Cause of World Unrest - Nesta Webster |
The Russian Revolution overshadows, of course, all others of modern times, and in a previous chapter evidence was submitted to show that the Bolsheviks who engineered it are in an overwhelming majority Jews, and that their plan of campaign is to a considerable extent based upon the directions laid down in the Protocols of the "Learned Elders of Zion." It now remains to discuss some other revolutionary movements in our day and to see what features and agents they had in common, and how far they can be traced to the same organization or organizations which brought Lenin and Trotsky to the Kremlin and made Moscow the revolutionary storm centre of the world.
Prior to and following the war, there have been revolutions or serious revolutionary outbreaks in Turkey, Portugal, Prussia, Bavaria, and Hungary, and there have been serious conspiracies in many other countries, notably in Holland, Switzerland, and only this year in France and Denmark. In all of these foreign influences played a notable part, and the question arises whether if these foreign influences had been absent the revolutions would have been successful or necessary.
Because a revolution occurs it does not follow that it was either desirable or inevitable. The metaphor of a bacillus attacking a "run-down" body seems to fit. A State becomes weak, corrupt, insecure, and immediately the revolutionary bacilli flock to the enfeebled organism and begin the process of disintegration. In some of these States, notably in Bavaria and Hungary, the revolutions had a short life, and the bacilli were soon expelled. But in others, Turkey and Portugal, they came to stay. As to Portugal, it may be a moot point to some whether their invasion has been to the benefit of the State. But in Turkey there can be no doubt. The revolutionaries who seized Constantinople and deposed Abdul Hamid sold their country in bondage to the German. Enver and Talaat and the others were the willing instruments of Bieberstein and Wangenheim. The Turkish Revolution was the knell of the Turkish Empire. The example of Turkey, in a word, seems to remind us that a revolution may not be a healthful though drastic process but a scourge.
The Turkish Revolution, it can be stated emphatically, was almost entirely the work of a Masonic-Jewish conspiracy. The Young Turks, who consisted chiefly of Jews, Greeks, and Armenians, did not meet in the beginning with much success in their schemes, and it was not until they came in contact with Continental Freemasonry that things began to move. The following quotation from the well-known French Masonic review Acacia (October, 1908, No. 70) explains succinctly what was going on:
"A secret Young Turk Committee was founded, and the whole movement was directed from Salonika, as the town which has the greatest percentage of Jewish population in Europe—70,000 Jews out of a total population of 110,000—was specially qualified for this purpose. Besides, there were many Freemason lodges in Salonika in which the revolutionaries could work undisturbed. These lodges were under the protection of European diplomacy, the Sultan was defenceless against them, and he could not any more prevent his own downfall."
Indeed, one can go so far as to say that the Committee of Union and Progress was practically born in the Masonic lodge called "Macedonia Risorta" established by the Salonika Jew, Emmanuele Carasso. The same review to which we have referred above mentioned in 1907 that though Freemasonry was forbidden in Turkey there were two lodges in Salonika under the Grand Orient of Italy, the one we have mentioned above, and the other the Lodge "Labor et Lux." It is interesting to note that Carasso afterwards formed part of the Commission that deposed Abdul Hamid.
Further information concerning the part that these Masonic lodges played in the Revolution is given in an interview which the Paris Temps of August 20, 1908, published with Refik Bey, one of the leading members of the Committee of Union and Progress. The correspondent of the Temps asked him about the part played by Freemasonry in the Revolution, and he replied:
"It is true that we found moral support in Freemasonry, especially in Italian Freemasonry. The two Italian lodges, 'Macedonia Risorta* and 'Labor et Lux,' rendered us real service and offered us a refuge. We met there as Masons, for many of us are Freemasons, but in reality we met to organize ourselves. Besrles, we chose a great part of our comrades from these lodges, which served our Committee as a sifting-machine by reason of the care with which they made their inquiries about individuals. At Constantinople, the secret work that went on at Salonika was vaguely suspected, and police agents tried in vain to obtain an entrance. Besides, these lodges applied to the Grand Orient of Italy, which promised in case of need to procure the intervention of the Italian Embassy."
The Committee of Union and Progress retained after the Revolution its Masonic and largely Jewish character. As a striking instance of its influence, we may mention that Ahmed Riza Bey, the President of the Chamber, refused to use the word "Allah" in taking the oath prescribed by the Constitution, on the ground that, like Senhor Machado in Portugal, he was a Positivist. Here, then, is a curious link between revolutionary Portugal and revolutionary Turkey.
Then came the counter-revolution of 1909, and it is interesting to note that the mutinous outbreak of April 13th of that year, which was attributed by the Committee to Abdul Hamid, was really led by troops of the Salonika Committee commanded by a Salonika Jew and Freemason, Colonel Renzi Bey. At any rate, immediately after the crushing of the counter-revolution the Jewish elements of the Committee of Union and Progress acquired more and more importance.
