Curse of Canaan - Eustace Mullins

The Promise

Despite the tremendous bloodlettings of the people of Shem during the twentieth century, in 1983, Robert Lacey, in his book, "The Aristocrats," noted that the nations which he called "white" but which are predominantly Shemite nations, continued to lead the world in per capita income. He lists (1) the Arab Emirates; (2) Kuwait; (3) Lichtenstein; (4) Switzerland; (5) Monaco; (6) Luxembourg; (7) Denmark; (8) Germany; (9) Sweden; (10) Jersey; (11) Belgium; (12) Quatar; (13) United States.

We note that no Asian or African country made the list; also, that the United States, probably the most thoroughly dominated country in the world, groaning under the heel of the Canaanite parasites, occupies the Masonic number of thirteen on the list. The United States also ranks well down the list in such primary concerns as infant mortality, quality of medical care, education, and other important indicators. The principal cause of the United States' precipitous drop in world rankings is the continuous looting and raping of the nation by the Masonic Canaanite conspirators. For instance, of a defense budget of $248 billion in our peacetime economy, some $140 billion is paid directly to the NATO nations of Europe, our "allies" in the struggle against world Communism. The United States dispenses some additional $200 billion annually in "aid" to other countries such as the State of Israel, of which some $50 billion is channeled to the Soviet Union and her satellites through food subsidies and monetary manipulations. The Soviet central bank, Gosplan, routinely sends officials to Switzerland to meet with the representatives of the Federal Reserve System at the Bank for International Settlements, where they plan new raids on the Treasury of the United States. A network of European banks regularly transfers funds to the Soviet Union which are routed to them from a number of United States government agencies.

Our entire government planning is aimed at maintaining enormous giveaways, which in turn creates the "necessity" for ever-increasing taxation of American citizens. Our most productive element, the people of Shem, regularly pay from 80% to 90% of their gross income to federal, state, and local tax agencies, often through "hidden" taxes on everything they buy and consume. Certainly no people on earth has ever been assessed such onerous tax burdens as the people of Shem have paid since 1913.

Much of the United States budget is debited to items such as maintaining 340,000 troops in West Germany. Melvyn Kraus of the Hoover Institution, in his recent book, "How NATO Weakens the West," states, "The Germans see the U.S. troops as a continuing army of occupation that makes them into an inferior partner in the Atlantic Alliance. Ike wrote in 1951 that in ten years all American troops should be returned to the United States." Yet, thirty-six years after that admonition, the U.S. contingent remains at full strength. Whether these troops are stationed there to "protect the West against an attack by the Soviets," as is usually claimed (military leaders report that our troops could only delay a Soviet attack by three hours before being annihilated), or whether they are stationed there to protect the Soviet supply lines, which bring them a steady flow of meat, butter, and wheat from European nations, as well as the financial aid transmitted through "neutral" Switzerland, is never discussed by the "free press".

It is noteworthy that these policies originate in the Babylonian buildings of the U.S. Congress. It is also noteworthy that these multi-million dollar structures are riddled from top to bottom with hordes of rats and cockroaches. The Washington Post reported on March 17, 1987, that the Congressional offices were purchasing special roach traps for $99 each, so that the staffers could eat their lunches without fighting off swarms of enormous flying brown cockroaches. These physical manifestations of total decay in our governmental structure give clear warning of what lies ahead; total moral chaos.

Political observers have always been aware of the ongoing nightmare of the Soviet leaders—a sudden shortage of bread in Moscow or other large Soviet cities. Given their corrupt system of distribution, this is not an idle fancy. The scenario continues with food riots, the police joining in with the rioters, and the downfall of the Soviet government within a matter of hours. In a society where only a privileged few enjoy the necessities of life, fewer than the French people had when they participated in the French Revolution, this government can never count on the support of its people.

To alleviate this nightmare of the Soviet officials, every official of the United States government tries to forestall this calamity. Few Americans realize that the principal thrust of our political program is not to "defend" this country against Communism, but to defend the Soviet government against its own people. Similarly, the principal aim of every United States government program is not to improve the economy or to guarantee the freedom of the American people, but to defend the swarm of Masonic Canaanite parasites against the growing anger of the American people. An ever-increasing tyranny is inflicted upon the people of Shem; increasing taxes; increasing regulations; increasing demands on the citizens by federal, state, and local officials; and all of this tremendous effort has but one goal; the prevention of food riots in Moscow. Only the international power of the Masonic Canaanites could so enslave the people of one nation as to make them the unwilling accomplices in the continued enslavement of another nation.

