Peruvians - Arthur H. Noll

This book details the known history of the indigenous people of the Andes in South America, known as Incas, who were conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century. Their society was probably the most advanced of any in the western hemisphere before the Spanish arrived, yet it was still very primitive. Far from being a peaceful people the Incas were involved in many wars, and were in the middle of a major civil war when they were conquered by Pizarro. The book follows their history through the Spanish occupation to independence under Bolivar and other 19th century dictators.

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[Book Cover] from The Peruvians by Arthur H. Noll
[Frontispiece] from The Peruvians by Arthur H. Noll


[Title Page] from The Peruvians by Arthur H. Noll
[Copyright Page/Contents] from The Peruvians by Arthur H. Noll

Best Books in English on the Peruvians

  • Prescott, Wm. H. The Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. Phila., 1874.
  • Helps, Sir Arthur. Spanish Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. London, 1900; The Life of Pizarro. London, 1869.
  • Markham, Sir Clements R. History of Peru. Chicago, 1892.
  • Squier, E. C. Peru. New York, 1877.
  • Winsor, Justin R. Narrative and Critical History of America, Chs. in Vols. I and II. Boston, 1889.
  • Fiske, John. Discovery of America, Vols. I and II. Boston, 1892.
  • Adams, W. H. D. Land of the Incas. Boston, 1885.