Djavid Bey, the Finance Minister; Talaat Bey, the President of the Committee Party, who was perhaps more responsible than anyone else for handing over Turkey to Germany and thus encompassing her ruin; Djahid Bey, Editor of the Tanin, were all Masons, and the first named was a Jew. Political Masonic lodges sprang up like mushrooms all over Constantinople, and on April ist of that year (1909), representatives of 45 Turkish lodges met in Constantinople and founded the "Grand Orient Ottoman." Mahomed Orphi Pasha was elected Grand Master, and the following "Turks" were elected among the highest officials: David Cohen, Raphaelo Ricci, Nicholas Forte, Marchione, Jacob Souhami, George Sursock. The Jew Djavid Bey, who later became Turkish Minister of Finance was elected Master of one of the Constantinople lodges.
Terrorism and intimidation of every kind followed, and here Constantinople links itself up with Moscow and Budapest. The Ministry of Police was abolished and replaced by a "Public Security Department" on French Republican lines, and put under the direction of Ghalid Bey, a Freemason. It may be noted that the imitation of the French Revolution in many ways by the Young Turk is another interesting link in the revolutionary chain. For example, a Committee Senator proposed to abolish the word "subject" and replace it by the French "citoyen," while the first "Young Turkey" issue of coins had the motto "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternity" inscribed on them.
And here we may again quote from the first Protocol:
"Far back in ancient times, we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. ' ... In all corners of the earth the words ' Liberty, Equality, Fraternity* brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were cankerworms at work boring into the well-being of the goyim, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity, and destroying all the foundations of the goyim States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph; it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card—the destruction of the privileges, or, in other words, of the very existence of the aristocracy of the goyim, that class which was the only defence peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the goyim we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class, headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force."
Furthermore, the Press was put under the control of the "Directeur de la Presse Anterieur, , called Nejib Fazli Bui, while the foreign Press was handed over to another Jew. Djavid Bey, the Minister of Finance, had a Jewish Mason, Messim Russo, as chef de Cabinet, and the Committee Party in the Chamber contained ninety Freemasons who voted as directed by Talaat. Within the Cabinet, there gradually was formed an inside Masonic Cabinet composed of Talaat, Djavid, the Sheik-ul-Islam, Moussa, Kiasim, and Mahmud Mukhtar Bey, Minister of Marine.
The Protocols speak of an inner or a Jewish Masonry, the true governing power, and an outer or Gentile Masonry, which blindly follows the lead of a direction it does not suspect. The Grand Vizier, Hilmi Pasha, who showed some signs of rebellion, disappeared and was replaced by Hakki Pasha with a Jewish private secretary, whose brotherin-law, Jacques Menashe, was the go-between of Djavid Bey, the Minister of Finance, in negotiations for the loan with the Bernhard Dreyfus group in Paris, and in other matters of finance and concession. In a word, the Turkish State was held in a Judaeo-Masonic group which extended its power to the provinces by the creation of a network of lodges and clubs.
One or two other points in connection with the Turkish Revolution are worth noting. Immediately after the deposition of Abdul Hamid two papers were started in Constantinople, the German-Jewish organ, the Osmanischer Lloyd, edited by a German Jew, Dr. Moritz Grunwald, and the Jeune Turc (Young Turk), whose proprietor was Sami Hochberg, an Ashkenazin Freemasonic Jew. Both papers were upholders of Turkish Masonry and Zionism, and the Jeune Turc certainly aimed at the creation of a Judaeo-Turkish State which would subjugate the other populations in the Turkish Empire.
At that period, too, a Jew named Santo Semo, who was at one time on Sir W. Willcocks's Irrigation staff, gave conferences in Constantinople, Salonika, and other places, and strove to poison the Turkish mind against everything British in Mesopotamia. The "Agence Ottomane," the "Turkish" official agency which was managed by a Bagdad Jew named Salih Guirgi, was busy with the same game.
It is unnecessary to emphasize again how this combination joined itself up with the Germans, but one quotation may be given from the Salonika correspondent of the Morning Post in a message from him which was published on May 19, 1911. He said:
"The Army officers and the Turks have long been displeased at the prominence acquired by individuals who are not regarded as true Turks, and whose connections with the Jews of Europe have been considered as facilitating Zionism. The Turks believe Zionism to aim at the establishment of a Jewish State in Asia Minor, and suspect that the Jewish colonies which the Zionists are planting in Syria are destined to be centres of foreign and especially German influence, for the Turks have long noticed the curious fact that the Jews, particularly the Ashkenazim or Russo-Polish-German Jews, are all partisans of the German Empire."
