Strange Death of Franklin Roosevelt - Emanuel Josephson

Synthetic Liberal
New York's Dynastic Governor

Georgia Warm Springs, Meriwether Reserve Inc. and their principals were munificently provided for by the interests that wanted to use the Roosevelt name for their own political and financial advantage. F.D.R. was groomed to be advanced along the path followed by two of his Dynastic predecessors—Martin Van Buren and Theodore Roosevelt—to the post of Governor of New York State, as a stepping stone to the White House.

For almost half a century the Dynasty, with its allies in politics, commerce, industry and the press, had devoted all its efforts and spared no energies in making the name "Roosevelt" a magic word by which to conjure mobs. First Teddy and then Franklin had been made to espouse every rabble-rousing cause and device by the ghost-writers who thought their thoughts and wrote their speeches for them. Great care was exercised, however, so that their thoughts and acts in the fields that immediately concerned their bosses such as finance, commerce, industry, and raids on the public treasury would be all that they should. The lack of public interests in those vital topics simplified the situation. This made it possible for President Theodore Roosevelt with absolute impunity to further the cause and advocate the views and objectives of Morgan bankers who constituted his cabinet; and even to have ghosted such statements of policy as his third annual message by James Stillman, President of the National City Bank.

Especial efforts were made by the Dynasty to identify the Roosevelt name with so-called "Liberalism". By "Liberalism" is meant following the pattern of Marxism disseminated by Bismarck, that pretended an interest in the "lower" or working classes and supported warfare by them on the community and the "upper classes". Anyone who questioned the wisdom of such class warfare or the consequences of the adopted measures, in disrupting the unity of community life, was labelled "reactionary".

The powers-that-be and the shrewder elements among the banking and commercial fraternity including the Rockefellers and the banker-masters of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, were quick to recognise, as had Bismarck, that the mechanism of Marxist or Communazi totalitarianism could serve their dictatorships and monopolies excellently, if properly framed and manipulated. Thus while the monopoly of industry and commerce was forbidden by law and was railed against by the demagogues and by the "Liberals", a monopoly of labor, through labor unionism, was fully approved by them. And a monopoly of labor is even more effective in attaining a monopoly of industry than monopolist control of industry itself and far more completely enslaves of the worker.

Consequently the politicians formed alliances with the labor "leaders" or barons, extended to them privileges which put them above the law, rendered them completely immune from liability for any of the consequences of their monopoly, and extended them the privilege of levying a private tax on workers for the right to work. The politicians in effect preyed on labor through the agency of the Labor Barons, and collected their share of the extra-legal tax levied on the workers, in return for having robbed them of their Constitutional rights and sold them out. To the befuddled workers these malefactions were misrepresented as championing labor's "rights". When industry provides jobs that pay the workers salaries, the "take" runs into the hundreds of millions and possibly billions of dollars; and when business depression deprives workers of jobs and incomes, the politicians can still dip their hands into the pockets of the public, worker and non-worker, through the Treasury and taxes.

At the back of the politician, taking the bulk of the spoils, are the real overlords of Labor, the banking element. With their remote control of Labor through Labor Barons, they are in a position to call strikes and manipulate wages to suit their purposes, whether they be crushing a competitor, slowing production so that surplus can be dissipated by industry freed of the need of paying wages, or numerous other malevolent purposes. The ultimate disruption and disintegration of national economy and security which this program implies is exactly the effect that, like Bismarck, the Rockefeller-Standard Oil and the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty allies seek in their plan to attain an American dictatorship and monarchy.

Over a period of fifteen years, the Dynasty had thrown its energies and influence into building up its heir apparent and puppet "leader", Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt, himself, had chosen the husband of his favorite niece as his heir, to carry on in the opposition party when his own would have been voted out. Teddy had not only groomed F.D.R. but had used his presidential patronage to further the latter's career in the Democratic Party. Then he assured the success of that Party by splitting the Republicans with his Bull Moose, third party movement

The Dynasty's "brain trusters", who served in lieu of F.D.R.'s brains, modified the activities, speeches and platforms on which they ran him for office to match the temper of the times and the audience. Thus in his first Dutchess County campaign, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's platform was highly satisfactory to the Ku Klux Klan element that preponderated in the community; and it truly represented F.D.R.'s own inherent anti-Catholic sentiments that were as deeply rooted as his Sephardic Jewish, Huguenot and Episcopalian ancestors. One must appreciate this to understand fully F.D.R.'s treatment of Sheehan and James Farley.

