Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson

F.D.R. Launches 'New Deal'
Builds Propaganda Machine, Banking Monopoly

From the very start Franklin D. Roosevelt's Administration began carrying out the blueprint of the New Deal drawn up by Hoffman Nickerson. Some aspects of the plan were improved upon with the objective of better furthering the original purpose of serving the Dynasty and its rich allies, while pretending to guard the interests of the common man. Changes in the blueprint were made necessary by the fact that the Dynasty had completely merged with the Rockefeller Empire and the Empire's program called not merely for dictatorial domination of the United States, but of the rest of the world as well; for the Rockefeller Empire seeks a conquest of the world and a dictatorship dominating all lands.

The first move was building up a propaganda system that was so vast that it could distort in the desired manner any intelligence that reached the public. Roosevelt made two of his fellow members of the official propaganda agency of World War I, the Naval Information Committee, his White House assistant secretaries: Marvin Hunter McIntyre, he placed in charge of appointments and political affairs; and Stephen Early, former Editor of Stars and Stripes, the A.E.F. propaganda agency, in charge of the press and public relations.

In every other direction Roosevelt, in 1933, rebuilt the war machine of World War I. From the start of his Administration it was quite apparent that its objective was another war to further the interests of the Rockefeller Empire and the Dynasty. The same "patriotic dollar-a-year men" were back on the job taking care of their interests. This was relatively simple because with the aid of the Rockefeller "philanthropies" and the General Education Fund the whole World War I machine, had been put in storage by the plotters in schools, colleges, universities and businesses, in the interim between the Wilson and Roosevelt Administrations. It was brought out of the storage and set to work as soon as Roosevelt entered the White House. They were ready for the bright new war in the making. In the meantime, they hatched up and played with other less amusing New Deal "emergencies".

Numerous censors and propagandists of World War I were assigned to perform the same job in the New Deal departments. Hundreds of editors and reporters, and many publishers were placed on the payroll of the various government departments and bureaus for purpose of suppressing or distorting the truth and of propagandizing the nation into acceptance of the "New Deal".

Through the Federal Radio Commission's power of life and death over radio stations, the radio was brought under censorship. The Motion Picture Industry later was forced, to serve the New Deal propaganda by the ambiguous but stringent Motion Pictures Code Authority, NRA, and by the planting of Roosevelt's son-in-law, John Boettiger in a high salaried position in the Will Hays organization. A similar code was imposed on the press, with a tongue-in-cheek proviso of freedom of the press, and pressure from the Post Office Department supplemented the frank bribery of newspaper men with offers of higher salaried government positions.

Pay was no object and some of the propagandists did very well for themselves. Thus J. Franklin Carter, Washington representative of the McFadden publications, who wrote "free lance" articles on politics for Liberty Magazine especially on the subject of agriculture under the name of Jay Franklin, at the same time drew a salary of $5200 a year under the name of John Carter on the payroll of the Department of Agriculture. Previously he had been in the employ of the State Department until it was discovered that its secrets were leaking into the press in articles signed by "Jay Franklin" (Michael Handout, p. 182).

Books were ghosted by government employees on taxpayers' time and published in the names of Professor Rexford Tugwell, Henry Wallace, F.D.R., Eleanor Roosevelt, Anna Boettiger, Howe, McIntyre and Early, for their private profit.

One of the most important functions of this propaganda was to create the Roosevelt myth—to create the pretense that he was a deserter of the classes and a champion of the masses; to portray him as a saint who passed his days in the slaying of the demon Capitalism, who could do no wrong and was indispensable; to surround him with a royal aura, with a figurative crown, until a literal crown should come to hand; and finally to deify him. It was all done in the true tradition of the Caesars, even down to the New Deal largesse patterned after that of ancient Rome.

All who opposed the Administration or sought to expose its corruption were hounded, persecuted and bedevilled. They were made the victims of a persistent and unrelenting vendetta. Every government agency was brought into play in this, especially the Secret Service and the Income Tax Bureau. The author was trailed for three months and threatened by Allen Straight, head of the Secret Service in New York, on direct order from Roosevelt, because he published and distributed a biography of Harry Hopkins that he acknowledged to be truthful. The reason given was that Hopkins was regarded as the "brains" of the New Deal and found the truth with regard to his past activities embarassing. Distribution of the biography was continued on a larger scale.

That biography, the author acknowledges, did not do Harry Hopkins full justice, as a Rockefeller-Soviet conspirator, in view of data which subsequently came to hand. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Carsson regularly paid Hopkins's numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins, stood out as most odd, Carsson said.

Carsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Carsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Carsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

In looking over his bills, Carsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins's associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Carsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins's Communist cell, until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself was subjected to Dynastic censorship. George Michael reports in his "Handout", (G. P. Putnam, 1935, pp. 2630) that Roosevelt was blocked from answering, or did not dare answer, questions asked at the supposedly "open-and-above-board" and "uncensored" press conferences, unless they had been submitted in advance. Members of the family or the secretariat interposed and engaged F.D.R. in conversation to block answering, and the conference was quickly closed. F.D.R. was used as a mouthpiece by the "powers behind the throne". He was not trusted to answer without instruction and coaching by them. Michael stresses the frequent presence of Cousin Henry L. Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, at the press conferences. The same behind-the-scenes censorship of F.D.R. is revealed by his frequent overnight reversal of policies that he had freshly announced the day before.

The device of attacks by pretended enemies or on supposed enemies for the purpose of befuddling and bamboozling the public, as in the cases of Hearst and DuPont, was a technique that was systematically used by Roosevelt and his New Deal. Theodore Roosevelt had used it in successfully deceiving the public; but in the Administration of his cousin, Franklin, the technique was developed into a fine art. As a consequence, those who are well informed can usually feel sure that the reverse of any significant statements of policy emanating from New Deal Washington is the truth.

The adherence to the ultimate New Deal objective stated by Nickerson in his blueprint in The American Rich, was clearly revealed in the trial balloon so characteristically released by the Administration through Vice President Garner and quoted by Michael (p 13):

"What this country needs to get out of the depression is a dictator, a man like Roosevelt."

In the quest for dictatorship it was necessary to regiment the nation, through the device of a "managed economy". The Bismarxian program, originated by Karl Marx and propagated by Bismarck, or in other words Communazism, was accepted as the shortest road to dictatorship in the presence of the democratic spirit. The Rockefeller interests had prepared the way with their fostering of Communism for almost three decades through the General Education Fund and through the Rockefeller Foundation.

The first step in the regimentation of the nation has been long sought—the absolute monopolistic control of the nation's finances, banks and its Treasury Department by the Dynasty and its allies. From its inception Frederick A. Delano, Roosevelt's uncle, whose appointment was dictated to President Wilson, was Vice-Governor of the Federal Reserve Board. The Dynasty's hold on the finances of the nation was still further tightened by F.D.R.'s appointment of his cousin, Preston Delano to the key jobs of Comptroller of the Currency, and director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The absolute monopolistic control of the nation's banking and finances was the principal purpose of F.D.R.'s closing of the banks.

No greater service could have been rendered the nation at the juncture, the complete demoralization of the private banking system, than recapture for the government of the right which those banks had usurped that gave them a throttle hold on the nation's economy.

Had Roosevelt been intent on serving the nation, instead of his banker relatives and their allies, he would have withheld any Treasury support from the banks until the bankers had agreed to turn over their institutions and their control of the nation's life blood, its credit and currency, for nationalization. Never was there a more opportune occasion to accomplish this vital reform, that is so essential for a prolonged national existence.

Instead, the private bankers gave themselves, through their stooge. President F. D. Roosevelt even more complete control of the Treasury. With or without pretext, the banks which competed with the monopoly were not allowed to open up again, no matter what their condition. But the banks controlled by the Dynasty were freely assisted by the United States Treasury with loans amounting to a total of more than two billion dollars. They were reopened no matter what was their condition.

But while Roosevelt babbled for public deception about "throwing the moneylenders out of the temple", the Dynastic bankers were saddling themselves on the nation more firmly than ever and were rendering themselves another life-saving service at the expense of the Treasury and the taxpayers. The numerous barter plans which had arisen throughout the nation during Hoover's Administration were terribly feared by the bankers because they were making the people conscious that they need not depend on the bankers and pay tribute to them, but could exchange commodities and services directly. Also they were becoming acutely conscious of the fact that real wealth is not gold or money, but the necessities required for existence.

Logically the next step would have been to widen the monetary base and rest it on a wide array of the staple necessities of life. That would mean an end to the idea that "money must be scarce to have a value".