The function of the media is to obscure what is going on; it can never be entirely concealed. Therefore, the "free press" continually leads the public off on false scents—Watergate, Irangate, San Salvador, South Africa. Any Congressmen who spends one moment on any of these "problems" should be arrested and taken out of his office to face charges of high treason. These are not the concerns of the American people or of any of its lawfully elected representatives, who have taken an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.

The occasional revelation of a free lunch is hailed as an instance of corruption but the important bribes, from $10,000 up, are never reported in the press. For instance, on May 9, 1934, the B'Nai B'Rith Masonic organization, which was holding its national meeting in Washington, presented a check for one million dollars to President Roosevelt as a personal gift. In 1987, the story of the year is the Iranian arms sales controversy. Here again, B'Nai B'Rith plays a central role. On December 3, 1986, the Washington Post noted that Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir of Israel had cleared the $42 million arms sale with Seymour Reich, president of B'Nai B'Rith International, the "scandal" which threatens the Reagan presidency.

Reagan is powerless to defend himself by disclosing the B'Nai B'Rith operation. All of those involved are in violation of 18 USC 794, "Gathering or delivering defense information to aid a foreign government . . . shall be punished by death or imprisonment for any term of years or for life."

The Reagan presidency itself represents the high water mark for the black nobility Canaanite control of our government. The Jesuits had boasted that a secret sign was to be given to the world when the ecumenical movement had successfully overcome its worldwide opposition. This sign would be the swearing in of a U.S. President while facing the symbolic occult obelisk. On January 20, 1981, for the first time in history, the swearing in ceremonies were moved to the west front of the Capitol. Reagan was sworn in while facing the Washington Monument, the mystical symbol of the Canaanites and the Babylonians.

Battered by the inflation and extremist policies of the Carter Administration, a weary American populace hailed the Reagan election as a genuine turnaround for their government. The Reagan staff was selected from such "rightwing" organizations as the Hoover Institution, Heritage Foundation, and American Enterprise Institute. The directors of these groups turned out to be the same financiers and wheeler-dealers who controlled the "leftwing" foundations, Rockefeller, Ford, and Brookings. The Heritage Foundation was run by Sir Peter Vickers Hall, England's leading Fabian Socialist, who placed the Englishman, Stuart Butler, in charge of Heritage's policy-making apparat. Hall, of the munitions family, is also prominent in the Club of Rome.

When Reagan gave a dinner at the White House for Prince Charles, the guest list included Gloria Vanderbilt, Brooke Astor (who controls the John Jacob Astor fortune), Betsy Bloomingdale, Jerome Zipkin, William Buckley (of Skull and Bones and the National Review), and Rupert Hambro, chairman of the London bankers Hambros; his cousin Charles had been chief of SOE during World War II.

These chosen "leaders" manipulate every aspect of American society, not the least of which is their control of music and the fine arts. Lincoln Kirstein was quoted in the New Yorker, December 15, 1986, on the manipulation of the American art scene,

"John D. Rockefeller's notion of Lincoln Center was that it was a piece of real estate which he controlled. He had no interest in the performing arts really, or in any other kind of art. On the other hand, he had enormous interest in control"

The Rockefellers single-handedly created the Museum of Modern Art, which foisted "modern" art on the American public, making millions in the process. Reproductions of soup cans and beer cans were sold for many thousands of dollars, while the more traditional museums, also controlled by Rockefeller appointees, scooped up the more valuable symbols of our culture. They also promoted the Impressionist painters into the multimillion dollar class, the highest prices being paid for Picasso and Manet. Most critics agree that Picasso produced no important work after 1915, yet he painted thousands of pictures during the next sixty years. Kirstein comments of Manet, op. cit.

"Manet is clumsy, unfinished, a pathetic transposition of three painters, Goya, Velasquez, and Titian. One of the worst influences in cultural history is the Museum of Modern Art. It is a corrupt combination of dealer taste, marketing, and journalism . . . it shows the general effect of personalization and idiosyncrasy."

