in doing homage to Stalin, however, was blocked by the powers-that-be, through the State Department and F.D.R.
Eleanor's domination of F.D.R. as President was not a matter of uxoriousness. For there were rumors of impending divorce in 1927 and various names were mentioned. Eleanor Roosevelt was seldom at the side of her husband, even in his most serious ailments. It has often been remarked that as a rule, except during election campaigns, wherever Franklin went, Eleanor went in the opposite direction. In 1933, Fraser Edwards commented in the syndicated column, Washington Sideshow on the extraordinarily friendly relations of Harry Hopkins and Eleanor Roosevelt as follows:
"Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt through her intense interest in unemployments relief, is a frequent caller on Harry Hopkins, Federal Relief Administrator. To call, she must ride up nine floors in a far-from-modern elevator. When she gets to Hopkin's office, modestly Mrs. Roosevelt sends in her name. Hopkin's secretary announces 'Mrs. Roosevelt is waiting to see you.' In she goes. . .
"Hopkins with old-fashioned courtesy escorts Mrs. Roosevelt down the elevator to the front door, and she walks back to the White House, two blocks away, unaccompanied and scarcely noticed."
The picture is so affecting that one wonders why Fraser Edwards was relieved shortly thereafter of his Washington Sideshow assignment and his by-line, on demand from on high.
In the November 1936 issue of Vogue, J. Franklin Carter, who was often called upon to do personal publicity work for the President, published an article justifying the relations of Harry L. Hopkins and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Following the death of Harry L. Hopkin's second wife, Eleanor Roosevelt brought up in the White House his daughter Diana. As indicative of the moral tone of the New Deal, this marriage is noteworthy. When his first Jewish wife, nee Ethel Gross, brought suit for divorce against Harry L. Hopkins, two of his former friends came into the court and testified before Judge Phillip McCook that Harry had invited them to spend the night at an apartment in which he was keeping a Barbara Duncan; they testified that on her person Harry Hopkins had extended to them the hospitality of a Bedouin in the desert, after which he himself spent the balance of the night in the bedroom.
In the morning they had breakfast together. Following the divorce, Barbara Duncan became the second Mrs. Hopkins and the Second Lady of the Land. The story was reported, curiously enough, in only one edition of one American newspaper, the first edition of the Daily News, March 21, 1931, so effective was the censorship, even at this early date, of the press by the Dynasty.
Through her syndicated column, "My Day," Eleanor earned a high income, appealed to the gossip-loving, had a forum for propagandizing Marxist New Dealism, insidiously waged a continuous campaign, and very transparently revealed her attachments. In those columns one reads of Esther Everitt Lape, of Harry Hopkins, of Earl Miller, of Marion Anderson, of Marys Chancy, of Rexford Tugwell, of Joseph Lash and of the amiability of the Africans. She press-agented leftist periodicals, books, plays and personages. A boost in her column was regarded as having a high commercial value.
It is in Eleanor Roosevelt's radio broadcasts that the commercial exploitation of the Presidency became most patent. Mrs. Ernest K. (Betty) Lindley "sold" her to the Pan-American Coffee Bureau. The Bureau sought favors of Washington in quotas and pricing of coffee that meant the ruination of the American coffee trade. She sold the prestige of the White House, and the desire to influence the Government Bureaus and secure their cooperation was undoubtedly a consideration. Eleanor's fees from the P-A Coffee Bureau are reported to have been more than $2000 a broadcast. These broadcasts were financed indirectly by the United States Government through subsidies granted Latin American countries. Thus Eleanor probably indirectly collected from the United States Government a greater salary than did the President.
This took place at the time that Nelson Rockefeller, who had evaded the draft and military service by ordering his appointment as Co-Ordinator of Hemispheric Defense, had obtained for himself a coffee empire in Brazil by cunning and unscrupulous use of the funds, totaling about six billion dollars, that he had induced Congress to entrust to him for "South American defenses". He thereby became one of the largest coffee producers in Brazil. And with the aid of more taxpayers' funds via the Import Export Bank, he cartelized coffee in Brazil and around the world, cornered the coffee market and jacked up the price of coffee from pennies to more than a dollar. This typical Rockefeller "philanthrophy" gouged the same taxpayers, whose money had made the comer possible, out of tens of millions of dollars. In that loot, Eleanor Roosevelt undoubtedly shared, because of her "cooperation".
Eleanor's services were sought and paid for at about the same rate by the candy manufacturers who feared that candy would be declared non-essential and banded together to form the Council on Candy as a Food in the War Effort. Among these paid broadcasts was her "report to the mothers of the nation" following her return from Europe.
There was a premonitory significance to the richly jewelled gold crown and other rich gifts which King Ibn Saud presented to Eleanor R. (Roosevelt not Regina) to show his appreciation for the many millions of American taxpayers' money that Roosevelt handed over to him on behalf of the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests.
The Dynasty's New Deal charity-begins-at-home pattern did not stop with the immediate family. Our diplomatic corps was packed with cousins of all degrees. Colorful Sumner Welles, a remoter cousin, was made Assistant Secretary of State until Cordell Hull forced his resignation for dark and obscure reasons. With Nelson Rockefeller he instituted our "good neighbor" policy which was designed to place, with the taxpayers' money, control of the resources of Latin America in the hands of the Rockefeller Empire and the Dynasty. David Gray, another cousin, was made Ambassador to Ireland. Cousin Lincoln MacVeagh has been Ambassador to Greece, where $400,000,000 sent as part of the "Truman plan" to "stop Communism" in Greece resulted in establishing a Communist government in the northern half of the country. Cousin A. J. Drexel Biddle was Ambassador to Poland during its debacle and subsequently served in the same capacity in France. Cousin Francis Biddle was one of the most pro-Red Attorney Generals. Cousin James L. Houghteliug, was pro-Red Commissioner of Immigration and was subsequently transferred to the position of Director of the National Organization Division of the Treasury where he worked side by side with Cousin Charles W. Adams, Assistant National Director of the Division. The list of the Dynastic relatives who are cared for out of the public payroll could be extended indefinitely; but it would merely serve to further illustrate the extent of nepotism and favoritism that taxpayers support.
Uncle Frederic A. Delano, in addition to his Federal Reserve Bank appointment, also holds the following: Chairman, Advisory Council, Bureau of Plain Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering; Director, Columbia Institution For The Deaf; member. Commission for the Construction of Washington-Lincoln Memorial Gettysburg Boulevard; first vice president, Washington National Monument Society. He served also, for a time as chairman of the International Commission of the League of Nations On Inquiry Into The Production Of Opium In Persia. This appointment had an amusing aspect. Warren Delano, his father and FDR's grandfather founded his fortune on smuggling opium into China.
The most pathetic aspect of this corrupt and ruthless commercial exploitation of the Presidency is the apathy of the public and the depravity that has led to their acceptance of the cheap, sordid and revolting exploitation of the highest public office; and their acceptance of the idea that all public officers may be expected to be crudely dishonest and vilely corrupt.