Since money should be, rightly, a medium of exchange, not the medium of monopoly and control that it is now, it should bear a relation to business like that of the hat-check. Any man who tried to run down a hat-checking business with the idea that there must be fewer hat-checks than hats to be checked instantly would be recognized as insane. But that insane idea applied to money is the life blood of the existence of the banker's profitable credit function and of speculator's profits. Money should expand as rapidly as does nation's wealth and should be as plentiful. Its value should be stabilized by recognizing that money must be, is, and should be based on the essentials that folks seek to purchase with money—staple necessities of life. No longer would it be necessary to manipulate scarcities and leave hosts of people in want to maintain prices. A sufficiency for everyone and the setting up of surpluses of commodities against the time of need would become possible. Money would be a mere medium of exchange and would cease to be a mechanism of manipulation. Business would be stabilized and the ownership of wealth would become secure for all mankind. The depression would have been relieved rapidly and automatically, and future depressions would have become impossible.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt averted the upset to the plans of the bankers and of the Dynasty by his edict abolishing all barter plans as soon as he took office. He exhorted the public to go back to their banks, to enshrine in their temples the moneylenders whom in the same breath he threatened to oust. But the public has been so completely befuddled on the question of money, that they had no intimation of the fact that Roosevelt was contemptuously thumbing his nose at them and dooming them perpetually to be fleeced by the Dynasty's bankers. Sardonically he called it a "New Deal".

As an additional lure to the sucker public, to induce them to abandon their barter plans and once again throw themselves on the (not so) tender mercies of the hankers and speculators, there was set up the private Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. F.D.R. made his cousin, Preston Delano, director.

"Your banks are now safe and your deposits insured", he told the public. "Take your money back to the banks."

That "safety" and insurance will eventually prove to be a snare and delusion if present policies are continued.

The Roosevelts are well represented in the management of some of our leading banks: George Emlen Roosevelt, Secretary and Trustee of the Bank for Savings in New York, Director of Hanover Safe Deposit Company, Director of Guaranty Trust Company; Philip J. Roosevelt, Director and member of the Advisory Board of Chemical National Bank; W. Emlen Roosevelt, Trustee of Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company, Trustee of Chemical Bank and Trust Company. All of them are partners of Roosevelt and Sons. Nicholas Roosevelt, Trustee of the Dry Dock Savings Institution; Oliver W. Roosevelt, First Vice President and Trustee of the Dry Dock Savings Institution; Charles Frances Adams, Director of the Old Colony Trust Company, Trustee of Providence Institution for Savings, Director, Security Safe Deposit Company, Trustee. Union Safe Deposit Vaults, Trustee of the Bank of New York and Trust Company; Vincent Astor, Director of The Chase National Bank of the City of New York. The Roosevelt-Astor banking interests tie in closely with those of the Rockefellers. There is no evidence that any of them have been thrown out of their temples; indeed they are more safely ensconced than ever.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the best friend the "moneylenders" ever had. He saved their hides and their rackets—until the next time they become thoroughly enmeshed in our absurd and unworkable banking and monetary system. Some day there will be no F.D.R. to stooge for them and bail them out. They will then regret that they ever had F.D.R. block the sound and logical solution of the money and banking system to which the barter plans would have led, that would have made them safe and secure in their wealth. For an honest currency system would benefit everyone and harm no one. He who has, would be secure in all his wealth. And he who has not, would be free to carve out for himself as much wealth as he cared to work for.

Control of the banking system enabled regimentation of the nation and its wealth in a tight scarcity economy—euphemistically called a "managed economy"—as the means to attaining the ultimate goal, dictatorship, enslavement of the nation, and a complete monopoly of its industries, commerce and wealth.

The prime value to the conspirators of banking control was that, for the purpose of monopoly and dictatorship, it made possible one of the most dastardly and brutal acts of the Dynasty, the deliberate prolongation and maintenance of the depression throughout the 1930's. For, depression psychologically favored the acceptance of dictatorship, and depression prices and bankruptcies favored monopolies. The gold revaluation, which has been detailed, did not materially alter the situation of depression.

When Roosevelt spoke of "throwing the moneylenders out of the temple" and of "soaking the rich" he meant only certain moneylenders and certain rich. It was really designed to let the Dynastic rich grow richer, but as far as possible, to deny others the opportunity to acquire even sufficiency. The man who works for a living is taxed as high as 90%, of his income in the higher brackets. The man who does not work but merely speculates and takes only capital gains, is taxed no more than 25%. But if he joins the Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd in oil production, he pays taxes on only 25% of his income. And if he makes money producing oil overseas, as in Saudi Arabia, with the money of the U.S. taxpayers, he pays no income tax at all.