Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson |
Through President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and his bright new World War II, the Dynasty gained many victories for the Rockefeller Empire. The greatest prize of all was the rich oil fields of the Near East, especially Saudi Arabia.
All of the territory that lies between the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, the Black and Caspian Seas at the North, the Mediterranean Sea at the West and the Persian Gulf at the East, is a vast oil basin. Large concessions in the southern part of this region had been granted between 1935 and 1937 to British interests headed by Sir W. Fraser and C.S. Gulbenkian and were turned over to a series of companies controlled by them including Petroleum Concessions Ltd., Petroleum Development (Oman and Dhofar) Ltd., Petroleum Development (Palestine) Ltd., Petroleum Development (Qatar) Ltd., Petroleum Development (Transjordan) Ltd., Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Ltd., and Petroleum Development (Western Arabia) Ltd. Hitler's war on England had gravely endangered these concessions.
Our entry into the war had rescued them and had assured the Rockefeller dominated Aramco the right to develop Saudi Arabian oil for Standard Oil of California's and Texas Company's joint venture, Cal-Tex.
The $30,000,000 which the United States Treasury gave Ibn Saud for the support of himself and his 450 wives and their progeny, to maintain the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests in his good graces, cost the American people twenty cents a head. In addition King Ibn Saud got a "loan" of $25,000,000 of taxpayers money from the Export-Import Bank to build a railroad from his capitol across the desert to his summer palace at Rayadh, and numerous gifts from the American taxpayers ranging from multi-million dollar airplanes to sight-seeing tours to the United States for himself, his many princes, and their numerous retinues.
For the millions of taxpayers' money poured into his lap by the United States, King Ibn Saud did offer to them in return, a very suggestive, and under the circumstances, a premonitory and appropriate token gift. He presented America's Queen Eleanor (Roosevelt) with a jewel becrusted, solid gold crown. Eleanor accepted this crown with peculiar alacrity, but it was given little publicity.
After they secured payment for their concession by the United States Treasury, the Rockefeller Empire then ordered their New Deal agents in 1941 to begin the construction for them of a pipe line in Saudi Arabia at the expense of the American taxpayer. This required the diversion of pipe sorely needed for the war effort and for the heating of homes on the Eastern seaboard that were without fuel and heat. Though it was frankly stated by the oil interests that the pipe line in Saudi Arabia could not play any part in the war and would not be completed until five years after the war, pipe was to be diverted from the war effort at top priorities and shipped.
A bill was introduced in Congress appropriating $165,000,000 for this Rockefeller-Standard Oil chore. The outcry against the bill was so great that it was dropped.
The Rockefeller Standard Oil interests once again planted one of their vice-presidents and kinsmen, Jimmy Moffett, in the government, as Housing Administrator. He was given the assignment of "pressuring" Roosevelt into handing over the $165,000,000 to the Rockefeller interests for the development of Saudi Arabia. For this he was promised a commission of 5 percent.
Moffett succeeded in getting Roosevelt to hand over the millions. But he was defrauded out of his commission. He sued the Rockefeller interests for the commission, and was given an award of more than a million dollars by the court. But his adversaries had the verdict reversed by one of their "kept" judges. He decreed that it was against public policy to permit an agent to profit from the exercise of influence on an official. He left it to be inferred, however, that it was quite legitimate for them to enjoy the benefit of such "influence" and welsh on their deal.
In the following year President Roosevelt gave the Rockefeller interests the $165,000,000 out of special, secret appropriations given him by Congress for use in the war effort, for which he was required to render no accounts. It was used for surveys and preparatory work for the pipe line. In addition the United States Army was assigned to do part of the task and to build an airfield and base at Dhaliran, the construction of which by soldier labor battalions survived the war. Under the contract with Ibn Saud, the base will have to be turned over to the Saudi Arabia in February, 1949, shortly after its completion at the cost of more than six millions to the United States taxpayers.
Col. John Zott, a West Point graduate Army officer, was assigned the task of geologizing and developing Saudi Arabian oil. He was first sent by the Army to the University of Pennsylvania for training in oil technology, and then placed in charge of the Saudi Arabian venture. His command consisted of draftees. It was assigned the task of drilling the oilfield, and bringing it into production for the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests at the expense of the taxpayers.
