Front Matter A Name to be Proud of Ready for Sea The King's Gift Why I am an Adventurer The Signal for Departure A Lad's Portion The Allotment of Land An Unexpected Delay Our Arrival at Cowes We Put to Sea The Dove Disappears A Second Tempest An Unseemly Christmas The Port of Barbadoes The Arrival of the Dove Under Sail Again The Land of America The Land Given by the King Fear of the Brown Men Where to Build the City Taking the Island A Voyage of Discovery Visiting the Indians An Unexpected Meeting Captain Fleet's Story An Indian Werowance Indian vs. English Claims Seeking a Place for the City The Bargain The Village of Yaocomico What the Indians Look Like Indian Weapons and Tools Landing the Goods Counting Our Blessings The Susquehanoughs A Land of Abundance Buying Cattle Storehouse and Fort A Visitor from Virginia A Talk with the Indians Running up the Colors Settling Down Master William Claiborne Lord Baltimore's Claims Stirring up the Indians Winning Back the Indians Busy Times Indian Women as Servants Making a Canoe A Boat of Bark Indian Money A Generous Harvest Trouble at Plymouth Strange Religious Service The Dance Begins An Odd Ceremony William Claiborne's War Settlement on Kent Island We Prepare for War The Army leaves St. Mary's In Command of the Guard A Flag of Truce Captain Fleet Repents The First Prize of War A Battle is Fought The Return of the Fleet William Claiborne's Flight The City of Saint Mary's A Cruel Murder Mystery Remains Unsolved Master George Evelin A Fatal Accident Preparing for Action Ready for a Man's Duty I Wear the Uniform My New Name On Board the Pinnance Indians in War Paint The Arrival at Kent Island The Capture of the Fort Butler and Smith Captives Back to Claiborne's Fort I am Assigned New Duties A Narrow Escape Words of Praise

Calvert of Maryland - James Otis

Where the City would be Built

Then it was that we could see clearly this island which had been chosen in the night as our first stopping place, and I asked John if it was here we were to build a city; but he was of the mind that much would be done before Governor Calvert decided such an important matter.

The land belonging to Lord Baltimore was, most likely, to be spied out in order that we might learn where it would be to our best advantage to settle, and again that the temper of the savages might be known, for surely what we had seen the night previous was proof, at least to my mind, that they would oppose our coming.

Again, as I looked, I could understand that this island of St. Clements, so lately named, would be all too small for a town of any size, and more certain was I on hearing one of the gentlemen say it did not contain more than an hundred acres in all its surface.

It was a beautiful place, however, and in all England I question if there could be found one so fair, covered as it was with tall trees, such as wild walnuts, acorns, and black walnuts, together with cedar and sassafras, among which were vines and plants in great abundance.

The first work of the day was to take from out the hold where it had been stowed, lest the heavy waves of the ocean should dash it to pieces, the shallop, and in her were sent to the island three of the serving maids that they might begin their labors in this new province of ours by washing the soiled linen.

[Illustration] from Calvert of Maryland by James Otis

It was like to have been a disaster instead of a task, for the water all around was so shallow that even a small boat could not come up to the firm land; therefore those who were on board must perforce wade a certain distance, and when one of the men leaped over the side to lead the way, he was so incautious as to overset the shallop, dropping the maids into the water together with all the linen, which last was lost to us for all time.

Fortunately, the maids were saved; but some of our people mourned even as if they had been drowned, for to us in a new country, where linen could not be had for the buying, to lose so many garments was a serious mishap.