The same opportunism that dictated Klanism and anti-Catholicism in Dutchess County politics, forbade it on the wider, state and national scenes. There F.D.R. was built up as an eager friend of the Catholic, the Jew, the Negro, and all other minorities and fragments. For they still have votes! Al Smith was F.D.R.'s Catholic foil. Roosevelt rejected the New York gubernatorial nomination in Smith's favor, in 1918, condescendingly suggesting that the issue of religion made no difference to the electorate in wartime (Lindley, p. 165.) F.D.R., of the Roosevelt name, was volunteered to put Al Smith in nomination at Madison Square Garden in 1924, and again in Houston, in 1928, in order to give him and his newly developed and politically motivated tolerance of the Catholic, a national build-up.

So successful was this maneuver that even the supporters of Smith who had rallied to him and financed him as a champion of Catholicism, supported F.D.R. with alacrity. Raskob agreed to support Georgia Warm Springs Foundation to bribe F.D.R. to accept the Democratic nomination for governor, and contributed to that enterprise a quarter of a million dollars on condition that Roosevelt would not oppose Smith in 1932, if defeated in 1928. As might be expected of a Dynast, F.D.R. accepted the money and double-crossed Raskob and Smith. The total "inducement" that Roosevelt received by way of Meriwether Reserve Inc. and Georgia Warm Springs Foundation is reported to have been more than three quarters of a million dollars. Al Smith's presidential backers furnished ample funds for F.D.R.'s campaign.

It is noteworthy that never once in a period of over two decades did the Dynasty fail to secure for F.D.R. the offer of some top nomination in each election. Though each time it was rejected, except the 1914 nomination for U.S. Senator, this device served to keep F.D.R.'s name before the public and build him up as a great white hope.

Roosevelt's "infantile paralysis" was an unfortunate accident that might have completely upset the Dynasty's plans. But fortunately for them, F.D.R. became more amenable than ever because of the very stigmata of his ailment. His high suggestibility was especially valuable in this direction, when the right party was at hand to do the suggesting.

The designation of the suggesters as "Brain Trusters" is inappropriate. They are more appropriately termed "Brains", for they served in lieu of them. The first of these, Louis Howe was put on the job in 1907. Those men thought F.D.R.'s thoughts, wrote his speeches and often spoke his mind for him. They did arrange, however, to have his speech and radio voice trained for him and stylized, so that he would better serve as a mouthpiece for their ideas. His tongue was so glib it took a veritable host of ghostwriters to keep up with it—and they were all "Liberal" a euphemism for what we now recognize as Communist. Never has Charlie McCarthy had a better counterpart in real life.

Some amusing stories of ghost-writing for FDR and his ventriloquism have emerged. The ghost-writers of Roosevelt's speeches were a legion. Many of them had diametrically opposed views. The ghosts included Louis Howe, Raymond Moley, Hugh Johnson, Adolph Berle, Ernest Lindley, Tom Corcoran, Cordell Hull, Sam Rosenman, Robert Sherwood and numerous others. Some of them were written by several ghosts and expressed diametrically opposite views within a single speech.

Moley tells the story of the Chicago acceptance speech. A speech was written for Roosevelt by him and several paragraphs were added by Rosenman. But the orders from above were that it was not to be delivered unless it met with the approval of Louis Howe. In Chicago Howe had written another acceptance speech himself, the contents of which were unknown to Roosevelt. As FDR was being introduced to the convention, Howe handed him, to read, the speech he had prepared. Roosevelt arose with both Moley's and Howe's speeches in his hands. He started reading the Howe speech expressing Howe's views, which he had never seen before, and then went on with Moley's speech expressing the views of Moley and Rosenman, which in no wise agreed.

Roosevelt's tariff speech came into being in the same fashion. Moley asked Cordell Hull to write a speech on the tariff. Hull's production called for free trade or at least a 10% cut in all tariffs. Feeling that this was extreme, Moley called on Hugh Johnson, an advocate of protective tariffs and reciprocal trade treaties, to write another. The two were diametrically opposite. Shown to Roosevelt, he glanced through them and then asked Moley to "weave the two together". (After Seven Years, by Raymond Moley).

Roosevelt had practically nothing to do with the writing of his first inaugural address. FDR merely "Charley McCarthyed" expedient ideas prepared for him by the Dynasty's ghosts. Roosevelt had the faculty of mouthing the ideas of others with perfect ventriloquist effects.

The chief contributors to F.D.R.'s gubernatorial campaign funds were: Edward S. Harkness, of the Standard Oil Company; Vincent Astor of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty; Bernard Baruch of the Ryan-Morgan-Rockefeller group; Owen D. Young of the General Electric Company, a Morgan henchman, Jesse H. Jones and Percy S. Strauss.