Two drafted United States soldiers who were kept in the service after the termination of the war to labor on the fields protested to Congressman Phillip J. Philbin who denounced this "quasi-private" undertaking for the Rockefeller Empire at the cost of the American public, with drafted American soldiers. The air base is close-by the oilfields.
A number of gross misrepresentations were involved in the negotiations with the New Dealers to induce them to take the burden of Saudi Arabian concessions off the shoulders of the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests, according to testimony before a Congressional Committee investigating the deal. First, it was misrepresented that the oil was fit for use by the U.S. Navy.
The Naval Laboratory reported, however, that the oil was of inferior grade and unsuited for use in Navy boilers. Though it was condemned, its purchase was arranged for by oilman. Admiral Andrew F. Carter, then executive officer of the Army-Navy Petroleum Board and now employed by Overseas Tank Corporation a subsidiary of Cal-Tex Company, Aramco's owner. The purchase was made by his brother. Admiral William J. Carter, Chief of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. In charge of the price negotiations were Lt. John Walsh, now employed by the Standard Oil of New Jersey and Lt. D. Bodenschatz, now with General Petroleum Company. What use the Navy made of this inferior oil, if any, has not been revealed.
Aside from the false representation regarding the quality of the oil and its value to the Navy, misrepresentation was made regarding the price that would be charged the Navy for it. Despite the fact that the U.S. taxpayers financed the deal, the price that the Navy was to pay was the same as would be charged the British Navy; 40 cents a barrel for fuel oil, and 75 cents a barrel for Diesel oil. Instead the U.S. Navy was charged $1.05 for fuel oil and $1.68 for Diesel oil, more than double. Senator Brewster, chairman of the Senate Investigating Committee stated that these prices involved an overpayment of $68,000,000.
The ownership of the Saudi Arabian concession is vested in the Standard Oil of California and the Texas Company, through a jointly owned company, Cal-Tex. The operating company is a subsidiary, the Arabian-American Oil Company, called briefly Aramco. The Cal-Tex Company is reported to be about to sell a 40 percent interest in the field to tbe Standard Oil of New Jersey and Socony Vacuum Oil for a sum stated as more than a quarter of a billion dollars.
Aramco is now shipping from Ras Tanura more than 350,000 barrels of oil a day, and the shipments are rapidly increasing. The value of the shipments amounts to an income of almost a million dollars a day for the Rockefeller Empire. The cost of this oil to them is very low, involving a royalty to King Ibn Saud that is reported to be 23 cents a barrel. The profits to the Standard Oil of California and the Texas Company on the Saudi Arabian oil are enormous. But they are completely exempt from taxes on those profits. Thus the Treasury Department has aided the Rockefeller Empire in evading taxes on profits made on moneys given it by the American taxpayers.
The cost of the Rockefeller Empire's Saudi Arabian oil to the American people is tragically high. It cost them two World Wars, hundreds of billions of dollars, tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of thousands of maimed and crippled—the expense of obtaining the oil fields for the Rockefeller Empire. If the U.S. had paid the Rockefeller Empire ten times as much as their profits from the fields, it would have gotten off cheaply, for it would have saved its citizens the untold miseries of the wars and billions of dollars.
But the U.S. is not yet through paying, the full tragic price of the Rockefeller Empire's Saudi Arabian oil. World War III, the continuation of World Wars I and II, centers just as they did, about Saudi Arabian oil. For Saudi Arabia lies close-by Russia, and possibly is part of the same basin that includes the Baku oil fields. Russia wants Saudi Arabian oil and in fact needs it, if she is going to seek to conquer the world.
The Rockefeller Empire has done business on an extensive scale with Russia and may even be said to have dominated Russia in some respects. There never has been any major disagreements between Russia, when dominated by Stalin, and the Rockefeller Empire since they started doing business together. At the Paris Conference, the U.S. voted with Soviet Russia and the Slavic block, against England, on the question of Roumanian oil. Even as recently as April 1948, the Rockefellers honored Russia with an exhibition depicting the glories of Soviet Russia and Communism by celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Russia under Communism at their Museum of Science and Industry in Rockefeller Center. And Nelson Rockefeller amazed the members of the Thursday Club by there entertaining the Russian emissary Andrei Gromyko. It was probably the Empire's "kiss of death" signalizing their order to his government to recall him.