The authority on symbolism in modern art is Margaret Stucki. She points out that Josef Albers, who came to the United States as a penniless refugee, achieved remarkable success due to nationwide promotion of his painting, a series called "Homage to the Square," the square being the flat side of the cube, which, as General Albert Pike pointed out, was the basic symbol of Freemasonry. Albers was set up as chairman of an art school at Black Mountain, North Carolina; this college was named after Mt. Brocken in Europe, where the Witches Sabbath was reputed to take place; it is a flat-topped mountain which is represented in the Great Seal as a pyramid with the top chopped off.

The present writer studied art at the Institute of Contemporary Arts; a fellow student, Noland, whose works now command huge sums began to paint Masonic symbols, the chevron, the target, and other "abstract" symbols. So-called non-representational art is not non-representational at all; it is the secret reproduction of occult symbols. Salvador Dali spent years studying occult symbolism at the previously mentioned Papus Institute in Paris. He always carried a forked cane which he had reproduced from ancient drawings of a wizard's staff; he was touted in the United States by Caresse Crosby, of the Black Sun Press (the black sun is an occult symbol representing the far side of the sun).

"Abstract" art was promoted by the Rockefellers because it is the modern depiction of the cults of the ancient world, principally the demon worship of Baal. These mystical symbols are understood by only a few cognoscenti, the Gnostics, or knowing ones, who perpetuate the secret organizations and dabble in their mystical powers. These same symbols are to be seen in the background of many Renaissance paintings, when Baal-worship was sanitized as "Neo-Platonism." Aby Warburg, of the Warburg Institute, spent his life studying these occult symbols of the Renaissance, except for a fortuitous nervous breakdown lasting four years, which kept him out of army service during the First World War. Warburg traced the development by which the classical representation of deities in art were transformed into occult symbols by the artists of the Renaissance, in which they now appeared in a demonic mien. Warburg was able to trace this symbolism through the emblems reproduced on heraldry and the costumes used in these paintings. This occult symbolism now is the mainstay of the modern "abstract" school of painting.

Abstract art also represents the Canaanite forces at work to deliberately debase the high standard of living reached by the people of Shem in the Classical World. The occult symbols which were infiltrated into Renaissance art were an important step in this program, but their real success did not come until the twentieth century, when rags dipped into paint and flung onto canvas, or pieces of scrap from junk heaps, became the new version of "high art." This was but one aspect of the ongoing campaign against the people of Shem, which was enshrined in the principles of "liberalism." Harold Laski defined liberalism as the political counterpart of capitalism. Liberalism is also the political program of Freemasonry, which has always been anti-capitalist. It is especially opposed to the development of modern technology, which dealt the deathblow to the profitable slave trade of the Canaanites, as machines replaced the use of slave labor.

The United States is now in the forefront of the Masonic Canaanite conspiracy to dismantle the modern industry which has been developed by the people of Shem. As a result, we now have the Rust Belt, miles of deserted factory buildings from the East Coast to the West Coast; thousands of independent fanners driven off their farms by loan capital, ruined because they were independent producers, or kulaks, and a threat to the Masonic Canaanite control of capital.

The linchpin in the Canaanite program to destroy American industry was the assault on our auto productions, which provided one of every seven jobs in the United States. This was accomplished by enlisting our defeated "fascist" enemies, Germany and Italy, in a plot to flood the United States with foreign cars. Anyone suggesting such a possibility in 1948 would have been considered insane.

The entire program was implemented by one man, General William Draper, of Dillon Read. His firm had previously handled the financing of Germany's rearmament program in order to make World War 11 possible; he was appointed the czar of postwar Germany's economic program, where he organized Volkswagen and other producers to mount a serious challenge to American production. After setting up this program, in 1947 he was moved to Tokyo as Under Secretary of the Army, where he single-handedly created the "Japanese miracle." While General Mac Arthur postured as the "new Emperor" of Japan, it was Draper who ruled the country from behind the scenes. He commissioned Joseph Dodge to control the development of the Japanese auto industry; Dodge later became the president of Detroit's largest bank. The DRAPER PLAN resulted in a massive two-pronged attack against American auto production. The result was bankruptcy for thousands of small producers throughout the United States, who turned out parts for Detroit's mass production. To this day, Draper's name is unknown in Detroit, despite the fact that he brought the city to its knees. It was a typical operation of the Masonic Canaanites.

