Reign of Queen Victoria - M. B. Synge |
1. Give the names of (a) three Relatives, (b) two Statesmen, (c) three Royal Residences mentioned in this chapter, and say what you can of each.
2. Describe briefly the coronation of Queen Victoria.
3. "Poor little Queen!" Who said that? Why?
4. The Princess Victoria became Queen on . . .; she died on . . .; having reigned for . . . . Insert the dates.
1. Imagine a Rip Van Winkle, who had gone to sleep in the early days of Queen Victoria, awaking in our own time. Make up some questions he might ask and the answers you would give.
2. What things now in common use were not invented when Victoria ascended the throne?
3. What do you know of—(a) George Stephenson, (b) Rowland Hill. (c) The Great Western?
4. Compare a railway journey between London and Liverpool in the year 1837 with the same journey to-day.
1. Give a short account of Lord Durham's work (a) in Canada., (b) in England.
2. "He sailed from Quebec—a proud but brokenhearted man." Why was he broken-hearted?
3. A great soldier and a great sailor are mentioned in this chapter. Say who they are and what each did for England.
4. "Our armies have been strengthened by the addition of many hundreds of loyal sons from Australia and New Zealand." The Times, March 1915. Why would this have been impossible at the time of Queen Victoria's accession?
5. Name and describe the condition of some of the undeveloped British possessions mentioned in this chapter.
1. Give a brief description of South Africa at the time of Queen Victoria's accession.
2. The struggle for South Africa has been a struggle between the Dutch and the British. Give an outline sketch of this struggle.
3. What incidents are connected with the following: Algoa Bay, Bloemfontein, Weenen, Durban?
4. Tell how Natal was secured for the British.
1. How was India governed at the time of Queen Victoria's accession?
2. What has this chapter to tell you of Sir Alexander Burnes, Dost Mohammed, Akbar Khan, General Sale?
3. What events led up to the murder of the British Minister at Kabul?
4. Draw a word-picture of the retreat through the Khyber Pass.
5. Name some of the products of India mentioned in this chapter.
1. Lord Shaftesbury has been called "the Children's Champion". From what you have read in this chapter show that he deserved this title.
2. "They were just little beasts of burden." To whom do these words refer? What is there in this chapter to show that these words were true?
3. In 1847 the famous Ten Hours' Bill was passed. What did this Bill do for the manual workers of England?
1. "Thousands of workpeople who had supported themselves on home industries were thrown out of work." Explain how this came to pass and mention some of the results of this.
2. Give a short account of the rise and progress of the Chartist movement.
3. What is meant by "Universal Suffrage"?
4. Do you think the workers of Britain have received any benefits from the Chartist movement? If so, say what they are.
1. What do you understand by the following terms: (a) Home Rule, (b) Nationalist, (c) Catholic Emancipation. (d) Repeal of the Union?
2. Give a brief summary of Daniel O'Connell's work for Ireland.
3. Imagine you had travelled through Ireland at the time of the potato famine and describe what you saw.
4. Mention an important after-effect of the famine.
1. What do you understand by the "Repeal of the Corn Laws"? What classes of people were opposed to the Repeal, and why?
2. Name two champions of Free Trade and two of Protection. Say very briefly what you know of each.
3. In this chapter a word-picture of Disraeli is given. Reproduce it as nearly as you can.
4. What are some of the results of Free Trade mentioned in this chapter?
5. Do you think Free Trade is beneficial or not? Give your reasons.
1. "The work of building up Australia was carried on both by statesmen at home and by the Colonists themselves." Say in a few words how each contributed to this.
2. What reasons were given by Lord John Russell for helping our colonies?
3. "So rapid was the growth of New South Wales . . ." ". . . Perth grew slowly." Give some reasons for the different rates of growth.
4. In 1840 a famous gathering took place on the shores of the Bay of Islands in New Zealand. Describe this event and name some of the results of this meeting.
5. What was the cause of the Maori War, and how was it terminated?
1. What was the object of the Great Exhibition of 1851?
2. Give as nearly as you can Queen Victoria's words on the opening of the Great Exhibition.
3. Describe the Exhibition itself—(a) the building, (b) the contents. By what name is the building now known?
1. What was the origin of the Crimean War? Name the countries engaged in it?
2. It is said that history repeats itself. Do you notice any points (a) of resemblance, (b) of difference, between the present war (1915) and the Crimean War?
3. Sebastopol, Alma, Balaclava, are mentioned in this chapter. Tell briefly what is said of each.
4. "It is magnificent, but it is not war." Describe the event which called forth these words.
5. How many years have passed since the Crimean War?
1. Why has Inkermann been called the "Soldiers' Battle"?
2. Give a short account of the work of Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War.
3. "The terrible winters of the Crimea had to be faced by the Allies." What were some of the terrors and hardships referred to?
4. "The Queen herself fastened the decoration on to the coats." Say what you know of the decoration to which reference is here made.