The Rockefellers have no quarrel with Communism. On the contrary, as has been related, their General Education Fund and Rockefeller Foundation have been among the chief supporters of Communism in the United States and in other lands. They have planted Communist teachers and professors in every school, college and university in the land. Few of the Communist front organizations of note have failed to secure a subsidy from the Rockefeller "philanthropies". The most recent of them to come to the lime-light as subversive activities were the American-Soviet Science Society (harboring Dr. Condon) which is suspect in connection with the leaks of atomic bomb information to Soviet Russia. The Rockefellers financed it to the tune of $25,000. They also subsidized with $20,000, Broom, the publication of Hans Eisler who was recently deported as one of the key Communist agents in the United States.
They have fallen in line with Bismarck's clever scheme to use Communism to foster dictatorships and monopolies. They appreciate, as did Bismarck, that the concept of Communism held by the moronic elements is absolutely false. The moron thinks of Communism as a State in which everyone shares alike. Actually Communism is a State which owns everything and everyone, in which, with one exception, everyone has nothing and is equally poor, in which the problem of poverty is solved by making everyone possessionless. The moron regards the State as something abstract, apart from men. But in reality the State is a single man or a group of men. Therefore the greater the power given the State, the greater is the power of that man or of a group of men.
Since the Communist State owns and controls everything and everyone, it is the most perfect type of Dictatorship—a Super-Capitalist Super-Dictatorship that outdoes in its perfection anything that is offered by Nazism, Fascism or New Dealism. From the point of view of the Rockefeller Empire, the Communist State is most perfect, if the man of their own choice be at its head. At any rate it is the shortest route to Dictatorship in Democracies and in attaining it there can always be the pretense of improving on democracy.
The quarrel of the Rockefeller Empire is not with Communism but with a Russia dominated by Molotov, who will not do business with them and who threatens their Saudi Arabia, the gem in their diadem; but with a Russia that, now that they have broken the back of the British Empire, is their only serious rival for world-wide imperialism.
The Rockefeller Empire dictated the setting up of the United Nations after World War II, primarily to establish a community of interest with Russia. They were willing to give Russia anything she asked for, within reason provided the U.S. taxpayers could he made to bear the burden. They were willing to give her, via the United Nations a fifty square mile base in Westchester and Connecticut, within striking distance of every strategic United States East coast industry. Since fifty square miles is a larger area than would be required to house some ten thousand employees, it is obvious that the area was intended to serve the purpose of a military base. In short they were willing to extend Russia a military base in the United States and a forum for propaganda.
A committee headed by the Jugo-Slav Communist Stoian Gabrilovich, and completely manned by Communists, were permitted to select the site. John D. Rockefeller Jr. offered his home at Pocantico to the United Nations. The Committee demanded full extra-territorial rights an insult that not even China is now willing to accept. But it was granted.
When public indignation, first stirred up by the author, among the residents of the district who were to be expropriated, blocked the granting of this site, the Russians, maneuvering shrewdly pretended to favor Geneva. The Rockefellers whom this move made anxious, frantically offered the United Nations a site in the heart of New York City, that had been assembled for another purpose, at a cost of eight million dollars. This suited the purpose of the Russians and was grabbed.
Russia demanded the power of veto. That also was granted.
Russia had demanded through President Roosevelt at Yalta and Teheran the Balkan States, Western Germany, Poland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea and Sakhalin and numerous other territories. President Roosevelt mouthed the Empire's agreement alternately with mouthings of the non-existent Atlantic Charter that guaranteed autonomy to those very states. The effect was almost as if Charley McCarthy had two Edgar Bergens.
Russia demanded disarmament of the United States and withdrawal of its troops from Europe and Asia. Communist agents openly agitated for it in the United States and abroad. It was granted.
Russia demanded continuance of "lend-lease" of material of war and of equipment for war production from the U.S. after the end of the war. It was granted.
Russia demanded a let-down and disruption of the defenses of the U.S. It was granted.