Every agency of the federal government has now been enlisted in the campaign to destroy American industry and production. The principal weapon is the Internal Revenue Service, which seeks out and destroys anyone who is engaged in the productive use of capital. The IRS moves in and confiscates all assets, so the business can never again go into production. This is a deliberate policy; those groups which are cooperating in the campaign to destroy the United States are automatically granted "Tax Exemption" by the IRS, whether through reducing our production capacity, encouraging homosexuality to reduce reproduction, or to defend the United States against its internal or external enemies who are headquartered in Washington.

The special fury of the IRS is unleashed against any American who is considered a "patriot" or even a "conservative." Churches and schools which teach Christianity are padlocked by federal agents and their proprietors thrown into prison. Those churches which preach the doctrine of the Masonic Canaanites are immune from such onslaughts. These "patriotic" churches and schools represent a serious threat to the "final solution" which the Canaanites have planned for the people of Shem. "Plan Naamah," named after the demonic being who first introduced human sacrifice and cannibalism to the world, is a documented plan for the systematic extermination of all the people of Shem in the United States.

Plan Naamah is simply the American version of the massacres perpetrated during the French, Russian, and Spanish Revolutions. The plan is a simple one; newspapers, radio, and television will announce an imminent attack (the recent TV series Amerika was an important step in conditioning the American people to nonresistance in such an event; the "Russians" took over the country without a struggle). Everyone will be instructed to assemble in schools and auditoriums in every town and city in the United States. Only the fair-skinned people of Shem will actually obey this command; others, of Canaanite extraction, will be told that they should return to their homes. Once they have been herded into these buildings, the people of Shem are to be killed, but only according to regulated procedures, that is, with hatchets, clubs, and knives.

The use of guns will be prohibited, probably because there were no guns in the time of Naamah. Their use would violate "religious" principles. Also, the use of more primitive weapons assures a much greater flow of blood, which is always a basic objective of ritual slaughter. Should any Canaanite be inadvertently present, he or she will be protected by using the secret password, "Tubal Cain," the brother of Naamah, and the password of the Freemasons.

Plan Naamah will remain in effect until the people of Shem have been entirely eliminated throughout the United States. The teams of specially trained killers will be provided by the hordes of "immigrants" who have been imported into the United States during recent years specifically for this program. The people of Shem will be selected for extermination primarily by their physical characteristics, fair skin, blue eyes, although this will not be the sole qualification; lists will have been drawn up of the people of Shem in every area; these lists will be the final means of "selection." This will be the final strike against the "blue bloods," a term which originated after the Moors had invaded and conquered Spain (the Iberian Peninsula, home of Heber, the people of Shem). The Spanish coined the term "sangre azul," or blue blood, to mark those old families which refused to be contaminated with Moorish or other Canaanite admixtures. Those with very fair skin could be seen to have veins which showed blue against this background, while those of swarthier appearance showed no "blue blood."

Until Plan Naamah can be finally implemented, various other plagues are to be visited on the American people by the Masonic Canaanites, such as the current plague of AIDS. On January 30, 1987, the press carried headlines by the national director of public health, Otis Bowen, that AIDS might kill millions. On the next page was an interview with Bishop John Spong, Episcopal Bishop of Newark, urging ministers to bless and recognize homosexual relationships as "committed partners"; he announced that he would bring the matter up for discussion at the Congress of Bishops in Chicago. A few days later, a Unitarian minister, Rev. Carl Thitchener, passed out condoms on Sunday to his congregation; it was later revealed that he had been convicted of assault, and was also charged with parading naked before a group of Brownie Scouts. These ministers represent a widespread group which actively promote promiscuity and homosexuality, which is actively encouraged by the courts.

Chief Justice Sol Wachtler of the New York State Court of Appeals (a classmate of the present writer at Washington Lee University in the 1950s) recently ruled that an adult bookstore could not be closed down because sexual acts were routinely being committed in the story by its patrons. "Freedom of expression in books, movies, and the arts, generally, is one of those areas in which there is great diversity among the states . . . New York has a long tradition of fostering freedom of speech."

