History of the Church: Early Modern Times - Notre Dame

Chronological Outline

Date  Events
1506  † Christopher Columbus.
1511  Establishment of first American bishoprics.
1512  Eighteenth General Council—Lateran V.
1517  Publication of Theses of Luther.
1520  Excommunication of Luther.
1521  Diet of Worms.
1525  Revolt of the peasants.
1527  Rome sacked by troops of Charles V.
1529  Diet of Spires. Publication of Luther's Catechism.
1531  League of Smalkald.
1532  Cranmer pronounces divorce between Henry and Catherine.
1535  † Blessed John Fisher. Blessed Thomas More.
1545  Nineteenth General Council—Trent.
1546  † Martin Luther.
1552  Forty-two Articles of Church of England.
1552  † St. Francis Xavier.
1554  England's reunion with Holy See.
1555  Religious Peace of Augsburg.
1556  † St. Ignatius of Loyola. Thomas Cranmer.
1560  Suppression of Catholicism in Scotland.
1562  Ratification of the Thirty-nine Articles in England.
1563  Close of the Council of Trent.
1571  Battle of Lepanto. Edicts of persecution against Catholics in England.
1572  St. Bartholomew's Day. † St. Francis Borgia. John Knox.
1579  Foundation of English seminary in Rome.
1582  Reform of the calendar. † St. Teresa.
1587  † Mary Stuart. Persecutions in Japan.
1595  Henry IV. of France absolved by Clement VIII.
1595  † St. Philip Neri.
1600  The great Jubilee.
1605  Gunpowder Plot in London.
1611  Reductions in Paraguay
1618  Thirty Years' War
1622  Congregation de Propaganda Fidei founded.
1622  † St. Francis of Sales.
1632  Colony of Maryland founded.
1637  Suppression of Christianity in Japan.
1647  Presbyterian Confession of Scotland.
1648  Peace of Westphalia.