All of these requests were granted at the behest of the Rockefeller Empire because they cost it nothing. The U.S. taxpayer paid the bills. Those demands it classed as within reason.
The basic motive of the Rockefeller Empire interest in the United Nations and appeasing Russia was revealed by their spokesman in the State Department as world oil control. This was embodied in a New York Times special article published on August 17, 1946, reporting a broadcast made by them on the National Broadcasting Company's "University of the Air". The State Department "experts", loaned it by the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests, proposed an International Petroleum Authority under the United Nations. Naturally this was represented to be in the interest of the U.S. to relieve its oil "shortage", and not of the Rockefeller Empire to increase its monopoly and profits. The following month, on September 6th, 1946, a variant of this scheme was offered by Howard A. Cowden. President of the Consumers' Cooperative Association.
The United Nations is the prototype of the Parliament of the Rockefeller Empire after the pattern of Nickerson's American Rich— a mere "advisory body", a debating society, all talk and no action, for "letting off steam."
In short, pending world-wide dictatorship by the Empire, they seek to bring about an Oil Cartel under the auspices of the U.N. The Rockefeller entente with Russia in opposition to England despite all the surface antagonism, came out into the open at the Paris Conference on September 21, 1946, when the U.S. voted with Russia and the Slavic block against the British Empire on Roumanian oil. The same community of interests was responsible for their ousting of Churchill when, after his speech before Parliament announcing that he "would not preside over the dissolution of the British Empire", he began blocking afresh the development of Saudi Arabia. Churchill was promptly ousted and the Marxist Labor Party, that stands so close to the Soviet, was put in power.
But when Russia merely threatened to reach out for Rockefeller Empire's darling Saudi Arabia, that was entirely beyond all reason. The Empire is prepared to fight for its Saudi Arabian oil with the last American life and the last American dollar.
The entire foreign policy of the State Department, as might be expected from its personnel, is warped to protect Rockefeller's Saudi Arabian oil. President Roosevelt, when he needed the Jewish vote to win his fourth term, supported the commercially motivated Zionist claims to Palestine based upon their Biblical documented conquest of it from the Arabs. While Roosevelt mouthed this program to the stupid but fanatic Zionist element for their vote, his Rockefeller dominated State Department penned for him a letter to his "great and good friend" and Rockefeller's, King Abdullah, a leader of the anti-Jewish Arabian forces in Palestine, assuring him that no decision would be made with regard to Palestine without consulting with the Arabs, or that was hostile to them. This situation is laden with additional interest for the Rockefeller Empire by the fact that all of Palestine is virtually a proved oil field. These acts are attributed to Roosevelt's duplicity. But it is questionable that a mouthpiece, a Charley McCarthy, can be guilty of duplicity, for he is merely a tool.
With an election in sight, the U.S. supported in the U.N. the Palestine compromise, partition. Then the Communist-inspired Stern Gang cut the Haifa pipe line of the Iraq Petroleum Company on March 28, 1947, as a protest against the execution of the assassin Dov Gruner. Burt Hull, President of the Texas Pipe Line Company, who had been assigned the task of building the Saudi Arabian pipe line, undertook to negotiate with the Jewish Agency to avert any further damage to the pipe line as a condition prerequisite to laying the Saudi Arabian pipe line through the Jewish corridor that the partition plan created through Palestine. The rabid Communists in the Jewish Agency prevailed over the more rational head of the Agency. They said that they would cut the pipe line whenever it suited their purpose. That attitude doomed the plan of a Jewish state. Election or no election, President Truman demanded that the U.N. follow the Rockefeller State Department and abandon partition or a Jewish state.
At this point it might be noted that it is probably not a matter of accident that the granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller is named Lucy Truman Aldrich.
Under the "Truman policy", Russia's goodwill is being purchased on behalf of the Rockefeller Empire with the U.S. taxpayers' money through such devices as the Greek and Turkish loan "to stop Communism" and the Marshall Plan for the same purpose. At the same time the bankruptcy of the U.S.A. that is intended to bring dictatorship, is being hastened.
