Martin Luther


Leader of the Protestant Reformation. Excommunicated by Catholic Church.

Other Resources

Story Links
Book Links
Martin Luther the Reformer in  Stories from German History  by   Florence Aston
Boy Who Sung for Breakfast  in  The Story of Liberty  by  Charles C. Coffin
Plans that Did Not Come to Pass  in  The Story of Liberty  by  Charles C. Coffin
Martin Luther  in  Christian Persecutions  by  Asa Craig
Reformation  in  Germany: Peeps at History  by  John Finnemore
Luther, 1483-1546  in  Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages  by  George Hodges
Charles V  in  The History of Germany  by  Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
Beginning of the Reformation  in  The Story of Europe  by  Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
Luther and the Indulgences  in  Historical Tales: German  by  Charles Morris
Story of Martin Luther  in  The Awakening of Europe  by  M. B. Synge

Image Links

Luther Burning the Pope's Bull
 in Stories from German History

Martin Luther
 in Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages
Martin Luther burning pages
Martin Luther burning pages
 in Back Matter
Luther Introduced to the Home of Frau Cotta
Luther Introduced to the Home of Frau Cotta
 in Back Matter
Martin Luther before the Council of Worms
Martin Luther before the Council of Worms
 in Back Matter

Statue of Luther at Worms
 in Historical Tales: German

Martin Luther
 in Martin Luther

Luther burning the Pope's bull at Wittenberg
 in The Tudors and the Stuarts