The hero of the Canaanites is Freud, who actively promoted the use of cocaine for his patients; it is now the drug of choice in the entire entertainment industry, and is usually distributed at their parties. In his book "Civilization and its Discontents," Freud describes the prohibition against incest as "perhaps the most maiming wound ever inflicted throughout the ages on the erotic life of man." Incest, of course, is the oldest taboo among civilized peoples.

Debased though these teachings may be, they are basic to the program of the Canaanites. Even more dangerous is the infiltration of the Christian churches by groups such as the Fundamentalists, the Dispensationalists, and the Premillenarians. We have pointed out that few Fundamentalists realize that they are directly descended from the New England Abolitionsts and their ties to the Transcendentalists and the Unitarians, who basically rely on the Cabala and other occult influences for their ministry. This will come as a shock to those who have accepted the teachings of these groups, but the historical record is clear. It descends in an unbroken line from the demon worship of Baal to the present day. The Premillenarians teach that Christ will suddenly return, as taught by Origen. Another offshoot, the Post-premillenarians, teach that Christ will return and reign for one thousand years. During this period, the Jews will be converted.

The Dispensationalists believe that the time is approaching when man will be tested for his obedience to some specific revelation of the Will of God. There are seven dispensations: (1) the innocence of Eden; (2) conscience, the expulsion to avoid evil; (3) human guilt, including capital punishment by government; (4) promise, and blessing to the seed of Abraham; (5) law-the disciplinary system; (6) church belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and (7) Jesus' Kingdom, the Millenium, with God's promise to Israel fulfilled; Satan's final rebellion when he is cast into the fire; Christ delivers the Kingdom to His Father.

The promises of these groups, which deluge millions of television viewers each day through radio and television, the multimillion dollar "TV ministries" are based upon misinterpretations. The dispensationalists claim that their doctrine is based upon Christ's parable of the fig tree, which actually refers only to nature and the physical seasons. It does not apply to Israel or to any other nation. In spring, when the fruit of the Palestine fig made its appearance before the leaves, it was a certain sign of the approach of summer. Jesus used this parable in connection with His Great Prophecy, which he delivered during Passion Week, in which He foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the end of the age, and General Judgment. Dispensationalists are now asking on television that we watch for "the leafing fig tree" as a sign from Heaven that we should support the Canaanite invaders of Israel.

The Canaanite propagandists operate a billion dollar industry in the United States which masquerades as "religion." If it were true religion, it would not automatically obtain tax exemption from the IRS, as each of these groups does. They are granted tax exemption by the government because they are broadcasting a message which the government wants the American people to receive. What is this message? It is the false doctrine that it is not the people of Shem to whom God made His Promise, but to the spawn of Canaan, those who live under the Curse of Canaan.

Typical of the Canaanite propagandists is Jim Bakker, head of PTL (Praise the Lord). In 1980, Bakker published a book, "Survival to Live," in which he rejoiced in the execution of Haman and the massacre of the women and children of the people of Shem by the blood-crazed Canaanites. Bakker denounces Haman as one who had threatened the Canaanites, as told in the Book of Esther; Bakker terms the Canaanites "the anointed ones of God"! The television propagandists claim that these "anointed ones," the Canaanites, are the true people of Israel, and that God promised them the Land of Israel. Not only is this blatant falsehood; it is also highly profitable. Bakker joined Christian Broadcast Network in 1965; having learned the propaganda line, he branched out on his own. He now has a $129 million-a-year industry and operates a theme park called Heritage U.S.A. which had six million visitors in 1986; there are two 500 room hotels and 2,000 employees.

Bakker and his wife suddenly fled to their Palm Springs, California, mansion when it was revealed that he had been paying $115,000 blackmail to a former paramour, while his wife Tammy admitted to a seventeen-year "dependency" on various medications and drugs, for which she was now undergoing treatment. They have a half million subscribers who pay at least $15 a month to PTL, as well as a host of other enterprises. Bakker then resigned, calling in Jerry Falwell to take over PTL, and hinting darkly of a "rival evangelist" who was trying to engineer a "hostile takeover." Yes, it is big business, subject to all the intrigues of any profitable multimillion dollar operation. Tammy had raised some eyebrows when she made a pathetic national appeal for prayer to bring her dead poodle back to life! She and her husband had embarked on a whirlwind of spending for such things as gold bathroom faucets, huge rings, and other stigmata of the true martyrdom.