The pattern that is being followed is a variant of that used after World War I. Then foregn bonds of every conceivable land were sold to the American public. When they became worthless, a short time later, a Congressional investigation revealed that a major portion of the "loaned" money had never reached the lands for which the bonds were issued. It had stuck to the fingers of the top-flight Dynastic bankers. The wariness of the American investing public and the Johnson Act forbade a repetition of the bond sales. "Lend-lease", government loans and the Marshall Plan are serving to drain off the money from the purses of the American public into those of the Dynastic bankers and the Rockefeller Empire. Some of these moneys are serving to pay off Russia for staying out of Saudi Arabia—a form of international blackmail.
The mechanics of these loans is made clear by the Greek "loan" of $400,000,000 "to fight Communism". If fighting Communism was the true object of this loan, the purpose would have been served better by shipments of arms and munitions from our huge war surplus. For wars are still fought with shells and not with dollar bills. If it was the intent to stop Communism, the U.S. would not have sent some of its notorious Reds to Greece for that purpose—headed by New Dealers, Griswold and Eleanor Roosevelt's kin Ambassador MacVeagh. For when the program began, there were but a few scattered bands of Communist guerillas in Northern Greece. But after several months of "stopping Communism" and the expenditure of the whole loan, a Communist government controlled all of northern Greece. But just as if it had been prearranged, the Communists stopped short of the Mediterranean, the life line of the Rockefeller Empire and their Saudi Arabian oil.
But, in these days seven hundred millions are mere chicken feed and are totally insufficient for respectable international bribers. That requires billions. Marshall, Chief of Staff, who participated in the betrayal of Pearl Harbor, the best Secretary of State the Rockefeller Empire ever has had, executed the master plan for drawing billions from American purses to finance the Empire's program for international bribery. Following instructions, he asked the nations of the world at large how many dollars they would like to loot from the United States Treasury "to fight Communism". Their imaginations were cramped and they asked for a "trifling" sixteen billion dollars over a period of five years. (Russia is addicted to five year plans.) The disappointingly small sum requested has been amplified by Imperial generosity which insists upon extending a few billions to China and a half billion to South American countries.
To insure the support of the Marshall looting of the United States, good use was made of the sham anti-Communistic drive which has been taken over by the most notorious Communist fellow-travelers, who now follow the party-line and pose as anti-Communists. Soviet Russia is ever willing to cooperate in drawing off the wealth and resources of the United States and has undertaken to increase the popularity of the Marshall Boodle Fund by pretending to be opposed to it. The success of the plan with the American public is a tribute to their childishness. Russia will receive the tribute of the Rockefeller Empire paid by the American taxpayers, while the latter will be blissfully deceived in the belief that they are contributing to "stopping Communism".
If the Rockeller Empire should by any chance withhold the tribute, Russia would collect it indirectly, as she has the UNRRA aid, by seizing the countries that have received the aid.
The half billion offered to South America gave rise to an amusing incident which is revelatory of the true purposes of the loans. At the Inter-American Conference, in Bogota, Colombia, Secretary Marshall announced at the April 8, 1948 session, that the United States was prepared to extend an unsolicited bribe of five hundred million dollars to them. This announcement was greeted coldly with neither applause or comment. The press reported that Marshall was "shocked" by the reception his announcement received and commented that it was probably due to the sum, a mere half billion being regarded as inadequate.
The real reason for the attitude of Latin America to this offer of American taxpayers' moneys on behalf of the Rockefeller Empire is their sad past experience with similar "gifts". Nelson Rockefeller's Committee for Inter-Hemispheric Defense had been used effectively to club Latin America into granting concessions to the Rockefeller Empire and to implant Communism. They had learned to shun Rockefeller "philanthropy" as a costly affair, even when extended through U.S. Government agencies. That was the real significance to the answer which Marshall received on the following day when the Communists themselves staged a rebellion against the Rockefeller control of Colombia, wrecked the Conference and forced the delegates to flee for their lives.
At the International Socialist Conference on European Recovery held at Sanderstead, England, Hugh Dalton, Laborite and former Chancellor of the Exchequer on March 22, 1948, pointed out the true complexion of the Marshall Plan. He noted that the government of practically all sixteen European nations directly involved in the Marshall Plan were completely or almost completely Socialist, i.e. Marxist. He intimated that Russia would be expected to participate in the Plan that was designed so fully to support Marxism.
