Rape of Justice - Eustace Mullins

Our Legal Future

The reader may have noted in the samples of legal briefs reprinted in the foregoing pages, that there were no references to admiralty law. I did cite sources on chancery and equity law, but during the forty years that I was representing myself in American courts, I had not yet researched the cause of our legal dilemma, that our Constitutional courts, as authorized in the Constitution, had stealthily been replaced by equity courts operating on the stem military principles of admiralty punishment. That I managed to survive in these courts without the protection of the knowledge which is freely offered in this work, is less likely due to the benevolence of the judges and lawyers, as it is to their constant fear that in my ongoing and continuous legal researches in preparing my briefs, I would discover their guilty secret. I could then have mounted a serious challenge to their secret fraternal power. The one time that the Masonic connection was mentioned during a lawsuit in which I was engaged, the judge beat a hasty retreat, and immediately granted my motion. Even that connection was cited, not by myself, but by one of my supporters. This indicates the vulnerability of those who have conspired to oppress and deceive us.

When an American citizen goes into court, he can say, as Christ said in Luke 22:53, "this is your hour, and the power of darkness." We are on the verge of dispelling the power of darkness in our courts. We must now turn on the lights full force, and see hordes of cockroaches scuttling frantically towards a dark comer. There are a number of encouraging developments throughout the United States; first, a growing awareness of the absolute corruption of the legal process; two, there is little that most lawyers will do for you except to take your money; and, three, your awareness of the true condition of the legal morass is your best protection. I often tell my audiences,

"Go into any American prison, and look down the rows of cells. In each of those cells sits a prisoner; and each of those prisoners had a lawyer; and each of those prisoners paid a lawyer."

Several television documentaries have exposed the frantic efforts of the legal profession to halt the growing tendency of Americans to use paralegals for routine legal documents, such as deeds and wills.

In Louisiana and Florida, paralegals have been arrested and their offices closed down, because they tried to help citizens caught in the spider's web of legal procedures. The statutes are vague about "the practice of law"; it is generally interpreted as forbidding persons who have not been granted a license to practice law from representing anyone in court. However, the paralegals who were arrested and fined never represented anyone in court. Instead, they presented a threat to the lucrative aspects of the legal monopoly, in which legal secretaries do all the work of preparing wills, deeds, and other documents, but the lawyer charges the full lawyer's fee for the work which is done by unlicensed members of his staff.

One of the organizations which continues to do important ground-breaking work in exposing the legal monopoly is HALT. Based in Washington, D.C., HELP ABOLISH LEGAL TYRANNY notes that

"Our 150,000-plus members are desperate for reliable, no-nonsense information the national movement that's afoot to do away with the unnecessary lawyer monopoly that keeps those prices unconscionably high. As the only national nonprofit group that represents the users of our legal system, HALT has been leading that movement. From Maine to California, citizens are demanding and winning more do-it-yourself forms, streamlined and simplified procedures, and—above all—a free market in which to shop for legal help. . . The estimated 100 million Americans whose legal services now go unserved deserve nothing less."

Richard Hebert, Communications Director, HALT, an organization of Americans for Legal Reform, Washington, D.C. Letter to Wall Street Journal, May 18, 1989.

"It is certainly important that Americans should no longer be gouged for such everyday legal forms as deeds and wills. It is even more important that every American should know just what is going on in our courts. We must be aware of what has happened to our legal guarantees which were written down in our Constitution. We must be able to challenge the stealthy takeover of our judicial system by furtive conspirators, hiding behind the international allegiances of the law merchant, the Star Chamber procedures of the equity courts, and the secret fraternal associations which dictate judicial decisions diabolically opposed to the interests of our citizens and our nation."