Archbishop Langton

(Stephen Langton)


Archbishop who rallied opposition to king John and forced him to sign Magna Carta.

Other Resources

Story Links
Book Links
King John and the Magna Charta  in  Thirty More Famous Stories Retold  by  James Baldwin
Magna Charta  in  Stories from English History  by  Alfred J. Church
Langton, 1170-1221  in  Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages  by  George Hodges
King John and the Barons  in  Patriots and Tyrants  by  Marion Florence Lansing
Story of Stephen Langton  in  Tales from Canterbury Cathedral  by  Mrs. Frewen Lord
John Lackland—The Story of the Great Charter  in  Our Island Story  by  H. E. Marshall
Magna Carta signed by King John  in  European Hero Stories  by  Eva March Tappan

Image Links

The Magna Carta
 in Thirty More Famous Stories Retold

John signing the Magna Carta
 in Famous Men of the Middle Ages

 in Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages

The Great Charter was sealed with the King's seal.
 in Our Island Story

Archbiship Langton Reading the Law of the Land to the Barons
 in European Hero Stories