The real significance of the Marshall Plan is a Rockefeller Empire compromise with Soviet Russia, offering a partnership and splitting of the world into two spheres. It is a counterpart of the Russian-German alliance of Hitler's; and it recalls the temporary Rockefeller Empire partnership with the Mitsui that was dictated by expediency. Russia is being bribed to stay out of Saudi Arabia until the United States can replace the armaments that were so treacherously and treasonably scrapped for political advantage. In large part it was given to Russia as part of the Empire's "pay-off". Some of it is still being shipped to Russia, while Congress is preparing to appropriate billions for its replacement. The Empire brooks no compromises if it can fight at no expense to itself.
Throughout the process of financing of Saudi Arabia by American taxpayers there has been advanced the utterly false allegation that U.S. national security demands its development. The truth is exactly the reverse. The development of the Saudi Arabian oil fields is the greatest menace to the security of the U.S.A. For, as has been stated, Saudi Arabia lies a short distance from the Russian border and in event of war would rapidly fall into the hands of Russia. The enormous production of its oil fields would relieve the Soviets of the limitations in the conduct of war posed by their meagre oil supply and would enable them to wage war indefinitely. Availability of Saudi Arabian oil might be the deciding factor in inducing Russia to make war on the U.S.
By the same process of providing Russia with adequate Saudi Arabian oil, the Empire by deliberate plan is reducing the capacity of the U.S. for oil production. At its dictate, the U.S. is allowing the shipment to both Saudi Arabia and Russia of pipe, casing, drilling equipment and an endless array of material and equipment essential to the production and transport of oil. This is almost paralyzing the United States oil industry and is entirely responsible for the continuous domestic shortage of oil and petroleum products that has resulted in cold, fuelless homes, illness, restrictions or stoppage of industry and transportation, and threatens restoration of gasoline rationing—in other words a restriction of the entire American economy geared to oil.
A deliberate effort is being made by the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests to create a shortage of oil reaching the consumer market. H. J. Porter, President of the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association stated in a telegram to Representative Alvin Weichel, on June 28, 1947:
"Above ground stocks of crude (oil) are actually 15 million barrels above this time last year . . . any spot shortages are the result of insufficient oil being refined".
He stated that American steel is being used to build pipe-lines in Russia and the Middle East despite its desperate need in the United States to bring oil to independent refineries.
The purpose of the Empire in engineering this shortage is to justify the import of Saudi Arabian oil into the U.S. without payment of duty. They do not want to use American crude oil which costs them many times the price of Saudi Arabian oil and leaves them less enormous profits. For, the price situation of petroleum products is based on the price of American crude oil plus the taxes involved in American production and refining. On Saudi Arabian oil subsidized by the American taxpayer, they have to pay no taxes to the U. S., which further enhances their profits. By blocking the flow of American crude oil to the refineries and the market, they create an artificial shortage which maintains the price structure for their cheap Saudi Arabian oil. In the meantime the military power and security of the U.S. are undermined. The land is placed in multiple jeopardy, in order that their profits will accrue.
During the summer of 1947, the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and Socony-Vacuum Oil Company announced to the press that they were preparing to purchase crude oil in Saudi Arabia and join the Texas Company in importing it to the United States as a public service. They said that this public service was non-profit-making because of the 10.5 cents duty per barrel and the $1.21 shipping costs. The implication of the story is that such public service should not be handicapped by a duty, that the oil should be admitted duty-free. No mention was made of the fact that cheaper oil at lower shipping cost is available in Venezuela but is not being used, for Imperial reasons. Nor did the story make any mention of the fact that the Saudi Arabian oil was being produced largely at the expense of the American taxpayer.
About six months later, December 17, 1947, Socony-Vacuum announced the arrival of a third tanker cargo of 196,449 barrels of Saudi Arabian oil at their refinery in Paulboro, N. J., "to help alleviate the shortage of fuel oil and gasoline in the East". The arrival of a fourth tanker was announced three days later.