5. Who or what were: Malakoff, Redan, Lord Raglan, Sebastopol, Todleben, Scutari?
1. Give an outline of Lord Dalhousie's work in India.
2. Name some of the causes contributing to the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny.
3. What towns are mentioned in this chapter in connexion with the Mutiny?
4. In June a revolt of the Sepoys took place under Nana Sahib. On July 17, Havelock reached the outskirts of Cawnpore. Describe briefly what happened in Cawnpore between these two dates.
5. Give a description of Havelock's march to Cawnpore.
1. "The famous siege of Lucknow." Give an account of its defence and relief.
2. "Delhi was captured under the leadership of the 'Lion of the Punjab'". Describe the leader and the siege.
3. Give the names of six British soldiers famous in the history of the Indian Mutiny.
4. What changes took place in the Government of India after the Mutiny?
1. What was the object of Sir John Franklin's Expedition?
2. Name the two explorers sent to search for Sir John Franklin's party and say what each accomplished.
3. Describe some of the difficulties of Arctic Exploration.
4. Give the names of some famous explorers in the North and South Polar Regions.
1. "Livingstone prepared the way for civilization in Central Africa." Give some facts to show the truth of this statement.
2. "Most of Central Africa was blank upon our maps." Name some of the places which Livingstone and Stanley "placed on the map".
3. Franklin and Livingstone were both giants of perseverance. What points (a) of resemblance, (b) of difference, do you notice in their lives?
4. Give a brief description of Stanley's journey in the basin of the Congo.
5. Mark the following places on a map of Africa: Algoa Bay, Bechuanaland, Kalahari Desert, Lake Nyami, Victoria Falls, Tanganyika, Victoria Nyanza, Albert Nyanza, Nyassaland, R. Congo, Lake Bangweolo, Zanzibar, Uganda.
1. Name some of the improvements brought about in Egypt under Mehemet Ali and his successors.
2. What names are connected with the discovery of Albert Nyanza and Victoria Nyanza?
3. Give a brief description of Gordon's work in the Sudan.
4. Say what you can of each of the following: Ferdinand de Lesseps, Sir Samuel Baker.
1. "The flag of England flew bearing the magic letters H.B.C." What picture does this sentence bring up in your mind?
2. The Federal Union of British North America. What is it? Name the territories forming it. What colony stands outside it?
3. "The little British possession of 1759 was now thirty times the size of the Mother Country." Describe briefly the part played by (a) furs, (b) wheat, (c) gold, in helping this growth.
4. "The deed was finally accomplished by a British ship amid universal rejoicing." What is here referred to? Name some of the results of this deed.
1. Give some headings for a few paragraphs on the work of Disraeli (a) before, (b) after, he became Prime Minister.
2. "Britain awoke to find herself in possession of half the Suez Canal shares." Say how this came about and what were some of the results.
3. What is the meaning of the abbreviation "Ind: Imp." engraved on our coins?
4. "Peace with honour." Name the events which gave rise to this expression.
5. What do you understand by the term "Imperialist"? What acts of Lord Beaconsfield point to the fact that he deserved this title?
1. How do you account for the large number of Irish in the United States?
2. Say what you can about the Fenians—their rise, efforts, and failure.
3. "Mr. Gladstone became champion of the Irish." Give a brief account of his efforts as a statesman on their behalf.
4. Reproduce as much as you can of the paragraph beginning: "The Irish Church", cried Mr. Lowe, "is like . . .
1. "A new town—Kimberley—sprang up." What was the cause of its sudden growth?
2. What reasons were given for the annexation of the Transvaal in 1877 and for the restoration of its independence in 1881?
3. Give a brief summary of events which led up to the disaster of (a) Isandhlwana, (b) Majuba.
4. Describe the defence of Rorke's Drift.
5. Who were (a) the leaders, (b) the opponents, of the British in each of the engagements mentioned above (3)?
1. "This is my dream," cried Cecil Rhodes, "all this [from the Cape to the River Zambesi] to be English." Describe the part played by (a) the Mashonaland Pioneers, (b) Dr. Jameson, in making this dream a reality.
2. Give a brief account of the events which led to the death of Major Alan Wilson and his party.
3. Say what you know of each of the following: Scions, Lo-Bengula, Bulawayo, Salisbury.
1. Give a short account of the rise and fall of Arabi Pasha's rebellion.
2. What was the "Dual Control"? How came Britain to have sole control?
3. Write short notes on the Mandi.
4. What was the object of Gordon's mission to Khartum?
5. "He [Gordon] failed gloriously." What events told in this chapter justify this expression?
1. Imagine you had been a spectator at Queen Victoria's Jubilee and describe what you saw.
2. Name some of the Royal Persons mentioned as being in the procession.
3. What is the meaning of the word "Jubilee"? To whom do we owe the idea of a "Jubilee"?
1. It has been said that "to see the procession at Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee was to see all the world". In what sense is this true?
