Amerigo Vespucci - Frederick Ober

Biography of Amerigo Vespucci that emphasizes Vespucci's relationships with Columbus, Ojeda, Ferdinand, and other important characters of the day, and provides excerpts from numerous original sources.

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[Book Cover] from Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick Ober
Amerigo Vespucci.


[Title Page] from Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick Ober
[Copyright] from Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick Ober
[Contents] from Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick Ober
[Illustrations] from Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick Ober

Authorities On Amerigo Vespucci

XVIth CENTURY. Vespucci's letters to Soderini and L. P. F. de' Medici, reproduced in this volume.

XVIIth CENTURY. Herrera, in his Historia General (etc.), Madrid, 1601; "probably followed Las Casas, whose MSS. he had."

XVIIIth CENTURY. Dandini, A. M., Vita e Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, Florence, 1745.

Canovai, Stanislac, Elogia di Amerigo Vespucci, 1778.

XIXth CENTURY. Navarrete, M. F. de, Noticias Exactas de Americo Vespucio, contained in his Coleccion, Madrid, 1825-1837.

Humboldt, Alexander von, Examen Critique de l'Histoire de la Geographie de Nouveau Continent, Paris, 1836-1839.

Lester, C. Edwards, The Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius, New York, 1846; reprinted, in de luxe edition, New York, 1903.

Varnhagen, F. A., Baron de Porto Seguro, Amerigo Vespucci, son Caractere, ses Ecrits (etc.), Lima, 1865; Vienna, 1874. A collection of monographs called by Fiske "the only intelligent modern treatise on the life and voyages of this navigator."

Fiske, John, The Discovery of America, Boston, 1899; contains an exhaustive critical examination of Vespucci's voyages to which the reader should refer for more extended information.

[Title] from Amerigo Vespucci by Frederick Ober