One of the first acts of the Roosevelt Administration as might be expected was the organization of a personal "publicity", or "news", bureau, at the expense of the taxpayers. F.D.R. and his financial hackers never lost sight of the importance of a constant perversion of public opinion by a stream of "slanted" and poisoned propaganda labelled "publicity".

The Tammany elected and supported Governor of New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, paid off well the Rockefeller-Morgan interests that had "taken care" of Meriwether Reserve Inc. and Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, as has been related. He engineered a tighter monopoly for the Milk Trust and a tremendously higher price for milk; at the same time there was provided a special tax on milk compelling the public to pay for false advertising on the value of milk as a food, to encourage the public to drink more of the expensive milk; and an inferior grade of synthetic milk was approved for sale at a higher price than that of natural milk.

The Dynasty and its agent, F.D.R., rewarded the traditional enemy, Tammany Hall, with a sly double-cross that is characteristic of their treatment of everyone except their inner clique and their financial allies. The Rockefeller interests required a change of party in New York City because Tammany opposed the plan of the Rockefeller interests to have the City bail them out of their New York elevated railroad and subway bonds, which they had purchased at a large discount. They wished to force New York City to exchange them for City stock on an equal basis at full face value.

Tammany also traditionally supported the five cent fare and opposed any increase. The transit systems could earn ample with a five cent fare to pay a good return on money actually invested and to provide amply for replacements and new construction, if honestly managed. But the Rockefeller and allied interests had milked them dry and grossly mismanaged them. The Rockefeller plan was to have the City take over the transit systems, rebuild and repair them, build needed additional lines, unify them into a single system, increase the fare to ten cents, and then return the renovated system to them to bleed again. Fiorello LaGuardia was the man whom the Rockefeller interests chose to accomplish their skullduggery, when they could break Tammany's back. The back-breaking job was assigned to F.D.R.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on the advice of his "Brain Trusters" refused to take any action on the corruption that Rockefeller controlled agencies and later Judge Seabury, by pre-arrangement, kept exposing to public gaze—until after he had secured the Democratic Presidential nomination at Chicago with the support of Tammany's votes. Two months after the nomination, in time to play a role in the pre-election campaign dramatics, it was arranged that Roosevelt should hear charges against Tammany's Mayor James Walker, with Martin Conboy as counsel. The strategy of letting Martin Conboy do the dirty work was that Conboy was a ranking Catholic and action taken on his counsel would not alienate the needed Catholic vote. By this action Roosevelt prepared the way for Rockefeller's LaGuardia and the Fusion ticket. He turned on Tammany only after having enjoyed the benefit of its support at the Chicago convention, when it was too late for that organization to withdraw support. To the voters he presented a pretense of virtue.

Roosevelt's term as Governor was marked by the usual clap-trap "social" measures, such as Workman's Compensation that protected the employers against lawsuits but fail to give adequate compensation to the injured; old age pensions that are totally inadequate for the aged to live on but bar the way to more adequate provision; labor laws that bolster and confirm the unconstitutional and dictatorial powers that had been given to the Labor Barons to levy private taxes on workers, to regiment them and to deprive them of freedom of employment. These gains for Labor Barons, and their goon, thug and ex-convict henchmen, are sardonically referred to as "Labor's gains". Roosevelt manifested his financial incompetence by leaving the State a ninety million dollars deficit.

Roosevelt's suggestibility, evasiveness, and shiftiness became proverbial during his stay at Albany. He promised everything to everyone and courted the favor of all; but served only his Dynasty and its financial supporters while pretending to champion the "underprivileged" and Labor. As his circle of advisers, manipulators and Brain Trusters grew larger, his pronouncements grew even more contradictory. But they developed the technique of having F.D.R. say one thing and do the very opposite. The behind-the-scene rulers of the Dynasty discovered that with proper publicity the public paid attention only to what was said and forgot or failed to understand what was done. F.D.R. anticipated Geobbels and led the way in the technique of brazen lying that is so loud and insistent that the moronic mobs come to believe the lies more firmly than they ever believed the truth.

The Morgans and the banking fraternity identified with the Dynasty were served to good advantage by the wiping out of the Bank of the United States. In this crime Franklin Delano Roosevelt played a determining role through the New York State Banking Department. The Bank of the United States was then more solvent than the majority of its competitors. This was proved by its paying almost 100 cents on the dollar to its creditors even after it was mercilessly rooked in liquidation proceedings. The reason for it was that Morgan and others of the Dynasty's financial backers objected to the competition and multiplication of Jewish bankers. Roosevelt served them by eliminating the Bank of the United States and by forcing Jonas and his associates to turn over to the Morgan-Rockefeller gang the control of Manufacturers Trust Co.