Andrew Jackson


Hero of the Battle of New Orleans, President of U.S., and founder of Democratic Party.

Other Resources

Story Links
Book Links
Young Scout  in  Fifty Famous People  by  James Baldwin
Andrew Jackson  in  Four American Patriots  by  Alma Holman Burton
War with the Creek Nation  in  Indian History for Young Folks  by  Francis S. Drake
Andrew Jackson  in  A First Book in American History  by  Edward Eggleston
Old Hickory  in  America First—100 Stories from Our History  by  Lawton B. Evans
Jackson Stories  in  Story of the Great Republic  by  H. A. Guerber
Jackson—"Liberty and Union, Now and Forever" in  This Country of Ours  by  H. E. Marshall
How Old Hickory Fought the Creeks  in  Historical Tales: American II  by  Charles Morris
Andrew Jackson  in  True Stories of Our Presidents  by  Charles Morris
End of the War  in  American History Stories, Volume III  by  Mara L. Pratt
Andrew Jackson  in  American History Stories, Volume III  by  Mara L. Pratt
Andrew Jackson  in  Builders of Our Country: Book II  by  Gertrude van Duyn Southworth
Winning of the West  in  Growth of the British Empire  by  M. B. Synge

Image Links

I shall not be the servant of any Englishman who ever lived'
 in Fifty Famous People

Andrew Jackson
 in Four American Patriots

Andrew Jackon in 1814
 in Indian History for Young Folks

Andrew Jackson makes his Own Weapons
 in A First Book in American History

Jackson and the British Officer
 in A First Book in American History

Weatherford Surrenders to General Jackson
 in A First Book in American History

Jackson and the Wagoners
 in Story of the Great Republic

Jackson and the French ambassador
 in Story of the Great Republic
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
 in Back Matter

Jackson's Birthplace
 in Historical Tales: American II

Andrew Jackson
 in True Stories of Our Presidents

Andrew Jackson
 in Four American Indians

General Jackson keeping watch of the enemy from the roof of his headquarters in New Orleans
 in Builders of Our Country: Book II

Andrew Jackson
 in Builders of Our Country: Book II