Tudors and Stuarts - M. B. Synge |
410. | Romans left Britain |
901. | King Alfred died |
1066. | Norman Conquest |
1215. | The Great Charter |
1265. | The First Parliament |
1314. | Scottish Independence |
1428. | Joan of Arc saves France |
1476. | Caxton's Printing Press |
1485-1509. | Henry VII |
1509-1547. | Henry VIII |
1547-1553. | Edward VI |
1553-1568. | Mary |
1558-1603. | Elizabeth |
1603-1625. | James I |
1625-1649. | Charles I |
1649-1660. | Commonwealth |
1660-1685. | Charles II |
1685-1688. | James II |
1689-1694. | William and Mary |
1694-1702. | William III alone |
1702-1714. | Anne |
1486. | Cape of Good Hope discovered |
1492. | Columbus discovers the New World |
1517. | Luther makes his "Protest" |
1534. | Act of Supremacy |
1649. | Edward's VI's First Prayer Book |
1587. | Mary Queen of Scots executed |
1588. | Spanish Armada defeated |
1801. | First Poor Law |
1605. | Gunpowder Plot |
1620. | Puritans found New England (America) |
1628. | Petition of Right |
1638. | Scots sign National Covenant |
1642. | Civil War begins |
1649, | Trial and Execution of Charles I |
1655. | Jamaica captured |
1660-1665. | Acts against Nonconformists |
1678-1685. | Popery Plots and Riots |
1688. | William of Orange invited by the Whigs |
1689. | Bill of Rights secures triumph of Parliament |
Toleration Act—Toleration for Nonconformists | |
1701. | Act of Settlement secures Protestant Succession |
1704. | Battle of Blenheim. Marlborough defeats the French |
Capture of Gibraltar by England | |
1707. | Union of Scotland and England |