Bakker and his fellow operators ask no questions about how all this bounty flows to them. They preach against "secular humanism" and Communism without any inkling that their evangelical movement traces directly back to the very forces which they denounce. From 1830 to 1870, Jeremy Bentham's utilitarian socialism dominated English legislation, while a simultaneous program, Evangelicalism, was being promoted by the same forces to take over Christianity. Dr. Dale is quoted by A. V. Dicey in "Law and Opinion in England," Macmillan, 1924,

"The Evangelicals must encourage what is called an undenominational church—it regarded with indifference all forms of Church polity—it demanded common religious teaching and common beliefs; it cared nothing for the Church as an august society of saints."

In short, Evangelicalism, the forerunner of our present crop of Canaanite propagandists, was first of all, ecumenical; second, it cast aside the spiritual heritage of the Church in favor of a robust dedication to fund raising and political propagandizing for goals rarely openly revealed. The Evangelical Alliance was formed in London in 1846. A branch was soon formed in the United States which was first known as the Federal Council of Church of Christ, and is now known as the National Council of Churches of Christ, a leftwing propaganda group. Yet it shares the same origin as that of the television evangelists, who claim to be "anti-Communist"! What is this origin?

The evangelical movement was sponsored by the same British Intelligence leader, Lord Shelburne, who had directed the French Revolution. Shelburne imported a French radical into England, Etienne-Louis Demont of Paris, who was the disciple of Count Saint Simon, the founder of "social science." Dumont's principal English disciple was Jeremy Bentham, now known as the "father of utilitarianism." Shelburne had become the power behind Britain's political scene by lending William Pitt, the Prime Minister, large sums of money. After Pitt's death, the British Treasury was obliged to payoff these debts, amounting to forty thousand pounds. Because of his international intrigues, Shelburne was the most feared and hated man in England. Edmund Burke called him "a Cataline or Borgia in morals"; he was known publicly by a contemptuous nickname, "Malagrida"; the press caricatured him as a Guy Fawkes preparing to blow up his own comrades! Henry Fox called Shelburne "a perfidious and infamous liar." King George III called him "the Jesuit of Berkeley Square. "This master of espionage used his power to enthrone three men as the intellectual dictators of English life, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and David Ricardo. Mill was named after Sir John Stuart, a close associate of Shelburne, who obtained for both Mill and his father James Mill high-paying posts with the notorious East India Company. Bentham was the son of a wealthy London lawyer, and lived off his large inheritance. Ricardo was a dealer in "consols" with his friend Nathan Meyer Rothschild. All three were heavily influenced by Dumont and Saint Simon's teachings. They worked to create in the nineteenth century the climate in which collectivism was to flourish in the twentieth century. Dicey points out that "the fundamental principle of collectivism is faith in the intervention by the State in every matter, to be extended indefinitely." He also pointed out that collectivism meant the end of freedom of contract.

Dicey pointed out in his Lecture IX: "The debt of collectivism to Bentham—the machinery was thus provided for the practical extension of the activity of the State." He pointed out that Bentham's policies effected the transfer of power from the landed aristocracy to the new middle class of merchants and bankers. Bentham taught a system of "Hedonic calculus" in which moral judgments were to be determined only by physical pain and pleasure; he also promoted a "psychological hedonism" based on the pleasure principle, which denied natural law.

Bentham wrote, "Every person is the best judge of his own happiness," presumably indicating individualism, but his system of State control means that a bureaucrat decides everyone's "happiness." Mill wrote in his work "On Liberty," "Every Man to count for one and no man to count for more than one." This happy situation was to be reached by granting all power to a utilitarian state. This group also promoted the Anti-Slavery movement in the United States which culminated in the Civil War. Immediately after Bentham's death, the Reform Act was passed, in 1832. Dicey says this installed collectivism in Europe. Bentham's body was embalmed, and is now on display, dressed in his usual clothes, surmounted with a wax head, at University College, London.