These, indeed, were prophetic words, and readers of the German Press will find any number of articles cordially approving from a German point of view the creation of such a Zionist State.
There just remains one more development to add. "Constantinople," says one of the protocols, "is the eighth and last stage towards Jerusalem." Now one of the latest issues of the Moscow Pravda received in London contains the report of a meeting held recently in the Great Hall of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, during which Bukharin, speaking on behalf of the Soviet of People's Commissars, declared that the Bolsheviks are aiming at the reconstruction of a great and powerful Socialist Russia, which cannot exist if she does not hold the Straits of Constantinople. A member of the audience interrupted the speaker by crying: "That is Miliukov's policy." Bukharin called the interrupter a blackguard who does not wish to realize the interests of proletarian Russia. "If Miliukov would consent to work with us we would gladly give him a place of honour in our ranks," declared Bukharin.
According to the Daily Express, Mustafa Kemal Pasha issued from Angora on July 8, 1920, a long proclamation addressed to the "Brothers of Islam and Communist Comrades." He said:
"Communist Comrades, an abominable crime is about to be perpetrated. The Great Powers have decided to exterminate a fresh victim, whose blood will be sucked by the capitalists of Europe. Our peasants are dying, weapon in hand. They can be sure that the days are near at hand when Islam, the ally of Communism, will avenge them."
Later, Mustafa Kemal issued this further proclamation (Morning Post, July 20th):
"We have armies ready to march from Persia to Anatolia. After the Bolshevist victory in Poland the Bolsheviks will enter Roumania. The Roumanians will answer the call to arms by a general strike. The Bulgars, too, are ready to unite with the Bolsheviks. The aim of our armies is to guard our independence and deliver the capital from the British."
In 1910 came the turn of Portugal. Here, again, there is overwhelming evidence that the force at the back of the Revolution was Continental Freemasonry. Dr. Friedrich Wichtl, in his book Welt-freimauerei, Welt Revolution, Welt-republik, says:
"Some readers may ask us which were then those circles which contributed the most to the downfall of the Portuguese Royal family? They are the leading families of the Castros, the Costas, Cohens, Peireras, Ferreiras, Teixeras, Fousesas,etc. They have many widespread branches besides Portugal, also in Spain, Holland, England, etc., and in America, where they occupy prominent positions. They are all related to each other, they are all united by the mutual ties of Freemasonry and . . . the Alliance Israelite Universelle."
This close connection between Portuguese Republicanism and Continental Freemasonry was indeed apparent from the outbreak of the Revolution. Senhor Magalhaes Lima, a Masonic Grand Master, was one of the chiefs of the Portuguese Republican Party and its delegate in France. He was in Paris during the outbreak on October 3, 1910, and in a pamphlet which he published at that time, entitled Republican Portugal, he said:
"This Revolution will bear fruits, for the proclamation of the Republic in Portugal will not be an isolated case. It will have a world-wide effect, and first of all in Spain."
Another prominent revolutionary was Senhor Luciano de Castro, a reputed Monarchist, who, however, did much to bring discredit to the Monarchy. We have already referred to Senhor Bernardino Machado, the President of the Republic and a prominent Freemason.
The violent anti-Christian character of the Republic, particularly in its early days, is too well-known to need recapitulation. What, perhaps, is not so familiar is the close connection of the Germans with the whole movement and the use which was made of it in the German Press immediately on its outbreak for the purpose of discrediting England, the untrustworthy ally of Portugal, which was unable to save its King. Germany then began to lay its grip on the Portuguese colonies, just as she began to seize the Turkish administration immediately after the triumph of the Young Turks.
Readers of the Lichnowsky Apologia will recall how the former German Ambassador in London, in a deal which does not reflect much credit on British diplomacy and on loyalty to an ally, was able, early in 1914, to effect with Great Britain a division of the Portuguese colonies conditional on Portugal's acceptance. It was a daring move, too, for a member of the Entente Cordiale to propose, for the proposed division would have seriously jeopardized in favour of Germany the French African possessions, and it is now almost a matter of history that strong representations were made by Paris to Sir Edward Grey (as he then was) on the subject.
Fortunately, the proposed deal never came off, because the Wilhelmstrasse, or, rather, the German General Staff, fearing that such a diplomatic agreement might postpone indefinitely the Great Day, vetoed the negotiations. But though Germany refused to accept the agreement, she still kept an eye on the colonies, and through her friends at Lisbon had begun a campaign for their seizure by the favourite device of sending missions, which were actually in Africa when the war broke out.
Thus in both these revolutions we see an alien movement seizing authority and overthrowing the established forms of Government and religion and the predatory German coming in to seize the spoils.
In the revolutions in Prussia, Bavaria, and Hungary, the influence of the alien authority, which in this case is openly that of the Bolsheviks, will be traced.