Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson |
For the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Empire, a war that would forever break the hold of the antagonistic British Empire on vast oil reserves throughout the world, had become absolutely imperative. Mussolini's acquisition in their interest of the Harrar Province oil fields of Abyssinia, previously related, was a mere stop-gap that could not supply all the Mediterranean market.
By far the most important oil reserve from which the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Empire was being blocked by British opposition was Saudi Arabia. In 1914 just prior to World War I, Standard Oil Co. had loaned the Turkish Government thirty-five million dollars. After the war, in 1922 they obtained a concession in Anatolia, Turkey; in 1923, the Mosul concession involved the United States deeply in European and Near-Eastern affairs; and the Admiral Chester grant that had been backed by Kuhn, Loeb and Company precipitated a battle royal with the British interests. Development was begun in 1926. New oil leases were obtained by the Rockefeller interests in Arabia in 1936. But the British still blocked their effective development, despite the fact that the Rockefeller interests had penetrated into control of Royal Dutch and Shell.
To break the impasse the oil interests turned to Germany. Sir Henry Deterding, Chairman of the Board of Royal Dutch, retired to Germany, married a Nazi girl almost forty years his junior, and on their wedding day gave a gift of ten millions to Hitler and the Nazi Party. Standard Oil acquired a 730,000 acre concession in Germany from the North European Oil Company and extended their holdings in the German Dye Trust (I. G. Farbenindustrie). Walter Teagle, President of the Standard Oil of New Jersey and Edsel Ford became Directors of the I. G. Farbenindustrie; and Ivy Lee, Rockefeller's publicity man was retained by the I. G. at $25,000 a year to advise Hitler on Nazi German rearmament. Standard Oil of New Jersey supplied oil to Germany and finally turned over to the Nazis their refineries and accepted millions of harmonicas in payment. Texas Company's shrewd Captain Rieber made a sharper deal for his oil and received full payment in ships, eight of which were delivered before the war, and two after the war. But for that he was ousted with the outcry that he was trading with the enemy.
The plan was to build Hitler up as a menace to England, and smash the British Empire if necessary to gain control of its oil reserves and other resources. It materialized in World War II.
It was not until Hitler arrived at Dunkirk, that the British awoke to a realization that if they did not knuckle down to the Rockefeller Empire, their own would be destroyed. The British made a deal with the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests to permit a development of the Saudi Arabia field. This was predicated on effecting the entry of the United States into World War II, the United States Navy immediately beginning to convoy British vessels, and the costs of the war being unloaded on the American taxpayers. These were the terms.
Never did Roosevelt follow the dictates of his masters with greater alacrity. His education in Germany, as a youngster, had imbued him with the spirit of Prussian militarism. His prime interest was warships and naval battles. In World War I, F.D.R had not been at the front as were other young men of his age, experiencing the miseries of war. The Dynasty had protected him from that. His war experiences had been delightful and profitable.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had dodged the draft and evaded active military service in the war, though he was physically fit, by hanging on to his desk and swivel-chair job provided by the influence of the Dynasty. But he delighted in posing as a war hero, an act that is characteristic of the clan.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt yearned for a war of his own, bigger and brighter than ever, that would memorialize him and carry his name down through history. Peacetime Presidents generally are forgotten by history. On the day of his first inauguration, Roosevelt confided to intimate friends that he hoped to be a War President. He began rebuilding the war organization with which he had surrounded himself in World War I, immediately after his inauguration, making his wartime propagandists, McIntyre and Early, his secretaries. In 1938, after the defeat at the polls of his attempted purge, F.D.R. stated to his intimate associates:
"If I had a war, I could be reelected."
Only war could cover up the crude conspiracy of the New Dealers, and save them from the resentment of the nation.
The internal situation in the U.S., as has been related, demanded from the point of view of the Dynastic conspirators, war. A war emergency would justify a third term, would enable establishment of an absolute dictatorship, and would facilitate welding gigantic trusts and eliminating competition. All who opposed their conspiracy would be labelled traitors. To guard against any miscarriage of their scheme, the conspirators thumbed their noses at the nation and made the candidate of the Republican Party, which they also control, a fake opponent, a New Deal Democrat who was pledged to carry on the conspiracy, "One World", "Me Too" Wendell Willkie.
From the start of bis Administration, F.D.R. spared no effort to foment war. On this score he played into the hands of his masters with alacrity. The full extent of Roosevelt's treachery and flaunting of the Constitution by intriguing war and our entry into it, will not be known until the exchange between Roosevelt and his distant cousin Winston Churchill are published. Of special interest would be the full text of the letter in which Churchill stated "between us we can divide the world."