2. "The Queen's wise consent to democratic demands." What do you understand by the words "democratic demands"? Name some of the demands mentioned in the course of this history as having been granted.
3. "Britain stood as the centre of a world-wide Empire." Name some of the parts of the Empire outside the British Isles.
4. Make a list of some of the changes brought about in British life during Queen Victoria's reign.
1. Say what changes had taken place between the time of Queen Victoria's accession and her death, with regard to food, education, crime, newspapers, child labour, conditions of the poor.
2. What is a County Council? Name some of its powers.
3. "Perhaps the greatest change came from the cheapening of food." Name some of the food-stuffs mentioned in this chapter, and the countries from which each is obtained.
1. Below are the names of some famous scientists of Queen Victoria's reign. Give a short note on the work of each. (a) Sir John Herschel, (b) Lord Kelvin, (c) Sir William Hooker, (d) Charles Darwin, (e) Sir Joseph Lister.
2. "At the beginning of Victoria's reign the State took no interest in the public health." Name some of the improvements brought about by the Board of Health.
3. "Surgery was robbed of half its terrors." Comment on this.
4. Complete the following:—(a) Prevention of small-pox by . . . ; (b) new treatment of consumption by . . . ; (e) diminution of cholera by . . . ; (d) preventing the spread of infectious complaints by . . .
5. Name three inventions connected with speedy communication which were in their infancy when Victoria died, but which are now quite common.
1. Contrast the start of Disraeli with that of Gladstone in the race for political power. What were the views of the two statesmen on Free Trade?
2. Name some of the measures brought about under Mr. Gladstone's administration.
3. Give a brief explanation of—"budget", "Free Trade", "Prime Minister", "Chancellor of the Exchequer", "Cabinet", "Reform Bill".
4. On the day that Gladstone died, the world lost its greatest citizen." Can you justify this expression?
1. "In days to come the Egyptian will realize that he owes to Englishmen the creation of a new Egypt." Describe briefly the part played by (a) Lord Cromer, (b) Lord Kitchener, in this creation.
2. Give short notes on—Khalifa, Sirdar, Khedive, Assuan Dam.
3. Give in outline an account of the reconquest of the Sudan. Name some of the results of this reconquest.
1. What was the cause of Sir Garnet Wolseley's expedition against the Ashantis?
2. Give a short description of his march to Kumasi.
3. (A) "The whole of the Niger came under British control." (B) "On January 1, 1900, the whole of Nigeria came under the administration of the Crown." What is the difference in meaning between these two statements? Give a brief summary of events in the basin of the Niger between (A) and (B) above.
4. Write short notes on—Sir Garnet Wolseley, Admiral Rawson, King Prempch.
1. Who were the "Outlanders"? What was their grievance against the Boers?
2. "The Jameson Raid deservedly failed." Say what you know of this raid. What do you think of the expression "deservedly failed"?
3. Give as completely as you can a table of events in South Africa from the time of Lord Milner's appointment to the annexation of the two Republics.
4. In what connexion do the following expressions occur:—(a) "Stagger humanity", (b) "guerrilla warfare", (c) "with the aspect of Kentish hop-pickers and the bearing of heroes"?
1. Give a short account of the part played by railways in the development of Canada.
2. Name some of the causes which have contributed to the rapid increase in prosperity of Canada.
3. What special measure tended to increase the trade between Canada and the other parts of the British Empire?
4. Make a list of the chief productions of Canada.
1. Compare the life of a settler in Australia with that of one in Canada.
2. "The States were separated from each other by six hostile tariffs." What does this mean?
3. Name the steps by which this hostility was overcome.
4. Give an outline of the Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth.
1. "The Queen's wonderful reign." Make a list of—(a) Improvements in social conditions, (b) improvements in methods of communication, (e) additions to the Empire, (d) changes in methods of government effected during Queen Victoria's reign.
2. Queen Elizabeth and Victoria were both great queens. What points of (a) resemblance, (b) difference, do you notice between the achievements of Englishmen under the two queens?
3. Make as complete a list as you can of the military engagements during the reign.
4. "The world has shrunk to a remarkable degree since Victoria ascended the throne." What does this mean?
1. What is the chief difference between the nature of goods sent to, and those received from, our Colonies?
2. What effect has Free Trade on this exchange?
3. Name some of our chief imports from Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, and New Zealand respectively.
4. "Value of sea power." Give a short account of the growth of Britain's sea power during Queen Victoria's reign. Who are our great competitors in this struggle for sea power?
1. Name some of the chief forces mentioned in this chapter which have helped to build up the Empire.
2. What are some of the differences between the Constitution of Britain and that of the great self-governing Colonies?
3. Name parts of the Empire which do not manage their own affairs and say how each is governed.
"She stands a thousand-wintered tree, By countless morns impearled, Her broad roots coil beneath the sea, Her branches sweep the world." William Watson, England and her Colonies. |
4. Show from a map of the world and the table at the end of the last chapter that the above is a poetic expression of actual facts.