The reader may doubt that a case has been made here that the same forces of British Intelligence, the Bank of England, and the East India Company, which foisted totalitarian utilitarianism, also known as Communism, on the world, also created our modern "television evangelicals." However, the line of descent is clearly drawn, from the demon worshippers of Baal to their emergence in a more intellectual mien as Pythagoreans, Platonists, Neoplatonists, the Enlightenment, and the French, Bolshevik, and Spanish Revolutions. Throughout, the line is demarcated by the teachings of Cabala, the denial of natural law, the denial of spiritual development of mankind, and the goal of enthroning the Masonic Canaanites as unchallenged masters of the world.

The real message of Christ is not understood by these propaganda groups. The Bible tells us precisely what God intended and what Jesus Christ would provide. First, Resurrection: God said, "I will ransom them from the power of the grave: I will redeem them from death" (Hosea 13:14). Then there is the Vision of Isaiah 26:19: "Thy dead men shall live: together with my dead body shall they arise! Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust: for thy dew is the dew of light, and the earth shall cast out the dead." Jesus promised, "Verily, verily I say unto you: if a man keepeth my saying, he shall never see death" (John 8:1).

Second, the Promise. The television propagandists deliberately conceal the identity of those to whom God made His Promise. Jeremiah 31:31: "Behold, the days are coming, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel, and the House of Judah . . . I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts."

This promise was not made to the Canaanites, whom God despised, and to whom even Jesus denied His Compassion while He was on this earth. We find the true heirs of the Promise positively identified in Galatians 3:14,

". . . that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith: To give a human example, brethren; no one annuls a man's will, or adds to it, once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and his offspring. It does not say 'to offsprings,' referring to many, but referring to one, 'And to your offsping,' which is Christ . . . For if the inheritance is by the law, it is no longer by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise . . . And if ye be Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise."

The "Promise," then, is quite clear, "If ye be Christ's." Obviously this excludes the Canaanites who have invaded and illegally seized Israel. Thus far, I have written much about evil, which plagues man's existence. Now we can write about good, that is, God's Promise to the people of Shem, the people who have carried His Word throughout the world. In every nation, the people of Shem have been persecuted and massacred by the Canaanites, the true anti-Semites. Often the people of Shem have been helpless before these attacks because they did not know how to identify their enemies, the true enemies of God. With Satan's help, the Canaanites attacked and seized the Land of Israel.

The Bible says, "if ye be Christ's" then you are the true heirs of Israel. The Canaanite invaders now occupying Israel are not "Christ's"; they are the revilers and mockers of Christ. Thus God's anger is not only against the Canaanites, but also against God's people, the people of Shem, who have allowed this blasphemy of God. Hundreds of American youths were recently killed in Lebanon because they had been sent there by the Washington Canaanites, not to fulfill God's promise to the people of Shem, but to aid the Canaanites in their Satanic atrocities. Now God waits for the people of Shem to rally to their mission; to launch a new crusade to regain the Holy Land from the Masonic Canaanites. The sordid conspirators and their multimillion dollar propagandists must be challenged. To whom did God make the Promise? To Abraham's seed, those of Christ. Not one of the million dollar publicists for the Canaanites will mention this in their highly-paid television ministries. They must be exposed as mockers of Christ. They must be challenged with the truth.

We have been persecuted because we have fallen into the trap of the world, the dualism which offers us the choice of following God's Will, or of passively joining the Canaanites in accepting Satan as the leader, which means participating in the shedding of blood and the obscene rituals of human sacrifice. Today, America is obedient to the Will of Canaan, engaging lechery, robbery, and international Masonic conspiracy. America, who God intended to lead the world into the path of righteousness, now is called "the Great White Satan" because the fair-skinned people of Shem have been deceived into carrying out Satan's work on this earth. The choice is one which must be determined and made, and the decision is not far off; will the people of Shem accept God's Promise to Abraham, or will we continue to allow ourselves to be deceived by the Satanic Masonic Order of Canaanites? There is nothing in between—and if we persist in doing the Satanic work of the Canaanites—America will become NOTHING.