Rollo the Viking

d. 931

Viking Leader who was granted the Dukedom of Normandy if he became Christian.

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Book Links
How Normandy Came By its Name  in  Old Time Tales  by  Lawton B. Evans
Rollo the Viking  in  Famous Men of the Middle Ages  by  John H. Haaren
Deeds of the Northmen  in  The Story of the Middle Ages  by  Samuel B. Harding
Rollo the Viking  in  Barbarian and Noble  by  Marion Florence Lansing
Vikings Besiege Paris  in  The Story of France  by  Mary Macgregor
Northmen in France and England  in  The Story of Europe  by  Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall
Raids of the Sea-Rovers  in  Historical Tales: German  by  Charles Morris
Hardy Northmen  in  The Discovery of New Worlds  by  M. B. Synge
Rollo the Viking Makes Settlements in France  in  European Hero Stories  by  Eva March Tappan