On March 27, 1948, nine months after it was established that the shipment of pipe abroad was paralyzing the oil industry of the U. S., a Congressional subcommittee spokesman investigating black markets announced to the press that pipe was being shipped out of the country by the shipload. They brought to light one stockpile of millions of feet of pipe awaiting shipment to Russia. Subsequently it was revealed that thousands of tons of machinery for the manufacture of munitions and planes, hundreds of aviation engines, and an endless array of new Army and Navy equipment has been shipped to Russia or is being shipped under "lend lease", at the very time when Truman announced to the world the adoption of the Marshall Plan "to stop Russia's aggression" and the plan to rearm of the U.S. for that purpose.
The program presented by the Russian situation is the same as was presented by the Japanese situation in the ten years prior to Pearl Harbor. Russia is being ruthlessly helped to rearm for war on the U.S. by the Empire and its puppets, American officials. Once again the country is deliberately placed in grave jeopardy this time, in order to encourage the Russians to attack and to precipitate war. A policy of talking roughly for the benefit of the American voter, and dealing softly to appease Russia has been adopted. Protests against these shipments to Russia have proved ineffective.
These facts incidently explain why the post-war prosecution of the officers of the German Dye Trust has failed "because of lack of evidence." Dillon, Read & Company, allies of the Dynasty, was one of the banking houses through which was done much of the financing of the German munitions industry, of Krupps and the I. G. Farbenindustrie. James V. Forrestal, Roosevelt's appointee, now Secretary of Defense, was then head of Dillon, Read & Company. William H. Draper, former vice-president of Dillon, Read & Company, is Under-Secretary of the Army. Draper, in 1945, as a brigadier general subordinate to the Commander in Germany, General Lucius Clay, stated that (from the point of view of Dillon Read interests?) he regarded the policy of destroying the German munition industry an error. For this he was reprimanded by General Clay, who pointed out that in event of war, the German munitions industry will fall into the hands of Russia.
Secretary Forrestal thereupon promoted his former partner in Dillon Read, to a partnership in a bigger concern, to the post of Undersecretary of the U.S. Army. Phillip Hawkins, Draper's son-in-law, was made Chief of Property in the American Military Government in Germany. In this post he promptly issued an order sparing the Dillon Read financed munition and dye works from dismantlement. Thus is the Empire acting to arm Russia for war with us, just as it helped to prepare Japan for Pearl Harbor. Howard Ambruster in a book published by the Beechhurst Press in April 1947, labelled these maneuvers Treason Peace.
The full extent of the treachery of the Rockefeller Empire in its quest for oil and power was illustrated by current events in Palestine. Their American agents, Truman and all the other candidates for the Presidency, who faced an election, recognized the Israel government but maintain an embargo on arms which might insure the wiping out of the Israelis. The pretext for maintaining the embargo is that another of the agencies of the Rockefeller Empire, the United Nations, had not lifted the embargo. Their right hand evidently does not know what their left hand is doing.
In the meantime the Rockefeller Empire was instigating and arming the Arabs through its allies, Bevins and the British Labor Government. The poverty-stricken Arabs demand less than the customary 12.5% royalty on their oil; and despite their reputations as sharp traders, they are more readily swindled out of the money which they are paid for the oil, so that the net cost to the Empire is zero. King Abdullah of benighted and backward Trans-Jordania was used as their tool in carrying out the plan of seizing Jerusalem and oil-rich Southern Palestine. This might have insured the British a military and air base near the Suez Canal in lieu of Egypt from which they had been ousted by Rockefeller-Soviet agent Nasser. King Abdullah's troops were trained and armed under a treaty with England, well in advance of Britain's withdrawal; and authentic reports indicate that they had Abdulah's soldiers planted in Jerusalem and other strategic points in Palestine well in advance.
The Arabs have been instigated in their action by the Rockefeller Empire, by Nazi agents, by the British and by Russia. The instigators have paid little heed to the menace of a Holy War which might easily be stirred up among the ever-martial Mohammedans, that in years to come may threaten conquest of Europe and war on Christianity by them. Such a war of the Orient on the Occident long has been predicted.
The financing of the development of the Rockefeller Empire's Saudi Arabian fields was also engineered by Secretary of Defense Forrestal's firm. Dillon, Read & Co. and by its senior partner Clarence Dillon, nee Stenbock.
