Stories from the Crusades - Janet Kelman

This book brings the Crusades to life by telling the stories of its most famous heroes. It tells the story of how Peter the Hermit leads the first crusade; how three kings of Europe, including King Richard the Lionhearted of England, King Philip of France, and the Emperor Frederick of Germany, join efforts in the third crusade; and how King Louis of France launches the last crusade and is ultimately martyred.

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[Book Cover] from Stories from the Crusades by Janet Kelman
Richard Coeur de Lion


[Title Page] from Stories from the Crusades by Janet Kelman
[Dedication] from Stories from the Crusades by Janet Kelman

The Heroes of the Crusades

The stories in this book are of heroes who lived hundred of years ago. They caught sight of a beautiful dream and lived and died to make it come true.

Their eagerness swept along with them not only men who had never dreamed the dream and who did not know for what end they fought, but bad men also who only wished to get what they could for themselves.

The Crusades are long past, yet to-day there are men who see visions of good and who wish to bring them down to earth. With them are others who fight selfishly as did Bohemond and Baldwin long ago. But there are still men like Francis, who carry goodwill with them, and great knights like Tancred and like Louis, who live to fight for the poor and the weak,

[List of Stories] from Stories from the Crusades by Janet Kelman
[List of Pictures] from Stories from the Crusades by Janet Kelman