How thoroughly incriminating they are, can be discerned from the criminal treatment accorded Tyler Kent, a loyal American employee of our Embassy in England who sought to expose the conspiracy. In spite of diplomatic immunity which entitled him to a hearing before an American judge and jury, he was turned over to the British for star chamber proceedings and imprisonment. F.D.R. did not dare let his case be heard before an American court. To this day Tyler Kent lives under threat that if he attempts to release or publish the letters, he will be literally or figuratively "bumped off." Roosevelt's conspiracy to foment a war and to get us into it in spite of the opposition of Congress and the nation if it had been adequately publicized and exposed would have resulted in his impeachment.
The Administration is hereby challenged to publish, or release for publication, the full correspondence between Roosevelt and Churchill; and to permit Tyler Kent to publish the correspondence that fell into his hands. We hereby agree to publish them at our own expense, if released.
In 1937, Winston Churchill squarely placed the blame for precipitating the war, in the lap of President Roosevelt. He stated before Parliament that the one contribution President Roosevelt could make to the prevention of war in the world, was to avoid prolonging the depression. Then he stated, the New Deal was deliberately prolonging the depression by its war on individual enterprise and private industry. Within a short time thereafter. President Roosevelt deliberately launched fresh attacks on industry, that had been recovering from depression rapidly, and precipitated a new financial panic.
In view of Churchill's warning. President Roosevelt's precipitation of panic and depression must be regarded as deliberately designed to bring war.
Equally treasonous was the "Union Now" movement in which high New Deal officials took a prominent part. The names of both President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and of Harold Ickes were bandied about in connection with it. "Union Now" demands that the United States return to the British Empire as a colony. It denounces the Revolutionary War as a great error and misunderstanding, and treats George Washington in the light of a traitor to the Empire who is forgiven his "treason". Benedict Arnold on the other hand is regarded by the movement as a great and much misunderstood patriot and hero. Memorials were planned to honor his name. And some agencies closely identified with the New Deal have had written an opera in which Benedict Arnold is portrayed in a heroic role. They planned to produce it shortly prior to our entry into the war.
Streit's "Union Now" is reported to be Princess Elizabeth's principal textbook. It very well might be that. Though Great Britain is virtually an American subsidized colony, "Union Now" demands insolently, on behalf of Britain, that actualities be ignored and the United States cast itself in the role of the most servile of the British colonies. To this, many of the Dynastic rulers of the United States gave their unqualified consent in spirit and deed. In view of the extensive intermarriage with the British nobility, it is not difficult to understand that both their sympathies and their financial interests are with England rather than with the U.S. The allegiance between the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty and British royalty which has been detailed elsewhere, served to strengthen the tie.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt undertook to fulfill all of the conditions laid down by the British. By an illegal secret order of the President, issued without authorization of Congress, the United States Navy convoyed British and Allied vessels and actively participated in an undeclared war. In short the Dynasty and its allies declared war in the name of F.D.R. personally.
Law, the Johnson Act, forbade the loan of any funds to countries who had defaulted on the World War I debts. This law was evaded and shamefully violated by what was sardonically named "lend lease." Pretendedly it meant that we were lending or leasing materials of war to England and her Allies. From the start England boldly and baldly stated that they have no intention of repaying; and with equal effrontery. United States officials stated that they actually had no intention of asking repayment though the law required it. The Dynasty engaged to finance the war to enlarge the oil reserves of the Rockefeller Empire, with the money and lives of the American taxpayers.
Brazenly false propaganda was fed the country through all the channels of publicity controlled by the Dynasty and its allies—newspapers, periodicals, radio, etc.—by a veritable host of British propagandists spending billions of dollars. All the British expenditures on this false propaganda were later repaid with usurious interest, out of the pockets of the American taxpayers. The Nazi-controlled Hotel Pierre of New York City was filled with such top drawer British propagandists. After the war was over, the British government acknowledged the expenditure of billions on their U.S. propaganda. The objectives of the propaganda was to deceive the American taxpayer into believing that England was fighting the war for the U.S. and that American taxpayers must pay the costs. Later the cost even of the false propaganda was charged to the American taxpayer.
In the meantime the world was amazed at Hitler's failure to make the easy, simple crossing of the English Channel, that could have been made in a few hours. Had there been known the Dunkirk deal between the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and the British, the situation would have been understood more readily. For it was common knowledge that as a result of the victory of the I. G. Farbenindustrie (the German Dye Trust) in its feud with the Steel Trust for the control of Nazi Germany, the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests had a powerful voice in the domination of their creature, Hitler. He was ordered to turn aside from England and attack Germany's ally, Russia. This attack on Russia added the Communist support to England's propaganda pressure to force the U.S. into the war. The Rockefeller support of the Communist elements further insured the Red's support of the war propaganda.
The United States was engaged in an unofficial Dynastic war on the Axis long before the official declaration of war by Congress. Roosevelt and his masters did what they could to provoke Hitler to declare war on the U.S. But their plans to force Congress to declare war met with greater success in another direction—Pearl Harbor.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's treacherous, dastardly and criminal acts involved in getting the United States in the war have been leniently presented by Charles A. Beard in his "President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War 1941: A Study in Appearance and Reality."