If by any chance Russia should trap and imprison the American Army in Central Europe, or attack elsewhere, the story would be bad. For the U.S. is virtually stripped of the magnificent defenses built up during the war that are now largely turned over to Russia. An ultimate American defeat is part of the plans for attaining dictatorship and might serve the purposes of the Dynasts, if and when they make their own peace with Russia.
The good will of the Red's is one of the objectives of the Empire's support of the darling of the subversives and traitors, Henry A. Wallace. It is reported that his salary as editor of the New Republic as well as his campaign expenses have been defrayed by Michael Straight, Anglophile son of Willard Straight of J. P. Morgan and Company, "Jock" Whitney and Nelson Rockefeller. In Wallace's support, British propagandists have once again joined hands with the Rockefellers. The New Republic is published by Westrim Ltd. a corporation financed through Mrs. Leonard Elmhirst of London, the widow of Willard Straight, a former partner of Morgan & Co., for the British radicals. Her son, Michael Straight, former "adviser on economics" to Rockefeller Empire's U.S. State Department and protege of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, has boasted:
"The New Deal is more dynamic than Fascism and more revolutionary than Communism." Associated with Wallace as co-editors of the magazine, are a group of editors who have been closely identified with Communist front organizations and Communist "transmission belts" as Earl Browder testified under oath. These include: Bruce Bliven, Edward C. Lindeman, Helen Fuller, Stan Young, Elizabeth Hulin, George Soule and Malcolm Cowley. Cowley is also editor of SOVIET RUSSIA TO-DAY and contributor to the NEW MASSES and the DAILY WORKER. Phillip Murray, president of the CIO has openly charged that Wallace's third party movement was launched by the Communists. The Communist party confirms it. Its important support comes from the Rockefellers.
This would not be the first time that the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests have drawn the United States into a war on their behalf, and at the same time, betrayed the country to its enemies by double-dealing. They were indicted in the second year of World War II by Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold, for deliberately blocking the production of synthetic rubber. Under their influence, Jesse Jones had persistently refused to stockpile crude rubber and tin for the on-coming war despite the obvious need and the demands of the military. Such stockpiling would involve a violation of an agreement with the Dutch-British Cartels under which the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests participate in East Indies oil production. But in this war emergency, the British and Dutch interests were identical with ours, and they undoubtedly would have welcomed our stockpiling rubber and tin under these circumstances. Nevertheless none was stored.
As if this situation created by the interests of the Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd was not bad enough, Thurman Arnold's indictment proved that the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests were also blocking the production of synthetic rubber by withholding the use of the patents which they shared with I. G. Farbenindustrie, the German Dye Trust. The indictment did not make it clear that the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and their Chase National Bank owned and controlled the majority interest in the German Dye Trust. Nor did the indictment make it clear that at the very time of these acts, Nelson Rockefeller occupied the post of Coordinator of Hemispheric Defense, an ultra-strategic one for the safety of the U.S.; and that high policy-making government posts in the hundreds and possibly in the thousands were held, and strategic government departments were controlled by officers of the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Companies "loaned" to the government. It is interesting to note the name of Rockefeller did not appear in the indictment though he controls the Company.
The Standard Oil of New Jersey pleaded that its agreement with I. G. Farbenindustrie barred their permitting the use of synthetic rubber patents by the United States or the Allies. In effect they pleaded guilty to conspiring with Germany to prevent the use by the U.S. Government of synthetic rubber processes. Without the synthetic rubber prepared by these processes, the war inevitably would have been lost. Caught red-handed in their treason, they pleaded guilty to the indictment. They agreed to release the patents and processes for use by the U.S. barely in time to save the situation. None of the traitors was shot. That indicates how far more binding and protective is loyalty to the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Empire than to the U.S.A. The conclusion that the defeat of the Allies would have made no difference to the conspirators is sustained by the fact that they had extended their full support and cooperation to Hitler and the Nazis. Thurman Arnold was relieved of his post shortly after the incident.
Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney of Wyoming, when discussing the Saudi Arabian deals of the Rockefeller Empire in a radio interview on February 2, 1947, stated:
"It is but a step from giant combinations of this kind to the authoritarian state."
In these machinations the Sidney Hillmans, Harry Hopkinses and their ilk, were mere puppets and stooges of the Rockefeller Empire—red herrings drawn across the trail.