Columbus the Discoveror - Frederick Ober

The life of Columbus encompasses much drama even in addition his seismic discovery of America. Through sheer determination and against all odds Columbus succeeded in his Quixotic quest to travel east by sailing west, but in many ways his victory was the beginning of his miseries. Even before he returned to Spain the intrigue, jealousies, and posturing began which were to make much of the rest of Columbus's life a misery. He sailed four times to the new world and each time made important discoveries, and yet continued to lose influence as jealous courtiers jockeyed for position, and conspired against him.

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[Title Page] from Columbus the Discoveror by Frederick Ober
[Copyright] from Columbus the Discoveror by Frederick Ober
[Contents, Page 1 of 2] from Columbus the Discoveror by Frederick Ober
[Contents, Page 2 of 2] from Columbus the Discoveror by Frederick Ober
[Illustrations] from Columbus the Discoveror by Frederick Ober