Boys' Life of Edison - W. H. Meadowcroft |
In these modem times an incandescent electric lamp is such an everyday affair as to be a familiar object even to a small child. But only a few years ago—a little over thirty—the man who proposed and invented it was derided in the newspapers, and called a mad-man and a dreamer.
If among Edison's numerous inventions there should be selected one or a class that might be considered the greatest, it seems to be universal opinion that the palm would be awarded to the incandescent lamp and his complete system for the distribution of electric light, heat, and power. These inventions as a class, and what has sprung from them, have brought about most wonderful changes in the world.
The year 1877 was a busy one at Edison's laboratory at Menlo Park. He was engaged on the telephone, on acoustic electrical transmission, sextuplex telegraphs, duplex telegraphs, miscellaneous carbon articles, and other things. He also commenced experimenting on the electric light.
Besides, as we have seen in the previous chapter, he invented the phonograph. The great interest and excitement caused by the latter invention took up nearly all of his time and attention for many months, and, indeed, up to July, 1878. He then took a vacation and went out to Wyoming with a party of astronomers to observe an eclipse of the sun and to make a test of his taximeter. He was absent about two months, coming home rested and refreshed. Mr. Edison says:
"After my return from the trip to observe the eclipse of the sun I went with Professor Barker, professor of physics in the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Chandler, professor of chemistry in Columbia College, to see Mr. Wallace, a large manufacturer of brass in Ansonia, Connecticut. Wallace at this time was experimenting on series arc lighting. Just at that time I wanted to take up something new, and Professor Barker suggested that I go to work and see if I could subdivide the electric light so it could be got in small units like gas. This was not a new suggestion, because I had made a number of experiments on electric lighting a year before this. They had been laid aside for the phonograph. I determined to take up the search again and continue it. On my return home I started my usual course of collecting every kind of data about gas; bought all the transactions of the gas engineering societies, etc., all the back volumes of gas journals, etc. Having obtained all the data, and investigated gas-jet distribution in New York by actual observations, I made up my mind that the problem of the subdivision of the electric current could be solved and made commercial."
The problem which Edison had undertaken to solve was a gigantic one. The arc light was then known and in use to a very small extent, but the subdivision of the electric light—as it was then called—had not been accomplished. It had been the dream of scientists and inventors for a long time.
Innumerable trials and experiments had been made in America and Europe for many years, but without success. Although a great number of ingenious lamps had been made by the foremost inventors of the period, they were utterly useless as part of a scheme for a system of electric lighting. In fact, these efforts had been so unsuccessful that many of the leading scientists of the time, even as late as 1879, declared that the subdivision of the light was an impossibility.
The chief trouble was that the early experimenters did not conceive the idea of a system, and worked only on a lamp. They all seemed to have the idea that an electric lamp was the main thing and that it should be of low resistance and should be operated on a current of very low voltage, or pressure. They, therefore experimented on lamps using short carbon rods or strips for burners, which required a large quantity of current.
Electric lighting with this kind of lamp was indeed a practical impossibility. The quantity of current required for a large number of them would have been prodigious, giving rise to tremendous problems on account of the heating effects. Besides, the most fatal objection was the cost of copper for conductors, which for a city section of about half a mile square would have cost not less than a hundred million dollars, on account of the enormous quantity of current that would be required.
Mr. Edison realized at the beginning that previous experimenters had failed because they had been following the wrong track. He knew that electric lighting could not be a success unless it could be sold to the public at a reasonable price and pay a profit to those who supplied it. With such lamps as had been proposed, requiring such an enormous outlay for copper, this would have been impossible. Besides, there would not have been enough copper in the world to supply conductors for one large city.
Edison did what he has so often done before and since. He turned about and went in the opposite direction. He reasoned that in order to develop a successful system of electric lighting the cost of conductors must come within very reasonable limits. To insure this, he must invent a lamp of comparatively high resistance, requiring only a small quantity of current, and with a burner having a small radiating surface.
Having the problem clearly in mind, Edison went to work in the, fall of 1878 with that enthusiastic energy so characteristic of him. His earliest experiments were made with carbon as the burner for his lamp. In the previous year he had also experimented on this line, beginning with strips of carbon burned in the open air, and then in vacuo by means of a hand-worked air-pump. These strips burned only a few minutes. On resuming his work in 1878 he again commenced with carbon, and made a very large number of trials, all in vacuo. Not only did he try ordinary strips of carbonized paper, but tissue-paper coated with tar and lampblack was rolled into thin sticks, like knitting-needles, carbonized and raised to the white heat of incandescence in vacuo.
He also tried hard carbon, wood carbon, and almost every conceivable variety of paper carbon in like manner. But with the best vacuum that he could then get by means of the ordinary hand-pump the carbons would last at the most only from ten to fifteen minutes in a state of incandescence.
It was evident to Edison that such results as these were not of commercial value. He feared that, after all, carbon was not the ideal substance he had thought it was for an incandescent lamp-burner. The lamp that he had in mind was one which should have a tough, hair-like filament for a light-giving body that could be maintained at a white heat for a thousand hours before breaking.
He therefore turned his line of experiments to wires made of refractory metals, such as platinum and iridium, and their alloys. These metals have very high fusing points, and while they would last longer than the carbon strips, they melted with a slight excess of current after they had been lighted but a short time.
