Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Serge Nilus

A Fifteenth Century 'Protocol'

The principles and morality of these latter-day Protocols are as old as the tribe. Here is one from the Fifteenth Century which Jews can hardly pronounce a forgery, seeing that it is taken from a Rothschild journal.

The Revue des etudes Juives, financed by James de Rothschild, published in 1889 two documents which showed how true the Protocols are in saying that the Learned Elders of Zion have been carrying on their plan for centuries. On January 13, 1489, Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrim, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What should the Jews do? This was the reply:

"Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.

"The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

"1. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.

"2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. [the law was that on becoming converted Jews gave up their possessions];

"3. As for what you say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives.

"4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.

"5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.

"6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you because will find by experience that, humiliated as you are you will reach the actuality of power.

Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslue (November), 1489.

In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a "damped" or baptized Jew, published his novel, CONINGSBY, in which occurs this ominous passage:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews.

Now that Providence has brought to the light of day these secret Protocols all men may clearly see the hidden personages specified by Disraeli at work "behind the scenes" of all the Governments. This revelation entails on all peoples the grave responsibility of examining and revising au fond their attitude towards the Race and Nation which boasts of its survival over all Empires.