Nevertheless, Edison continued to experiment along this line, making some improvements, until about April, 1879, he made an important discovery which led him to the first step toward the modern incandescent lamp. He discovered that if he introduced a piece of platinum wire into an all-glass globe, completely sealed and highly exhausted of air, and passed a current through the platinum wire while the vacuum was being made the wire would give a light equal to twenty-five candle-power without melting. Previously, the same length of wire would melt in the open air when giving a light equal to four candles.
He thus discovered that the passing of current through the platinum while the vacuum was being obtained would drive out occluded gases (i.e. gases mechanically held in or upon the metal). This was important and soon led to greater results.
Edison and his associates had been working night and day at the Menlo Park laboratory, and now that promising results were ahead their efforts went on with greater vigor than ever. Taking no account of the passage of time, with an utter disregard of mealtimes, and with but scanty hours of sleep snatched reluctantly at odd periods, Edison labored on, and the laboratory was kept going without cessation.
Following up the progress he had made, Edison made improvement after improvement, especially in the line of high vacuum, and about the beginning of October had so improved his pumps that he could produce a vacuum up to the one-millionth part of an atmosphere. It should be understood that the maintaining of such a high vacuum was only rendered possible by Edison's invention of a one-piece all-glass globe, hermetically sealed during its manufacture into a lamp.
In obtaining this perfection of vacuum apparatus Edison realized that he was drawing nearer to a solution of the problem. For many reasons, however, he was dissatisfied with platino-iridium filaments for burners, and went back to carbon, which from the first he had thought of as an ideal substance for a burner.
His next step proved that he was correct. Or October 21, 1879, after many patient trials, he carbonized a piece of cotton sewing thread bent into a loop or horseshoe form, and had it sealed into a glass globe from which he exhausted the air until a vacuum up to one-millionth of an atmosphere was produced. This lamp, when put on the circuit, lighted up brightly to incandescence and maintained its integrity for over forty hours, and lo! The practical incandescent lamp was born. The impossible, so called, had been attained; subdivision of the electric current was made practicable; the goal had been reached, and one of the greatest inventions of the century was completed.
Edison and his helpers stayed by the lamp during the whole forty hours watching it, some of the men making bets as to how long it would burn. It may well be imagined that there was great jubilation throughout the laboratory during those two days of delight and anxiety.
But now that the principle was established work was renewed with great fervor in making other lamps. A vast number of experiments were made with carbons made of paper, and the manufacture of lamps with these paper carbons was carried on continuously. A great number of these were made and put into actual use.
Edison was not satisfied, however. He wanted something better. He began to carbonize everything that he could lay hands on. In his laboratory notebooks are innumerable jottings of the things that were carbonized and tried, such as tissue-paper, soft paper, all kinds of cardboards, drawing paper of all grades, paper saturated with tar, all kinds of threads, fish-line, threads rubbed with tarred lampblack, fine threads plaited together in strands, cotton soaked in boiling tar, lamp-wick, twine, tar and lampblack mixed with a proportion of lime, vulcanized fiber, celluloid, boxwood, cocoanut hair and shell, spruce, hickory, baywood, cedar, and maple shavings, rosewood, punk, cork, bagging, flax, and a host of other things.
He also extended his searches far into the realms of nature in the line of grasses, plants, canes, and similar products, and in these experiments at that time and later he carbonized, made into lamps, and tested no fewer than six thousand different species of vegetable growths.
At this time Edison was investigating everything with a microscope. One day he picked up a palm-leaf fan and examined the long strip of cane binding on its edge. He gave it to one of his assistants, telling him to cut it up into filaments, carbonize them, and put them into lamps.
These proved to be the best thus far obtained, and on further examination Edison decided that he had now found the best material so far tried, and a material entirely suitable for his lamps.
Within a very short time he sent a man off to China and Japan to search for bamboo, with instructions to keep on sending samples until the right one was found. This man did his work well, and among the species of bamboo he sent was one that was found satisfactory. Mr. Edison obtained a quantity of this and arranged with a farmer in Japan to grow it for him and to ship regular supplies. This was done for a number of years, and during that time millions of Edison lamps were regularly made from that particular species of Japanese bamboo.
Mr. Edison did not stop at this, however. He was continually in search of the best, and sent other men out to Cuba, Florida, and all through South America to hunt for something that might be superior to what he was using. Another man was sent on a trip around the world for the same purpose.
Some of these explorers met with striking adventures during their travels, and all of them sent vast quantities of bamboos, palms, and fibrous grasses to the laboratory for examination, but Edison never found any of them better for his purposes than the bamboo from Japan.
In this remarkable exploration of the world for such a material will be found an example of the thoroughness of Edison's methods. He is not satisfied to believe he has the best until he has proved it, and this search for the best bamboo was so thorough that it cost him altogether about one hundred thousand dollars.
In the mean time he was experimenting to manufacture an artificial filament that would be better than bamboo. He finally succeeded in his efforts, and brought out what is known as a "squirted" filament. This was made of a cellulose mixture and pressed out in the form of a thread through dies. This kind of filament has gradually superseded the bamboo in the manufacture of lamps.
We have been obliged to confine ourselves to a very brief outline history of the invention and development of the incandescent lamp. To tell the detailed story of the intense labors of the inventor and his staff of faithful workers would require a volume as large as the present one.
All that could be done in the space at our disposal was to try and give the reader a general idea of the clear thinking, logical reasoning, endless experimenting, hard work, and thoroughness of method of Edison in the creation of a new art.